Is there such a thing as japanese privilege?

Is there such a thing as japanese privilege?

You can make a shitty game, have tons of gay shit, interracial romance, pixelshit indie game and stronk womyn protags, and people will find a way to praise you

But if you are white, you can't even show a woman punch a man without getting a chimpout

I am seriously considering making games under a japanese pseudonym

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It's almost as if there's a right way to do things and a wrong way.

I sincerely doubt you will ever make any games.

I already did, it's a little thing called Undertake, kid

You've got it all wrong, a game would get more shit for showing a man punch a woman not the other way around. What world are you living in? Western games are all feminist pandering trash. Japanese devs just don't give a fuck

learn how to get dicks hard and pussies wet and you can get away with almost anything

Oh come on, its not nearly at that level yet. When getting shit for having a man punch a women becomes mainstream then yeah we can say "Western games are all feminist pandering trash".

It's called bias, user.
Faggots here will pull every excuse possible out of their ass here to pretend it's anything else.

A female character in a Japanese game as thin as a rake can destroy armies full of men and nobody minds. A female character in a Western game holds her own against a single man in a fight and everyone gets triggered.

Zarya having pink hair is "tumblr" but generic anime waifu #72438956431 having pink hair is kawaii desu ne nippon be praised savior of vidya lol SJWs btfo!!

Because the Japanese make stronk womyn protag properly.

As in, they make them strong, and that's it.

Western devs have to rub your face in it that the womyn is stronk, and the character will often be obnoxious about it.

I dont know what sites you visit, I only come to Sup Forums, maybe you should go back

>Western devs have to rub your face in it that the womyn is stronk, and the character will often be obnoxious about it.

It's just a "cooky japan thing"
Games like bayo and mgr and mgs are complete trash that sell exclusively on that fact.
It's like a gimmick to be as overly offensive, sexual, and childish as possible.

>A female character in a Japanese game as thin as a rake can destroy armies full of men and nobody minds. A female character in a Western game holds her own against a single man in a fight and everyone gets triggered.

To be fair, plenty of Japanese games have such strong gameplay, that you don't even think about this stuff. Western games however...

disclaimer: not valid for this shitty game made by the sell-out in the OP.

>game's title is a reference to locating your furshit bf's butthole



The difference is that this looks like anime and western does not.

Obviously there are retards who believe that shit. But thats not mainstream. Right now mainstream is about forcing devs to have strong independent women in their games or else they're sexist. So it's getting their but we're not at the low point yet.

Absolutely BTFO


One is hot, one is not

Many famous Jap devs have spent literal decades carving out a niche and building up an audience. They often several games under their belt before we even here about who they are and that very same audience they've built up are the ones that praise them and shill them to the mainstream. Big name Jap devs are also always backed by some big wig publisher that don't give a shit what their game contains as long as it sells. The catch is that they often don't own their own i.p. to the games they create but are otherwise well protected against internet fuckery.

On the other hand western indie devs mostly try to push out their own game however they can and rely on stuff like Kickstarter or whatever to get funds to develop their game and this puts them at the mercy of their audience which are a fickle bunch at best. There's also this prevailing attitude with western devs big and small that they have to "hit it big" with one great game and everything will be perfect from then on. Then they start digging their noses and giving their unwanted opinion to every little piece of "controversy" that pops up on twitter inevitably making themselves a target unlike Jap devs that just keep theirs heads down and work.

what's wrong with bayonetta

I like playing games with a female protag, because I don't self-insert into video games and like how the PC is fully obedient to my (controller) commands and suffers through the campaign for me.
This is way more fun than playing a nigger beating up women and the reason why I enjoyed the Tomb Raider reboots so much.


I get what you're saying but both these things are done with a different motive. I guess I see Japanese devs as innocent like they would decide to put a badass girl in their game purely because it looks cool, with no hidden agendas or anything. There are western games like that too, skullgirls first comes to mind. The problem arises when this kind of thing is put in with a feminist agenda behind it. Instead of "look how cool this character (who happens to be female) is" it becomes a preachy "look look girls can be cool too, yeah girl power!! fuck men" kind of message

Kamiya talks shit on Twitter constantly.

