Reminder we own this board
it just keeps tumbling down!
hey that's not soken
No wonder these FFXIV generals stay up on Sup Forums. The director/producer of the game is friends with gook moot.
Diadem weapons, baby!
Literally nothing to do until Stormblood.
What other games are you folks playing until then?
well there's the rest of the story next week I guess
>nothing to do
It's only going to be like 1 hour long. Not much content.
I already have millions of gil saved up from selling carry runs. Diadem is useless to me.
Fuck off to xivg
should be banished to the farthest reaches of the world, just like the Allagans did.
never happened
1. It would look like shit in game
2. No one would play them
as cool as it looks I can imagine the clipping issues.
Post >yfw you are not on NA server and Tonberry
Friendly reminder I did nothing wrong.
>Cerberus on 38
Come the fuck on.
>we still don't know about two of the great wyrms
Who wants to bet Au'ra are in fact descendants from some chinese looking dragon
>tfw mateus
>Just had a Dun Scaith group that wiped on the first boss due to taking so long the Death squares filled the entire arena.
Fucking Chaos datashitters, I swear.
How is this raid still giving people so much fucking trouble this many months in?
I, for one, welcome our gook overlords
>Mateus is actually more populated than average JP server
Sorry for shit talking your server user.
>create most powerfull weapon to date
>give it out as random lotery reward
>act surprised when people get mad
does yoshida have autism?
>due to taking so long the Death squares filled the entire arena.
Top fucking lel, is that even possible?
Funny part is that he said anima is still the strongest weapon. He doesn't even know how stats work.
>How is this raid still giving people so much fucking trouble this many months in?
Shitters who only come back for a new patch and never ran anything long enough to remember how it works. Those people play other MMOs inbetween.
Quick rundown on these guys?
>Top fucking lel, is that even possible?
You have to have an apocalyptically shit group, even by this games lack of standards, but it is possible!
If you have to die for your cause then you did something wrong at some point.
Who will lead the Ala Mhiggers to victory now?
considering about 80% of those seem to be sprouts that haven't even finished HW, it's not all too grand
cross-world PF was a godsend though
I legitimately though it's 3-4 boxes cycling between each areas.
You should have screencapped it though. Definitely a kekworthy shot.
It's fun to party up to fun scaith with 3 Germans and 4 French. After the 3rd wipe to scatbabe all hell broke loose and I couldn't take foreing languages anymore and left
These guys literally had ability macros in their own language
Are the Dzemaels the jews of Ishgard?
EU Datacenter sounds like hell considering there are like 3 main language users over there and everyone is hellbent on communicating with theirs only.
What about Hydrus? There was a power he didn't know about in there.
>These guys literally had ability macros in their own language
That's a new one.
>German and French in the same party
Guaranteed wipes due to sheer retardation and 20 minutes of shitflinging afterwards.
>EU Datacenter sounds like hell
It's fucking awful.
>It's fucking awful.
I also heard some people on official forum want a designated English speaking server only to be met with "OMG U SO RACIS".
At least on my server there's no issues, but yeah it can be pretty bad on anything crossserver. Odin, Shiva and Moogle seem to be the worst in that regard.
>pick E in Duty Finder options
>don't speak english
This should be a bannable offense.
Didn't he die during the Sephirot-Sophia-Zurvan storyline?
do you get 270 relic step light in diadem?
>wanting to be able to communicate is racist
fuck this game's community
it's possible, it happened on my first run since no one knows mechanics yet two parties died at the beginning of the fight
I wonder how would those people react to all those "JP ONLY" parties on Elemental PF
Funfact: DF will match you up with J, F and D if it can't find players matching your preferences after some time, even if they don't have E selected.
That's what I meant. He did nothing wrong and sacrificed himself for his enemies even. A true hero Ilberd should look up to.
lol yoshi is a hack
>balmung on 31st
rofl, those human wastes there must approach this game like it's some habbo hotel shit or something
>approach this game like it's some habbo hotel shit or something
Isn't that majority of western playerbase? Even Gilgamesh isn't much better and they considered themselves top-notch raid ready server/
>same face and hair as three quarters of NA servers population
Paying to play a game
Does anyone have more information when Yoshi-P went to a MMO meetup and loaded into a none populated area and got laughed at?
