You must gather your party before venturing into Baldur's gate thread.
You must gather your party before venturing into Baldur's gate thread
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Who was best girl
It's another "I have no idea what spells my cleric should use, so she gets only healing spells" episode.
Poor Viconia
My only experience with Baldur's gate was when I was around 7 and I played it at my older cousin's house. I remember being surprised about it openly having swear words in the dialogue and I thought I'd get in trouble for playing it. It seemed cool, I remember going into a dungeon with a million skeleton archers all shooting at me. Maybe I should play it now.
What is Baldur's Gate worth?
I started my third playthrough and I still don't know the game good enough.
>He romanced Jaheira
>You must gather your party before venturing forth
huh i think KOTOR said that too, did they copy? or did balgurs gate?
I'm pretty certain one of these was made before the other. I'll let you look have a good hard thunk about which it is.
>download ascension mod expecting a huge difficulty spike on the Five battles
>downed Demogorgon in the first round of combat before he could even attack or summon his bitches
>Sendai completely shitstomped, everything still died instantly
>only Yaga-Shura posed much of a thread due his damage-spongeyness but went down easy once I realized he was easy as fuck to just kite
My group isn't even min-maxed at all. I'm barely using magic (mostly just for clearing trash with malison+death spell/wilting and for dispels/buffs). I know Melissan is supposed to be incredibly tough, but please tell me Abazigal and Balthazzar are gonna put up more of a fight than this.
Core rules, by the way.
Buffs. Oh, and every heal but mass heal and the high level ones (like Greater Restoration and Heal) are shit. Take way too long to cast for the pitiful flat amount they heal for.
No dude, Star Wars was totally based off Spaceballs!
>he romanced Aerie
>not just romancing all of them and being an adventure harem
Anyone happen to know why some things seem to hit me when they shouldn't? My tank has a -4 AC but some enemies hit him when rolling 17 and shit.
My party isn't quite at "heal" level yet, working my way through BG1 atm.
I will never understand the Viconia is better than Anomen meme, when Viconia is one of the squishiest characters in the game, and will never get GM in Crom Faeyr like he can.
anyone seen the video from mistercaption?
fuck rpg codex
People are just biased because of her looks. I found Anomen more useful tbqh.
Well, you need 13 thac0(that's not unusual in bg1) to hit -4AC with roll of 17.
>getting Viconia in first BG
enjoy shit portrait, pitiful hp and buffs/heals not working on Viconia herself most of the time
search on youtube for mistercaption and Watch his video on BG1
Is this supposed to be some inside joke meme of codex crossposters or some shit? Also imoen romance mod?
>imoen romance mod?
It's complete shit until you actually rescue her from spellhold, and then it becomes just schlocky, sappy romance. Noticably lower quality than the existing romances but not too bad (though the music is a pain in the ass).
Plus it adds a shitload of non-romance banters which are way more tolerable than the romance itself.
Jokes on you buddy, I'm playing the Enhanced Edition with Big World Setup set to "fuck my shit up senpai".
He got Sarevok's motivation wrong. Sarevok doesn't want to bring Bhaal back to life, he wants to become the new lord of murder by killing enough people.
Przed wyruszeniem w drogę należy zebrać drużynę
The first time I played BG2, finding Sarevok's powered-down blade got me hopeful to find his armor too, but unfortunately that never happened. A shame.
Should I use it in my first playthrough or should I go vanilla just like I always do with other games? Also does it work on EE?
>Should I use it in my first playthrough
No. Yes if you really liked her on your bg1 playthrough. You played bg1, right?
>does it work on EE?
No and yes.
It was hardly a romance, all the dialogues were about bhaalspawn stuff and her dead husband. And then all of a sudden sex.
Is it possible to solo as other class than f/m or sorc?
I'm about to start Durlag's Tower then finish the game.
n-never mind, currently getting ass handed to my by the big blue lizard.
I heard this bitch is really annoying. Never tried the mod.
How the fuck was he poisoned in chapter 6?
Jesus, two of my dudes got diseased by a Death Knight (Wild surge, don't ask) and now I can't un-disease them, anyone know anything? My meatshield has 7 strength now..
By walking into a named NPC outside an inn in Baldurs Gate. I don't think it's Chapter 6 specific, he just happened to hit him at that point.
She had the most character development and complex romance in the whole game. I loved how if you just tried to appeal to her in every situation or if you beat up the guy who also loves her she would just leave you. It's a shame most people can't see this and only see her as a constantly whining girl.
Have you tried to visit a temple?
>I don't think it's Chapter 6 specific, he just happened to hit him at that point
I encountered assassins in the any second district of city, I mean you have to visit half of them in chapter 4.
Dragons you're on and the end fight are generally the hardest with GayDar's
Hold person, silence, holy smite and animate dead are pretty good
Viconia changes her fucking alignment in ToB because of you. She is the Alpha bitch who needs taming after being raped by a hill billy and his kin she thought she coukd trust. She has had a life of struggle and strife simply because of what she was. She was feared and chased out of the underdark, she was feared and chased in the surface. It took literally the spawn of a dead god of Murder to take her.
And Aerie is the most complex and developed because she was a pacifist?
The temples have all their spells "grayed out" so they can't be cast on my characters.. Guess this calls for more research.
>druid lvl2 spells selection
Disregard me being retarded. Maybe the 2nd level cleric spell called "cure disease" can cure my disease?
Did you get mad because I insulted your waifu?