You're projecting your own issues onto the games and places like Sup Forums are only amplifying your retardation.

There's no message of "fuck men" behind Zarya. Bayonetta literally has more of a "fuck men" attitude than Zarya. Blizzard have not done anything to suggest or imply that Zarya is a fuck you to men, but guess which one of these two characters causes Sup Forums to cry about agendas and motives?

>it becomes a preachy "look look girls can be cool too, yeah girl power!! fuck men" kind of message
But that narrative doesn't really work in-universe, because I'm pretty bad at video games. And being bad at vidya means that strong womyn protag constantly loses fights, gets shot and dies all the time etc.
Now the best thing about that: All that is HER fault, because she is a weak woman, it's not because the guy at at the controller sucks.
So unless the game is going to play itself, how does this feminist agenda work with a female player character?

Japan focuses on character stories and are basically apolitical when making games. The Japanese tend to hate their own political system, and it's much less polarized than ours, so that's not particularly surprising.

Western developers used to be the same. But today, that's changed. And the focus is no longer on character stories or gameplay, but on using games as political propaganda.

If Japan made a game based off GATE with all the underlying right-wing Japanese political meme propaganda (and maybe they have), it would also annoy the shit out of people.

Japan doesn't have a free pass. Western developers -- in some cases -- are just doing it wrong.

Kamiya talks shit back to responses directed at him wich can be seen as endearing. Kamiya constantly giving his own opinion to Japanese politics would net him in hot water instantly.

But.. he is literally out guy and does nothing wrong therefore his witty epic banter is ok!

This man speaks truth

A new example has just come about which backs up this double standard. Bayonetta 2 added a black shota - no big deal. Overwatch just added a black loli - who isn't even in the game, just extended universe media, and there's a whole thread about her and the SJW liberal feminazi agenda destroying western civilization on Sup Forums right now.
Anti-SJWs really have become the new SJWs. making mountains out of molehills and turning everything they see into fuel for their perpetual triggering.

i dont really know but id like to make games under an alias. just daydreaming about being recongizable enough, which im aware is stupid and egotistical, makes me concerned about things from past life on the internet coming to light. not that it's even that bad or anything but id rather not have the possibility of people telling my parents i have and always will jerk it to cartoons or something.

Why are you pretending like context doesn't exist?

>I am seriously considering making games under a japanese pseudonym
No you are not.

>Western games are all feminist pandering trash.
Is every fucking thread on this website hyperbolic whining now? You fuckers get more triggered than actual SJWs.

Let me guess what you mean by context:
>strong female in japanese game is good and also my waifu
>strong female in western game is bad and also feminazi jew propaganda

Also Bayonetta makes out with the black shota

>holds her own
>literally can't be beaten
>doesn't even get touched
>after you play with an invincible MC and with his brother can beat anyone including armies beforehand
now fucking watch the dlc where she gets beatup

because it's much easier to rally politics than to do the former


They were probably referencing that infamous fight in UC4. Nathan has been through hell and back yet he can't beat some thin woman 2v1 because super uber elite soldier. And it's not even that both of them can't beat her. They get absolutely destroyed.

Using Nier as an example since it's in OP's pic, 2B is an android specifically designed for shitting on the machines. It's not like some forced special snowflake that can beat all the bad guys because she's waifu bait, even if she is shitty waifu bait. That's what I mean by context. In one instance you have an unstoppable woman destroying two men that have been through some shit. Why? Because she does. On the other hand you have shitty waifu bait #10000 shitting on all the enemies because she was designed to shit on all the enemies. Even then she doesn't even compare to the shota in murder mode

Because jap designed girls are attractive while western designed girls are ugly, so people approve of the attractive one like how girls get pissed off if an ugly guy looks at them but get happy when an attractive guy looks at them. You literally cannot prove me wrong.

