Sup Forums decides

That time of year comes again and I get my tax return. This means I get to frivolously buy a game!

I've narrowed it down to Nier automata and Horizon. You, Sup Forums, get to decide which one I get. Tell me which one you would get and why, the game that gets the most compelling arguments wins.

>your argument cannont be SJW or anti SJW based. Ive heard all those already
>no "those games are shit, here is another game I think is better", its between these 2 ONLY.
>attacking a game if you dont like it is allowed but attacking both is not as it defeats the purpose

thats it!

Other urls found in this thread:

just get nier I'm not a fan of platnuim games but it looks better than horizon the generic rpg

NieR if story and music are most important, HzD if graphics and open world are most important.

Nier. Its a solid 8/10 game and i hate open world games with a passion with very few exceptions so im not gonna petition for sony shit.

could of gotten both and free game if you did target buy two get one free deal last week.

fuck off retard

Just buy whatever you like

Or take your le community event shit to leddit


Your tax return is only $59.99+tax? Wow.

Nier is about 2b heavy action and yoko taro being weird as always... horizon on the other hand

Did you only get a $60 tax return?

Get Nier. It's got good combat and the story is weird and constantly interesting.

Horizon is such a generic "open world" game that it might as well of been made by Ubisoft.

Why the fuck is it my job to convince you what to buy? I do not care about you or what game you purchase.


>recommending a 900p game on PS4

It's fucking Taro, why the fuck do you expect anything good out of it?

Nier 2 doesn't dip that much in FPS if you actually fucking played it and is 60 fps. Ill take that with 900p even if its sad over a 30fps meme open world game.

Also its pretty much the only truly solid Taro game because it plays decently even if it is Bayonetta lite.

NieR. Good gameplay, great story, phat ass androids. What more could you want from a game?

its more than that but I try not to waste it

canada fag. we dont have target here anymore. read into that if you want a laugh

I figured that a thread like this might be a good break from shitting on the switch/console warring in general

>being proud of horizon subpar 30 fps
900p is necesary cause the ps4 is shit and is the only way to sustain 60fps, its not platinum fault, since the ps3 they had trouble like this , ho


>go into nier thread to see what people like about it to help myself decide if it's worth getting
>nothing but waifushit in every thread
so the game isn't good then? nobody ever mentions the gameplay or story being good

I have spent over 40 hours on Nier and have yet to get the actual ending nor beat the secret boss.

Horizon has nothing interesting to do outside walking the paved path to each major event.
I beat the game in less than 20 hours and have no desire to play it again. It is a glorified movie being sold as a open world game.

Variety. A story that wasn't cliche as fuck and shit to boot. A game that you don't have to replay exactly the same 6 times through for a different 10 minutes ending each time.

one has fan service the other does not. you know the answer you're going to get. what a shit fucking thread

>I can't make my own decisions so make them for me

No wonder your tax return is fucking peanuts

I think you might have been playing a different game, friend.

The only good thing in Taro games are the soundtracks by Okabe.

Nothing else is worth playing.

OP here, so far im seeing a hell of alot of arguments for Nier. Either this was an easy decision or the "for horizon" crowd needs to pick it up

Played both... My argument is simple.

NieR: Automata has a soul.

Horizon: Zero Dawn doesn't.

Horizon is a product of typical triple A mindset. Art assets made first, reasoning behind everything existing bullshitted in afterwards. And its subtle but you can feel it every time the game tries to act like it's world is bigger than it really is. Hamfisted explainations for everything everywhere.

Nier by comparison is a rejection and rebellion of that very same triple A mindset. It puts things most of us claim we wished were the focus point forward and doesn't care if you feel a tad uncomfortable.

If you want cheap instant gratification that is flooding the mainstream go for Horizon.

If you want something that has a chance to make you feel something then go for Nier.

Personally I felt Horizon was a waste of my money... And I usually love archery based games.

You know that you can make this same argument for Taylor Swift - 1989 vs Kid Cudi - Speedin Bullet 2 Heaven

Just because something is "original" and "not for corporate gain" doesn't make it good and DEFINITELY doesn't make it worth your money.

Can't play games when MC is a girl.

I'll just buy Nier for PS3.

>still types up all this shit

>even considering horizon in the first place

Its revegeance level combat, its fun so theres nothing more to say besides play it and git gud.
Since that is the general consensus we can do some waifufagging until someone discovers a ne meta

If you like Skyrim and Far Cry you'll like Horizon. If not, you won't.
That's about it.
Haven't played Nier yet.

>it's a "he skimmed the reviews and pretends to have an actual player's opinion of the game" episode

Look those support for Nier, wow full of arguments.

