What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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lmgtfy.com/?q=PC Exclusives 2017

Nothing. It's objectively the largest, most profitable gaming platform. Not to mention most powerful with no contest.

And according to developers and market research, it's the most important gaming platform to be working on.

Moreover, it, as a singular platform, generates more revenue than every console combined.


That it started out poking fun at how stupid console wars were and before they knew it they were actually being serious about this shit.

Half of that revenue probably comes from skins, hats and crates. Sadly PC has absolutely no good exlusive games, only shiny multiplats and indie garbage. Sad.

>What went wrong?

With what?

Playing video games on a PC? Nothing went wrong.

Being a faggot about playing games on a PC? That was always wrong.

Turning a tongue-in-cheek comment about PC gaming elitism into a "cake is a lie"-tier meme and then giving it to retards on Reddit who thought it was meant to be serious and actually took it seriously? Everything went wrong with that.

>we're better because Farmville is played a lot

>that doesn't count because I said so.

>it doesn't have good games because I said so

Yeah man, only PS4 Exclusiveâ„¢ games are good enough for true gamerz such as ourselves.

Console Wars 4 Life!

>dat denial

>no good exclusive games
it actually does, but even then, it has actually good multiplat games, and as of recent events, every console's game except for ps4/vita ones ( if, again, you dont count in ps+ streaming )

so overall, PC has all the games, literally

I can't believe sonybros have to pay for online multiplayer access and PSN goes down more often than steam does

There are roughly a dozen entire genres that are literally impossible to run on any console. We're not talking about exclusive games here. Exclusive GENRES.

Consoles are, and will forever be, for low IQ plebs and brown urban weirdos.

what spredsheet "game" is this, pcbro. Looks like shit! Where is gameplay, where is epic story, how am i supposed to self insert into a badass character and feel good about myself

Enjoy those console ports, secondaries.

Console kids moved from their shit systems to PC.

I always hate this post. Someone replies with a list of PC exclusives, and without any sort of argument, they claim all of them suck. And the lists have 20 games in them.


enjoy those no games and PSN shitting itself every day

Is making these threads the hot new meme or something? If you enjoy your consoles so much, why not go and play them instead of making 3-4 of these threads at once?
Pic related

I can buy a Switch, and a PS4 for less than a non-toaster, and have access to the only exclusives worth having.

Yes, you can have low standards and be poor. What's your point? Sup Forums is mainly for "enthusiasts", not people who just play FIFA and CoD with their friends, so that won't give you any points here.

Sure. And then relegate yourself to a miniscule selection of specific titles and then do it again when the generational console obsolescence rolls around.


>PCs don't get obsolete

"I'll wait till it's $5 on a steam sale"


PC stopped getting games.

>have games to play on PC every day that aren't Overwatch, Dota, League, etc
>Sup Forums keeps screaming in my face that I magically don't
Still waiting on that "missing out" feeling you guys keep insisting on.

>i have plenty of games to play
>i just dont want to name them


>they're all shit
So what's the point? No one is going to say why.

Why do you say that as if it's not true? I can play a game from 30 years ago on any computer. When the next generation rolls around for consoles, PC gamers don't have to do a damn thing. PC is a singular infinite "generation" and has no limits in terms of power and capabilities.

Can't play Budget Cuts, Climbey, Smashbox Arena or Space Pirate Trainer on console.

>name the games
>you then proceed to list off buzzwords or just say "i-it's shit because I say so"
Nah, I've played this game before.

Undertale and Stardew valley. Now fuck off.

Why would anyone bother naming them?

PC gaming is about so much more than exclusives or the latest indie game.

The amount of transactions for new and old games alike might not match that of consoles competitively, however the frequency of those transactions shows that PC gaming is here to stay.

>1 PC port is played on console
>everything played on PC that isn't MOBA and a couple shooters is a console port
Really makes one think.


they forgot that their spreadsheet machines have no games worth playing.

My Steam library is ~500 titles strong right now. You want to sift through 500 games, be my guest.

When PC gaming started to attract turbo-autists who care more about specs and performance than actually good games.

Mobashit, early access survival games and walking simulators are truly the best gaming has to offer.

Give Stardew 30 minutes and you'll be hooked. *you just have to start*

Most of which you bought and played for 20 mins and stopped playing because they're trash. Bet you're salivating at the thought of playing Persona 5 or the latest Zelda right now.

>PC gamers don't have to do a damn thing
except buy new components every couple years


How about you name some 2017 PC exclusive titles?

there are literally none

>Subnautica (Xbox/PC)
>Arma 3
>Pillars of Eternity
>Total War: Warhammer
>Divinity Original Sin 2
>Conan Exiles
>Hearts of Iron 4
>Everspace (Xbox/PC)
>Endless Space 2
>Mount and Blade Bannerlord
>Star Citizen
>Elite Dangerous(Xbox/PC)
>Grim Dawn
>Civilization 6
>Halo Wars 2 (Xbox/PC)
>Escape from Tarkov
>Sea of Thieves (Xbox/PC)
>State of Decay 2 (Xbox/PC)
>Forza Horizon 3 (Xbox/PC)
>We Happy Few (Xbox/PC)
>Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem
>Viking: wolves of midgard
>Expeditions: Viking
>Quake Champions
>Unreal Tournament 4 Beta
>Reflex Arena
>Rising Storm / Red Orchestra 2
>Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
>Xenonauts 2
>Frozen Synapse 2
>Bards Tale 4
>Aquanox: Deep Descent
>System Shock 3
>Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
>Mechwarrior 5

>Play every game ever released on PC

>1440p and 144hz

>Best Multiplats


Why own a PS4 again?
That is just recent/upcoming games I mentioned, there is HUNDREDS more

>inb4 b-but bloodburn muh unchared muh cinematic high production value borefests

So speaks someone who is ignorant of 20+ years of PC gaming.