Aerie had an even worse past than Viconia and it''s much more than just simply being pacifist.
Try it. I don't even remember that deathknight can give you some STD.
>Both of the only 2 'diseases' in BG1 (ghast nausea and wraith spider strength drain) cannot be cured by cure disease. This is because their effects (penalizing thac0 and lowering strength) are not recognized by the engine as a disease. Only the diseased portrait icon is removed by the disease curing spells. Both of these effects wear off after a certain period of time. Waiting them out is the only way I know of to get rid of these conditions.
>Best girl coming through.
Is her level fixed in spellhold or scaled to your character? Don't want to be with lvl5 spells max in underdark.
>meme girl
does it matter if shadowkeeper exists?
Scaling in BG basically means an NPC has 2 or 3 character files of different level and it picks the closest one to your level when you join.
Guess I'm finding an inn and bunkering up for a while, thanks
Wow, also is he in the Enchanced Editions as well?
>get him down to Near Death
>insta-die because I forgot to Enrage
Not gonna lie this fight is pretty fuckin good
So I spent about three weeks at an inn, did not go away.
Opened my file in EEKeeper and discovered I had three different Disease IDs on my characters that were all flagged "permanent"
>confirmed for never having done her romance
The whole thing was about the Harpers and the nature of good vs evil. She also got cool Elminster cameos.
Viconia admits later in the game that the story about the hillbilly rape was a lie she told you in an attempt to drive you away.
You can do harper quests without a romance.
>confirmed for never having done her romance
Yeah and haven's saved her from bandits and didn't get a pin from Elminster.
Speaking of Imoen mod, does it implement Bodhi's turning her into vampire like the other love interests?
Only if you'll replace the original language files
>Aerie had an even worse past than Viconia
Not really. After her wings got clipped she looked just like a regular elf and those are both accepted and cherished. She just couldn't get over not being able to fly even though she's a fucking wizard that could just use magic to fly.
Would you an Ellesime?
Who wouldn't?
>ywn bend ellesime over right in front of irenicus and pound away at her elf cunt with your dorf/horc/human/halfling/gnome Dong of demigod-dom whilst his useless withered un-elf'd twig never got her.
>yfw you realise if this uppity cunt just put out for her bf instead of being a control freak maybe irenicus wouldn't have decided to invest his time in 'research' into the elven divinities and would have settled down to a nice long life of filling elf cunt with elf babies like every other intelligent elf wizard
Legit question, is dragonspear worth playing?
I've gotten to the underdark 3 times before quitting for no reason, once you've figured out the game its just a cakewalk
What did she mean by this?
This image makes me more happy than it should.
In my opinion it is. The writing is Beamdog, though, so it's not exactly Shakespearian, but the gameplay is solid and the subquests and shit to discover are fun enough. Taken at its own merits it's ok.
you never romanced aerie?
jesus fuck. okay, since this is an 'it was his sled' deal i'll fill you in.
If you romance aerie, you not only teach her to be stronger, confident and stand up for herself so you can have an equitable relationship, but you impregnate her and she turns back up in the next game with your baby
>so you can be both a battle couple AND battle mom+Dad
and then when you finish tob you give her her wings back and rule jointly as nuetral deities of the end of life ( think the original idea of the grim reaper, the angels of death come to ferry your souls to whereever they're meant to end up)
Now install SCS and do the mind flayer lair in the underdark and tell me it's a cakewalk.
How about Haer' Dalis Jr?
>implying you didn't 'accidentally' let that stuck up retard die like the little bitch that he is saving his buddied from that planar prison.
awww, so sad, too bad, bye you mellee fuck who cannot even survive mellee
>i'm gunna be a dual wielding bard because REASONS TEE HEE
>die to a level 0 goblin
been waiting for a thread like this for ages.
generally speaking it's not a horrible way to go, although i prefer buffs myself.
>bringing a baby into battle with demons, dragons, Bhaalspawn, and other horrifying things
What a shitty mom.
Aerie. Or Imoen. Or Viconia. Or Jaheira.
honestly, most of the women in baldur's gate are rather annoying but i'd prolly go with with mazzy,shar'teel or viconia
>enjoy shit portrait
Modded out.
kinda depends, i'm really into bg so i felt i had to play it.
it's not good though, mediocre at best in every single category.
i'd prolly try it if i were you but not expecting much
You mean, the girl who turns into a bigger sex-fiend than Viconia come ToB?
>romances Aerie
>gets bored and dumps her
Bhaalspawn hate him!
Doesn't Romantic Encounters let you fuck her?
>and then when you finish tob you give her her wings back and rule jointly as nuetral deities of the end of life
I don't remember this part. May have to replay ToB.
>cannot play the class
>blames the character
H'D is a good tank if you bother to buff him up.
Guy who just played bg1 and is nearly done with bg2 for the first time here
PoE is better, the characters were less stereotypical, there weren't any embarrassing airport paperback-tier romances, and the combat wasn't a series of "reload until the save or dies don't work"
She whored herself out to them to get food (what does she know about farming, after all), and other stuff she needed.
Holy fuck, BG1 NPC project is legitimately great and makes the game much more lively.
ever heard ofHeracles, bitch.
that poor wittle baby bastard would probably strangle the monsters.
>The Lord of Murder shall perish...
>But in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny.
>Chaos will be sewn from their passage.
>So sayeth the wise Alaundo.
Also, Kivan is a fucking shipperfag.
I was expecting it be shitty but I really liked it.