True. Same thinking goes for how gay characters should be portrayed as well. Everyone here complains that when a character is obviously gay it's shoved in their faces but people still complain when a character is revealed to be gay when it literally changes nothing since its "sjw pandering".

There's just no way to win

Good job proving his point by giving a perfect example of an user being mad over nothing
If everything you described happened in a jap game nobody would give a shit and you know it

I genuinely didn't know if you were talking about Nier or Horizon.

This just in: People will always find something to complain about.

You can't please these people.
Which is, of course, what they say about their enemies.

no one gives a shit about taro games.

like 10 people played nier. that's why the ost is so overpraised as well.

Obviously neither, retard.

Nier literally starts with your entire squad being taken out in one shot while the female MC survives unscathed, only to blow herself up with her dying partner and be resurrected as if nothing happened.

the person playing it is irrelevant you dingus

I know you know this, but western women use hair coloring as a sign of independence. Anime girls have colored hair because "it looks hot idk"

>And the focus is no longer on character stories or gameplay, but on using games as political propaganda.

This. At my university, there is an elective for Computer Science students called "Game Design for Social Change." There is no course on just game design. People like OP think putting SJW stuff in their games will cause a big backlash, but people outside of Sup Forums PRAISE it.

>he actually believes this

Imagine a western game did this shit. Sup Forums would be coated top to bottom with threads about how the character is a mary sue and feminist garbage.

>I'm just one of the boys! I'll take you down even though I'm a lady! I'm a stonk womyn cause I'm just like the guys!!

It's funny how they want to tell men to stop acting like tough guys, but every female has to be an in your face macho woman about everything they do. And then give some "sassy" remark to remind you that a woman totally just did that.

It's free marketing. Load your game up with propaganda and it will generate buzz and revenue.

When did Sup Forums start hating interracial couples? I honestly don't remember this being a thing until recently.

Japanese get more shit than any other people other than Whites, sometimes even more so. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I mean fuck, her sidekick is a wimpy twink dude she friendzones constantly.

you sound pretty triggered, miss. why dont u go back to playing HZD and imagining youre good enough to do any of what the protag does


>I am seriously considering making games under a japanese pseudonym
I can guarantee everyone will see through you. like this faggot you can't see what makes japanese games actually good compared to western because you have your head stuck up your ass and only see the superficial aspects.

TL;DR: try actually learning why jap games get a free pass instead of whining like an idiot, you faggot



You are a fucking moron, my friend.

Because she's attractive and still effeminate. She's not giving up being a woman to be a man. Also she's a robot, a magical girl, has a shadow trapped in her. etc.

>elective for Computer Science students called "Game Design for Social Change." There is no course on just game design.

Why don't you explain your stance instead of being that completely worthless autist who only speaks up to call everyone else an idiot?
Come on genius, enlighten all us plebs with your wisdom.

>you can't see what makes japanese games actually good compared to western
Not even what the thread is about, and you're still acting like everyone else is the retard, incredible.

Still waiting for someone to tackle this post

sh-shut up baka!

>Anti-SJWs really have become the new SJWs.
That's because everything has come to a boil. SJWs created anti-SJWs, got btfo by anti-sjws, and now the anti group are looking for scrapes to continue the fight. It's just a natural progression.

You can show that too, you're just afraid to try because you'll get negative comments on twitter.

Did you forget that 2b gets murdered halfway through "her" game and that twink faggot takes over?

there's nothing to tackle, Bayonetta doesn't come off as obnoxious.

Stop attention whoring

Thats because it makes sense for a super human android like the ones in NieR to shit on armies of robots with ease, but it doesn't make sense when 2 full grown men who have literally made a career out of murdering people and being ninja versions of indiana jones can't even land one punch on a black woman.

Dude context doesn't matter lmao and I only look at the visuals and then bait like a retard lmaoo

Shit post.
I dont even like NieR btw.