Really where is your standards for other games sigh.

nice blog post loser

I would buy NieR because it has
>better gameplay
>better story
>better characters
>more emotions
>more style

HZD on the other hand has
>better graphics
>better open world
>more ingame hours

Nier is super appealing to me, whereas HZD is sometimes really fucking frustrating and annoying because of all glitches and poorly executed gameplay mechanics

Open world meme is getting old so Nier is better

Yeah also Nier has 10/10 soundtrack and HZD ost is pretty meh

> Better Gameplay
> Better Story


Did everything the game had to offer and got every ending in 23 hours. I regret spending 60 dollars plus tax on it when it's clearly a 30 dollar budget game.

Nice strawman, mind if I set that fucker on fire?

SquareEnix is a corperation... Duh?

At no point did I speak of originality or any such falacious nonsense.

Try again.

Recently played both of these, enjoyed both of them immensely

I honestly think it depends on what you want out of the game. Horizon's best and probably only marketable aspect is hunting robots, which in almost all regards is fun, but is hampered by the other generic aspects of it's world. Bad characters, bad face animations, generic crafting system and map system, and overall lacks of polish for certain aspects of the combat like stealth and melee. It's worth a $30-40 price if you really think the combat is fun but otherwise it's not worth the purchase if you want a whole experience besides a competent story and funish gameplay

Nier is entirely a different beast. The gameplay is very good but lacks a lot of umph that I think platnium games need but is certainly fun. While it has it's moment in your first 2 playthroughs, the meat of the game and true fulfillment of it's story comes in once you are further in. Everything else about the game is top notch, music, story, characters, all good, hell even the side quest while MMO in task design can punch you in the gut with the implications. Nier is a very somber and I would say even poetic experience, something no matter the cost you should experience if you enjoy that type of storytelling. It's gameplay is fun but I wouldn't sell you on it

Variety unlike horizon, where you get stuck with a bow and slingshot for the entire fucking game

nier's world is just as empty as any other open world game

get it if you want what its a fun game

>I clearly didn't buy horizon and only spent 4 hours in nier
Fuck off retard this thread is only for people that played both.

>Fuck off retard this thread is only for people that played both.
OP here, its really not. If you played one then tell me why you would recomend it/wouldnt recommend it. obviously playing both makes your oppinion more rounded but its not necessary

Horizon = playable popcorn movie
Nier = an actual video game

all you need to know

Wow you are 13-16 aren't you?

well then tell me what other weapons you can load beside a bow and a slingshot

Are you new here? You smell new.

Don't worry lil fag, you'll get there eventually. Keep on trying! You can do it!

Nier = playable popcorn movie
Horizon = an actual video game

all you need to know

Nier has fun gameplay
Horizon doesn't, it's essentially a simplified version of Witcher 3 and Far Cry 3
Nier has a good story, good voice acting and good animations
Horizon has Bioware voice acting, story and animations ( case in point
Nier has good music
Horizon has cliche, boring "Epic" music that looks like it was put together by a 12 year old for his "epic" movie project
Nier has waifus
Horizon has ugly people everywhere

4 times.
Different characters and view point on the same events for 2 of the endings.
The next two endings start the game after the first two endings and you will play as a new character with a new story as well as one of the original characters from the first two endings.

It's like you didn't play it and are just parroting bullshit you heard from every other shitbird regurgitating this shit.
There are 26 ending. 22 of them are jokes that don't force you to restart the game after getting as well as fast forwards the credits.

If you want a fun GAME with a good story. Get Nier.

If you want Bioware Story and animations, get Horizon.

>your argument cannont be SJW or anti SJW based. Ive heard all those already
>no "those games are shit, here is another game I think is better", its between these 2 ONLY.
>attacking a game if you dont like it is allowed but attacking both is not as it defeats the purpose

1. Fuck you
2. Fuck you
3. Fuck you
4. Suck my balls

No really, i have both and i can safely say Nier is the way to go.

this actually sounds neat, kinda like what that ps3 game folklore tried to do.

And you're still replaying the same exact shit with the same horrible level design and terrible open world and with the same exact watered down piss easy combat. It's a fucking 30 dollar budget game. It looks like one. It plays like one. It must be one.

You got 26 endings in 23 hours.
I'm 40 hours in and I haven't got ending C yet and I have been focusing side quests.
Tell me something about the shit in the game.

Get none of those.
You don't deserve it.

your a shithead but your opinion is valued, thank you.

>same exact watered down piss easy combat.
Each character plays differently.
The world changes after various events. Opening up new areas and new enemies to fight as well has new mostly voiced Side missions.

You clearly didn't play it.

OP, if you want to chill after the day of work with beer and chips in front of your tv - buy HZD.
If you want to play a proper video game - buy Nier.

He's not playing shadow of horizon: assassin's dawn.

buttmad commie. would you rather my refund have been given to some poor sod?

too bad, im getting a game. amd from the looks of it it will be NIER but there is still room for someone to drop a dealbreaking nuke.