I'm sure you can find that kind even on JP but for the most populated server in the world get placed so low I can't imagine anything besides autistic roleplay filled with moans and depleted of clothes goes on in there
>dat pax panel and qa
i realy worry about yoshis mental state, he seemed angry and stressed as hell. also the project is in major crunch mode atm and hes just flying around the world and conventions instead of working and suporting his team kek...
japanese workdrones don't need support
Why Nanamo's bodyguard/lover is the only likeable refugee in the entire game?
>Who will lead the Ala Mhiggers to victory now?
"What about Hydrus?"
Kinda easy to missunderstand.
I get your point though
I've never seen a german refusing to speak english and I am german myself. Everybody here can speak english.
What asspull can they do to bring back Hydrus?
>He did nothing wrong
>If I use these extremely dangerous primals surely nothing will go wrong like it did before and before that and before that and before that
You forget that Yoshi is director and PRODUCER. As a producer he has to travel around and manage business deals and consumer relations.
It was an order though.
Excuse the leddit link, I got it from google.
Yeah he seemed really against the idea personally what with his fanatic ramblings and all.
I mean on paper it SOUNDS like a good idea. Lock away the Primals so then Beastmen cant just resummon their god again and again, its just the Garleans keep fucking up.
>create most powerful weapon to date when expansion is over, anyone even remotely relevant has cleared Alexander for months and it will all be worthless shit in 3 months
>go autistically ballastic
Thank you
If theres anything the game shows you time and time again it's DON'T. FUCK. WITH. PRIMALS.
The Allagans fucked it up, the Garleans fucked it up, the beast tribes all over the world fucked it up, the Ishgardians fucked it up. Just don't touch them for christ sakes.
Dumb scionposter.
>not The Twelve
I mean I can understand some of the Beast tribes reasonings for summoning, like Limsa literally at fault and deserves getting Titan and Leviathan'd, and the sylphs fearing the Garleans turn to their god, but its assholes like the Amaljaa and Ixal who summon their primals because they are pricks who deserve a good ethnic cleansing by Ceruleum fire.
>the Ishgardians fucked it up
They didn't
It's just asshole HERO OF LIGHT thought that he knows better how to run city state
>gilg lower than tonberry
>all eu realms lower than tonberry
none of you guys have room to talk
>defending the fucking smug ass pope who's basically a non-benevolent dictator at that point
>tonberry lowest among jp realms
Really activated my walnut.
I've been in pure german groups were everyone would talk english anyways, but there are a few instances when a german would be ignorant on purpose. Some of us get really pissy over mistakes and can't adapt to any playstyle different to theirs. Raidfags in particular are very short-tempered.
Speaking of raidfags:
Odin is so high above other EU simply because there was a mass exodus of raidfags and their statics from other servers to Odin. It happened before the last Alexander tier. Somehow the word got around that Odin is the best raid server, despite always being equal to other EU servers. I believe some of it comes from german raidfags, who couldn't or didn't want to deal with non-germans (or even germans who don't do what the raidfags demand) anymore. I'm glad that they are gone, but at the same time we really need more people to push savage raid clears.
>all eu realms lower than tonberry
Considering how much of a shithole EU is, that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
>losing to a bunch of SEAmonkeys and AUSshitters lmao
how will NA ever recover
I'd be pissed too
>work for years to salvage a train wreck of a game
>save company from the brink of financial ruin
>working on huge new expansion with brand new content
>fly halfway across the world to show off the work you're so proud of to fans in America
>all they ask about is underwear and bunny ear costumes
Yoshi had a hard life
>when the excellent quality syncs up with your byregot's
Reminder you have absorbed so much energy from destroying primals you have become one, ala the warrior of light in 3
>it's excellent
>steady hand ran out
>fuck it, 90% let's do this
>Yoshi had a hard life
That's why he always carries a pack of ciggerates with him.
>you didn't realize it was the last possible step
>herro gaijin purease asku abouto sutormuburooddo
>ask about stormblood
>we no have answer purease asku rater
>ask about stormblood
>fakku off gajin
>ask about anime pantsu glamor
>sasuga gaijin arr they care about is pantsu glamor
one day he'll go full Fray
So, who is best city state leader?
Sultana or pope?
>>herro gaijin purease asku abouto sutormuburooddo
Almost shat my pants like a fucking retard, god damn.