Gyehehe, stahp it, Applejack that tickles!
Gyehehe, stahp it, Applejack that tickles!
What happened to the Tomoko poster? i would always see that little boy shitpost Sup Forums
OP posted a Canadian cartoon though.
Best of Sup Forums
That sense of comforting familiarty that routine shitposting brings...
Could you not call this a form of love?
Or maybe insanity.
name one game
What's this from?
His pakistani ass is permabanned, he still posts his profile sometimes before getting banned again
The daily reminders of Sup Forums on /mlp/ were comfy, until the guy posting it died or something.
>you will never tape a girl's arms to the wall and blow raspberries all over her tummy
>Chinese cartoon
American Touhou
That pretty much went for every off-topic thread on /mlp/
Just lick that horsepussy already you fucking dyke.
boku no poni
>That sense of comforting familiarty that routine shitposting brings...
This thread just makes me feel kind of old, to be honest.
>MLP shitposting was at its peak in 2011
>2011 was 6 years ago
Pedo scum.
Sounds fun. Where do I start?
There you are, you little silly boy~
Cebruz? He got rangebanned a while back.
Hopefully he tries to kill himself again.
it's disconcerting how much so many people know about a steam bf collector
please tell me you're just one guy
Huh? Are you that new you don't remember him shitting tons of threads? Of course people remember him, his autistic behavior is only challenged by other annoying namefags/tripfags
No, the rough details of most of the notably awful shitposters are usually pretty widely known.
>that one time where one of these threads went unnoticed for 700 posts, the forbidden pyro was posted and so was bobbing for tommy
good times. filtered every thread afterwards though.
Kiwi got Goldson's phone number now. He was dumb enough use it to shitpost. I'm sure his actual address will come next.
He's really bad at keeping his identity safe.
Holy shit
Where the fuck is Lee? I'm having withdrawals already.
I thought that guy just making up shit.
Fucking leaf posters
He's sleeping.
He's usually sleeping at this hour.
>32 minutes ago
Good work Goonsquad, doing a great job looking after Sup Forums.
There's a trap thread now too. But even shitposting threads are boring around this hour.
If barneyfag wasn't such an autist who would honestly care about MLP in 20 fucking 17 on 4chins?
no lee, no fun.
i wouldn't be sad if mods killed this thread.
>There's a trap thread now too
Already reported and make a post in that thread of the same nature as the post in this thread.
At least they enforced a filter to protect the feelings of Nintendo fanboys. That sure made Sup Forums a better place.
I hope rapeape gets hit by a fucking truck.
Newfag please. Horsefuckers are contemporary furfags.
My little glue factory: Capitalism is magic
ayooo, hold up, applesack. dat gun be ticklin
>Horsefuckers are contemporary furfags.
t. furfag
Day of the rake when?
I use to be part of the fandom in 2011/2012 when the fad was in full force and even normies loved the show. It's basically dead now and only true autists watch it.
The porn is still godlike though.
I expected the MLP phase to die within a month the show aired didn't expect it to take 7 years. Not even just on Sup Forums but I don't see it spammed as much on sites nowadays.
It's 7 in the morning. You are probably thinking because it's a big board, there has to be lots of moderators, but it's not. Hard to believe, but it's really difficult to find people who will work for free and not just trying to do damage and bail in the first day.
I like the anthro and humanized stuff myself.
doesn't hirohito make thousands of dollars a day now that everything is datamined and sold?
The fandom was dead around 2015. Whats left is just pure concentrated autism.
the fad died out but the show its still pretty good
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
I want these fags fucking dead
The fad hoppers went away, but the fanbase is still as active as your average show. The video of S6's finale got 2.4M views in about 4 months.
Turns out that anyone that actually likes the show won't try to shitpost with it. Shitposters back in the day used ponies because they were good to make people mad, but that's it.
I was in that thread too. Fucking mods didn't appear for like 2 hours, catalog was normalfag central. I can't remember if Barneyfag appeared and went nuclear though
Heya Barneyfag, how's the dogfuckin goin?
He doesn't make shit. It's not fucking google or microsoft. Retard bought sinking ship. Probably barely manage to pay for hosting.
>Shitposters back in the day used ponies because they were good to make people mad, but that's it.
Sounds like the current state of Sup Forums with wojak and pepe images.
I really hate Barneyfags
Is this guy retarded? Has he never seen what lurks beyond his basement? I'm pretty sure that happens daily.
Barney's Hide and Seek
Someone post the nazi edit with "gyehehe, stahp it, Adolf"