Horizon is really fun on hardest difficulty, you have to be pretty tactical and set up kill zones for the dinos and is a really pretty game, you'll also get a lot more hours from this game. It has some flaws like bad facial animations and forgettable NPCs but it's not a bad game by any means.

Nier's world has been far more empty so far, however the combat, story and soundtrack makeup for it imo.

It really depends what you like, I haven't finished either but so far I'd say they're both 8/10 (I have a lot less play time on nier since I gave up for 2 days trying to complete the prologue on hard)

Horizon is goty easy choice


>each character plays differently
Lol no they don't
>new areas and new enemies
Yeah five minute detours and reskins sure were worth playing through that mediocre slop again!

hi user we obviously know you can repeat the various shitposting fodder from the review threads so you can leave anytime, no one actually believes you played the game.

Get horizon it's the meatier game, nier is a shallow arcady slash em up, with a lack luster open world.

Every single time someone says something bad about a game you ignorant fanboys scream that they didn't play it as if that's some magic sentence that will make the bad people go away

>Horizon is goty


Easiest choice in the world OP

Get Persona 5 Instead

Who opens the Tower for you and why are they important? Should be an easy question if you actually played the game.

because what you're saying is so utterly nonsensical that it's almost improbable you played the game at all

Sup Forums doesn't know shit about games Nier is shit Horizon is amazing

asside from breaking the rules I already have that on pre order

>INB4 pre order meme
i wanted my steelbook

man far cry primal 2: robo revenge is fucking crazy, tell me all about it user.

>the "for horizon" crowd needs to pick it up
Don't worry, as seen as the one HZD fan we have here wakes up he's going to flood the thread with bullshots.

>I got my tax refund and now I get to frbilously buy a game
>A game
>As in one

Such an exciting and daring life you lead did you only get 70 from the refund or something!

both are good, horizon is a bit better but nier needs support more than horizon does

Better than having to pay like I do

this is why your poor and still in your moms basement... incase you were ever wondering

This statement is logical.
If you think Sup Forums doesn't know shit about games and therefore you don't like Sup Forums essentials - you will like HZD more than NieR.

2B is your basic fighter. Two weapon fighter, Can self destruct. Nothing special about her compared to A2.
9S Can hack enemies. Which consists of a hacking mini game every time you do. Hacking has various effects. Such as stunning, blowing them up, making them friends or taking direct control. Can't wield more than one weapon at a time. His weapon attacks are different from 2B's.
A2 has a longer dash that allows her to temporarily deal more damage at the end of it. Her self destruct ability is replaced with the Berserk system. Massively boosting damage but draining her health and massive defense decrease. She is the only character that can taunt, Pissing off enemies within range and boosting your attack and lowering your defense against them. Her attack style is the same as 2Bs.

You clearly didn't play the game.

Shitposting aside HZD is a 6/10. Nier is a 7/10.

> Nier is good, Horizon is shit

> Horizon is good
> You have shit taste

OP at this point you could already tell that you can't really ask any thing here.

Horizon feels like Farcry 3. But a shittier version with nicer graphics.
Except made by Bioware rejects

Nier is like a cheap version of a modern action game. It's fun and has obviously been focused on making an actual game and not a cinematic piece of shit. However, it's lack of funding shows through all the time.

Get Nier if you want a video game. Get Horizon if you want a boring movie.
Get Nier if you want a challenge. Get Horizon if you want skim through everything on even the hardest difficulty.

Any Metacritic says otherwise

I own and enjoy both! I think it's really all a matter of your personal taste.

Do you enjoy Japanese games more or Western? Which one looks more interesting based on the trailers and visuals? You a fan of the cutesy anime look?

Do you like gameplay that's stealthy and trappy with lots of archery and sparse melee or would you enjoy more frenetic/fast paced combat where you gotta chain combos and use swords/guns?

Just watch trailers/gameplay videos and decide which looks like more fun. I think either is a safe bet.

The actual differences in game are so.miniscule it's akin to saying it'd be okay for street fighter to have only akuma, Ryu and Ken as fighters.

>playable popcorn movie
what the fuck does this mean

OP here, i dunno about that. Im finding all this very enligtening. for instance, the NIER crowd mostly formulates a few points as to why they think the game is worth it and conveys them well whereas the horizon crowd adopts the "lol NIER is shit horizon is better" tactic.

by far the played both crowd drops the best info like this gem

So you didn't play the game.
Got it.


You were asked a basic yet important question about the story of the game and didn't respond so it's obvious you didn't play the game and are just making shit up. Literally no one believes you so just stop.

But you can't refute it can you.

>that music


If you want the Horizon crowd to come out of the woodwork to defend their shitty game, you should have mentioned Zelda somewhere in the OP.

at least try if your're going to shill for a game bruh