*Record scratch*
*Freeze Frame*
Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
*Record scratch*
*Freeze Frame*
Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
Other urls found in this thread:
>an entire new galaxy
>only one new race for your party
what did they mean by this
It means they recycled almost everything into this game.
Espically considering that this galaxy is both older and didn't have reapers?
It should be completely filled to the brim.
Actually all the galaxies should.
No one would think of even leaving to a different galaxy to colonize because of this actually.
litterally everyone would have to be retarded to think you could colonize other galaxies.
You are misusing the meme, newfag.
Worst cast ever?
It's only one solar system to be fair. Then again, the reason it's only one solar system is because Bioware is creatively bankrupt.
Why is Troy from Community in this game?
>tfw Sup Forums hasn't produced a good meme in five years
I've been in this hellhole since 2008. But I apologise that my memes aren't dank enough for you.
that's not all the members is it?
That's the entire crew of the ship. The important ones anyway.
There are only 6 party members (Saying that, ME3 was 6 pre-dlc and so was ME):
Turian in the back left.
Krogan on the couch.
Asari in front of him.
Blonde haired chick behind the PC.
Black dude in the bottom right.
Pink lump behind him.
I want to cuddle with that krogan.
Is this source film maker porn?
It's from Drack's character video.
Well presumably they don't have any mass relays to accelerate their technological growth.
He doesn't even work there anymore, does he?
Not to start Bioware Defense Forcing here but for every downside I see someone whine about in ME:A, I see people ignore a lot of the positive upsides. Some facial animations look wonky, yea, but the movement in combat looks smoother, more dynamic and more fun than ever. Ryder runs like a real human at a manageable speed which, on top of the jump jets and dashing, is more than I can say for DA:I and ME3. I'm finally finishing ME3 now and I actually spend a lot of time running and gunning with the soldier's abilities and avoiding sticking to cover unless absolutely necessary. I'm excited for this to be a viable and dynamic aspect of ME:A combat.
The weapon/armor customization options for your squad mates are lacking but Ryder's customization options are greater than ever, including crafting gear, customizing your vehicles, picking powers from any tree and creating your own load outs. And it looks like it will deliver on exploration more than any Bioware game released yet. When I think of ME2 and 3, I don't mind how the squadmates armor was static, and once I equipped them with a certain weapon I liked I just upgraded it and never changed it. When I think of DA:I, I rarely gave my squad mates orders other than "stand here and please don't die". If they can deliver on fully realized and helpful squad mates in ME:A, I won't mind the lack of gear customization for them.
I'm optimistic for the game, not even cautiously optimistic.
>Well, it all started 600 years ago with this guy called Shepard
*camera zooms out
>You see, there were these guys called "Reapers" and they were total assholes
>So me and my crew had to leave the galaxy, that's right. The whole galaxy was screwed
is this from reddit
where is red cutie?
People never really played Mass Effect for the gameplay, it was the story that captivated them. And with Nu-Bioware being run almost entirely by SJW bloggers, it's going to be another trainwreck like DA:I
I'm with you though, the combat looks decent, and apparently it's made by the same team that did the ME3 multiplayer, which is probably the most objectively good thing about ME3.
It's ironic Sup Forumseddit shill posting
In a chair to the left of the couch.
In the trash can labeled Ginger.
>I used to care about Mass Effect
Thank fuck ME3 put me off this shit series forever.
>Reapers killed because they knew that biological sentients would inevitably and INVARIABLY create AI which would rebel and extinguish all life in a galaxy
>Andromeda has no Reapers
>is teeming with life
Honestly if they did get Donald Glover to play the black guy, he would never be off my team. Instead, ill probably only use him for the opening mission and then replace him with whichever alien i get first.
What the fuck cant anyone make decent looking hair.
>you're actually going to buy this game
fucking kek
>Implying that during the 50.000 years between cycles the reapers just lay dormant
>Implying milky was is the only galaxy they care about
The big reveal at the end will be that the reapers are are part of a universe-wide war between reaper-like creatures reaping other galaxies and shit.
That sounds fucking terrible. Which is why it seems so likely.
This is one of the few things from the new game I would consider fucking.
>the hair basically wobbles with movement but doesn't follow the pull of gravity when she tilts her head
what a piece of shit
Wait... there are 2 shitty blue characters? Is it the one that looks more autistic that you have hardcore sex with?
hahaha he looks kinda sad. Reminded me of Conker's bad fur day.
Bioware animations are so fucking robotic.
have we found out why peepee has the black shit on her face
>*Record scratch*
>Yup. That's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
Instead they had millions of years of tech growth.
Which would be way better.
Always remember; someone tech'd hard enough to create the reapers before the relays.
Every other Galaxy should have that level of civilization, completely unchecked with millions of years of teching even further.
The one on the floor is the autistic one that looks like Shrek. The one on the couch is the ship's doctor and is played by Natalie Dormer from Game Of Thrones. Pretty sure you can bang them both.
>Series literally went out of its way to justify everyone being on a pretty even field tech wise.
>New one shits on that and ignores the reason for it.
Well, that's only if life has been flourishing there for as long as the other races.
what is she even looking at?
Thinking about that krogan dick and how she wants another round.
She's piloting the ship you nimrod.
Is it possible that there's squadmate that we haven't seen yet?
mark my words flying makes movement and combat a mess enemies have to adapt to this or the game is to easy so you will see LOTS of flying enemies that can track you all around the stage and big melee enemies that will chase you the whole fight.
its going to be really bad
Apparently the combat allows for either the old chest high wall hugging, or the new movement system to let you be effective, though a lot of abilities take advantage of the jet pack system.
According to people that played it, the jet pack, movement system, and general combat were all big standouts. It was everything else, the NPC's cutscene animations, soundtracks, lip synching, that was lacking. So it was pretty much everything that wasn't combat or core gameplay related that made people worried about the game.
Why does this game look like a background to tumblr's login screen?
not that I'd know
Sure anything's possible and they've been pretty secretive about anything that happens after hour ten. Now, is it likely? Not at all. Bioware fans play the games for the companion interactions. Let's say they was a secret quarian companion, not mentioning that before release is going to lose you a shit ton of pre orders from Tali fanboys.
Why does she have such a fat neck
So uhh... Why did it never occur to the prometheans to switch galaxies
who here cautiously optimistic?
too busy being recklessly autistic
I'm cautiously pessimistic
Honor or shitty bioware writing
what are you talking about, they had blacks in the previous games....
They knew how retarded of an Idea that would be
or they ran off to a different galaxy we don't know about
That chin.
Who else is ready to fuck this alien?
>fucking Jamal