>that isn't MOBA and a couple shooters
Or CIty Building
Or Grand Strategy
Or any low budget game at all.
But I'm sure even fucking RCT is a port

Yeah because you can shell out cheap crap on the PC more easily. Raw numbers don't mean a thing in this case. Basically it is just the tablet and phone market mixed with regular game market now.


If I name them you'd the same thing.
>it's shit!
>it's genre x, y, or z!
>it's indie!
Why are consolefriends obsessed with exclusives even though their own exclusives don't sell at all, and all anyone buys on consoles is FIFA and COD?

>when your credit card data gets leaked on a daily basis but you still have to defend your japanese overlords

I dont care if they're shit or not

how about you prove to me you have exclusives in the first place

>all those multiplats
>all those low-budget early access indie games
>all those unreleased games
Indeed a must-have platform.

All shit.

this "pc games like strategy games and simulation games are for intellectuals" meme is so funny. you see, games are TOYS--nothing but a mere childish pastime. When I want to relax and have some fun, I'll play a tight, exciting action game. When I want to do something intellectual, well, that's what the sciences and the arts are for. But for PC gamers, they think playing Civilization or SimCity is a great intellectual challenge, lol.

b-b-but its the best version (for double the cost of a console)


Some people get addicted to upgrading. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. People who play on laptops have no choice and they use those stupid things for 10+ years at a time.

99% of the actually relevant AAA games that come out every year run better on PC with better graphics, better framerate, free online and sometimes mods

I don't know why consolefags think they can cover this up by just calling it 'console ports'. Not actually an argument.

nice bait. next time though bring up how ps4 exclusives are better though

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PC_games list by exclusivity and date released
Wow that sure was hard.

B-but you don't have b-bloodborne.....heheh, stupid mustard race.....h-hows nioh in z-zero fps?

>why not go and play them
Nice meme

>all those multiplats
7 out of 48
>all those low-budget early access indie games
still more gameplay than uncharted
>all those unreleased games
every shitposting list sonybros put out is 60% unreleased games

>games are TOYS--nothing but a mere childish pastime.

Actually, a game is only a toy if it doesn't have a win condition - but then it isn't a game anymore as the requirement to be a game is a win condition.

>Not using your PC to make more money and making your gaming PC cost neutral


Most old games are great, but not in recent memory, meanwhile there's amazing games that are coming out as exclusives that PC is missing out on.

I own a PC and all I play on it nowadays is Dota 2, there really isn't anything good on it nowadays. You can keep arguing how much better specs and how flexible it is but without any decent games on it it's far from "masterrace".

Nice projection senpai, you need to work more to get the perfect shitpost desu.

>Hearts of Iron 4
Go away, Jewhan, no one likes you

Stellaris is fucking nice tho

>all those multiplats
>all those low-budget early access indie games
>all those unreleased games

Are we talking about those collages sony users always post?

I like the way you say that, as if those exact games aren't also on PC with far better visuals and performance.

i just finished das3 DLC on a 5 year old laptop, which ran it on medium ps4-like settings at 1080p 30fps locked.

>literally not a single 2017 title in any of those lists

really made me think

Now do a list of AAA PC exclusive games from 2017.

That's what.

No Germany no buy

hey pc faggots

yeah knew you couldn't name any

I'm off to recieve a blowjob from my dad, hopefully he gives me $60 so I can pre-order the latest Call of Duty so me and my friends can play some Zombies!

Oh crap I think my PSN+ is almost finished too, I might have to give my dad my anus so I can get that renewed!

Nothing. Most played games besides mobas and F2P shit are actually pretty good indie or Early access games that PS4babbies won't admit they want but throw a party when they release for their system (ARK comes to mind) Not to mention the best version of every multiplat, even with bad optimization it looks miles better than any console version. Not to mention eumulating.

Only reason to get a console is exclusives or brand loyalty.


Man, ghost recon wildlands, no man sky and far cry primal are such amazing AAA games aren't they? I would rather get these games than Bloodborne, Nioh or Horizon

Lmao, pcbros btfo

>this reddit-tier falseflag
Learn to bait, newfag.

I really ought to finish that game even though it got spoiled for me years ago.

>it only counts if it's AAA and exclusive

You're the reason this industry is so shit. or 12. probably 12.

>lying on a Chinese Sewing Board
lmgtfy.com/?q=PC Exclusives 2017

Not even hard to spot falseflagging on Sup Forumseddit these days

>2 Ubisoft games vs Horizon

I don't really care. I don't mind which generic game I climb towers in to unlock the map

>Bloodborne and Nioh

So literally souls and soulsclones: the platform

Do you have any actual worthwhile exclusives

>every couple years
My 2013 CPU still is one of the fastest around. You don't need to upgrade unless you are a consumerist cunt.

>the only ps4 exclusive in the top 10 sales list is UC4
>it isn't even the first
Really. Makes. You. Think.

>clicked the first link
>very first comment of the very first article
>'Almost 1/2 those games aren't exclusive and most the others are Occulus Rift which might be discontinued'

top fukken kek

>I-its bad because I say so

Strategy games and shooters are bad genres too

wow aren't you special

>Shadow of Memedor outsold Bloodborne on ps4

All I see on top sellers on steam these days are ubisoft shit, early access survival games and indie shovelware

Just a quick reminder