Is Jontron """"our guy""""?

Is Jontron """"our guy""""?

no he's a drumph supporter and we don't tolerate racism here

Literally who?

if you post in this thread your mom will die in her sleep tonight

Go back to your subreddit you autistic newfag

I did not post in this thread.

One of the most punchable faces out there, up there with CWC and Maximilian_dood

Why is this shit allowed here? This fat faggot gets posted way too often.

Obergruppenfuhrer Jonathan Aryan Jafari is literally /ourguy/

Try asking Sup Forums. We don't care.

Jon "i fucking hate black niggers" Jafari


>Sup Forumsack


>black niggers
As opposed to white niggers?

He would be if he uploaded more

Jon loves white niggers

>before Sup Forums and after Sup Forums

Reminder that only redditors are getting triggered by him

ive reviewed the documents and this guy is dumb as hell

>direct order from moot

He looks like a jew. Is he a jew?