So a Japanese female character having confidence is fine but a Western female character having confidence is obnoxious

What does your girlfriend think? Can we get her opinion?

Thats like the most progressive ass show i seen in a fucking long while. I was surprised, i would surprised if SJWs didn't love it. There are whole episodes and arc dedicated to transgender issues. I love Gintama but to say its apolitical in its social message its not true.

you dont understand

japan does what they want, while western devs are bound by SJW nonsense.

Shes literally "strong women who dont need no man and gets in your face about it" the character. I love her character and the game but the whole appeal of it is how in your face she is about her Independence and sexuality, if she was western pol dick suckers would hate her.

because there's already plenty of really good posts about my stance but faggots like OP won't listen.

reread these posts until you get it through your head

just asked her, she says it's fine cause Jap games like Bayo have amazing fucking gameplay and western games put gameplay second to their stories.

Japan is bound by otaku
American devs are bound by jew businessmen


>There are whole episodes and arc dedicated to transgender issues
And they're still rife with jokes SJWs would find offensive, and the moral of the story of trannies in anime tends to be "they're different but they can be bros too", compared to the western counterpart of "they are literally no different to you and me there is literally no difference whatsoever accept them as normal and natural OBEY".

I wouldn't call her obnoxious, but that's kind of Bayo's character. Dom librarian. Aside from light teasing at dog-fucker Luka and treating Enzo like the piece of shit that he is, she mostly acts dominating towards genderless(?) angels.

>she says it's fine cause Jap games like Bayo have amazing fucking gameplay and western games put gameplay second to their stories

I bet just by coincidence that happens to be your opinion too, isn't it user?

As someone who loves Japanese games and hardly plays western games, this man is right. I love my kawaii desu ne waifu characters but bitter virgins chimp out whenever a western dev does it.

Uncharted 4 and ME look like garbage but not just because "mug strong womyn"


I disagree, there are complete monologues about how you can be yourself and show the heart of a man while being a women. Its really blatant. The trans bar episode even has Gintoki teaching a child to love his dad/mom and the kid realizing how he loves his dad/mom even and their transgenderism makes them unique.

The japanese lesson is "don't be a dick"
The western lesson is also "don't be a dick" but the difference is the west is full of assholes who get mad as fuck when asked not to be dicks and proceed to be as much a dick as possible for literally no reason.
Meanwhile in the Japan the "issue" never escalates because they don't feel the need to be cunts to each other in the way Westerners do.


also compare these 2

>game is good because it features a strong and also fat indian trans demisexual otherkin

>game is good because it features a 1000 year old loli half demon (male) that's also a robot and stutters

None of the 2 care about video games.

Superhuman androids designed to kill anything and everything they need to, with multiple futuristic weapons and abilities

>uncharted 4
Two of the best thiefs in the history of the world who have murdered well over thousands of people in the past - can't land a punch on an unarmed black woman - in the case of Nate, twice.

>and their transgenderism makes them unique.
You literally just agreed to what I said. In anime they acknowledge that trannies are weird and different from normal people. The western SJW agenda is trying to normalize trannies.

>Japanese devs just don't give a fuck
this kind of answers everything desu

The SJW's tried to start shit on the Japs but they just told them to fuck off and kept making the games they wanted to.


Kotaku vs Kamiya
Kotaku vs Dragons Crown
Kotaku vs Dark Souls
Kotaku vs Nintendo

For examples

when the nips do it it's because you know they're getting off to it

when the west does it it's because you know they want people to think they're progressive

>I don't hate trans people but then I became aware of a SJW somewhere who said people shouldn't hate trans people so now I hate trans people because a SJW told me not to
This is literally the mentality of so many retards on Sup Forums. I only hope they're the underage posters who will grow out of it, but chances are they'll just end up in an echochamber and continue feeling like this sort of thinking isn't dumb as fuck.

It is weird how the narrative in the west went from
>different people arent normal, but different doesn't mean inferior
>you must accept different people as normal