FFXV game of the fucking year

FFXV game of the fucking year.

Yes, the story is unfinished, but the gameplay is difficult and the dungeons are perfect.

And most things that are present problems with the game (Like the story) are going to be updated in the future. And the constant new content for the game keeps me coming back to it.

Other urls found in this thread:


>1st half of the story is open world.

>2nd half is everyone gets crippled and more linear than a Resident Evil game.

Never played a game with so many disjointed and unrelated gameplay elements in my life. You give me fucking seeds to grow some plants so I can buy some shit the next day? What.

I think the second half in some ways was genius, but goes on for a little too long.

I felt that stripping away your freedom and putting you on to a train emphasized how dire the world was becoming and made the sacrifices of your friends that more emotional.

But I believe that this train section of the game should have only been a 2 hour thing. You should be able to explore more of the city at the end to counteract the constricting feeling of the train. But this probably was at once explored but couldn't have been done because of time restraints and money.

>Gameplay is difficult

Nice twist to say it's bad.

Camera is all over the place. Companions are deadweights. Easy to cheese.


>The game is disapointing now but it'll get better!!!


Bait thread, but I'm still gonna jump in and say it was shit anyway.

Once that entire fuckfest of a second act is over, the only way you can revist the open world is by TIME TRAVELING.

Why would I ever want to fucking go back if none of it matters. Also you don't even unlock the flying car until after you beat the game. So whats the point of me beating everything ahead of time? To fly around a empty world?

Was expecting the other continents to be this great open world areas. But nope. A whole mess load of fuck.

More news about the chapter 13 update.

>So going back to Final Fantasy XV, talk a little bit about the process of Chapter 13, and what’s going on with that.

>So there is an update planned for this month that includes enhancements to chapter 13. So before, obviously, it was just Noctis by himself, kind of alone without the powers of his weapon summoning abilities. But what we’ve done for chapter 13, is we’ve added a separate route for Gladio and Ignis after they get split off from Noctis, so you actually get to play as Gladio, and see what happened from their side of things until they reunited with Noctis. You’ll see some additional cutscenes [that] just show you what took place while Noctis was kind of on his own. You’ll get some actual gameplay with the party of Gladio and Ignis together. You’ll see what happened to Emperor Aldercapt and Ravus, and where they ended up being during the whole time. These are just the supplementary scenes that were added into chapter 13, and that’s just for chapter 13. But aside from that, we’re overhauling the ring magic, so the three spells that you could use with the Ring of the Lucii, those are completely powerful now, like super powerful now. So those are some other things to look forward to.


The worst thing is that the only thing you really need the flying car for is the platforming dungeon. It was clearly an afterthought added because fans cried for it too much just like a lot of things.
They should've just added optional summons instead or some shit

Meh, i'll watch it on YT
I won't play through it again just to see a few scenes

Man give it a rest.

It's not time travel, you are just revisiting past memories and so any new things you do back in Lucis that you didn't do before is actually framed as its a memory of a past event that already happened once you got to altissia.