This guy is so fucking ugly
as are all jews
Cuckesy neystat.
What a horrible looking man
what about natalie herschlag?
stop shilling this kike nigger
I think it's rather how fucking smug he looks, 24/7 of the time.
This guy is way too close to the camera
youtube allowed ugly people to become famous
wasn't this guy talking about how Trump will never be president, and took some pics with Hillary?
Is this the jews final form?
he was paid almost a million by dnc to shill on his channel
he talked about it on a h3h3 video
he is a true jew
what a spoiled bitch.
he looks like he has progeria, but without the inflated head
Well to be fair he's spoiled by himself rather than rich parents or something.
Is this what Sean Penn is up to these days?
>tfw you're a fat ugly virgin with no life but at least you dont LITERALLY LOOK LIKE A FOOT
Now I MAY trade my life with his if he were worth 10m+ but even then I'd spend half of it on face surgery
>hillary shill
>hollywood corp cuck slave
he was not only ugly on the outside he was internally as well, he is forever eternally ugly.
I don't know anything about this guy besides seeing "Casey Neistat quits Vlogging", "Casey Neistat after vlogging", and "Casey Neistat back to vlogging" all on YouTube trending over the span of a week.
his videos literally still have people going "What the fuck does he even do?"
it's actually fascinating to be like.. a human billboard orsomething
"Rat human hybrid steals Nintendo Switch"
How many people actually watch the shitty yuotube videos posted to this board? I'm up to zero.
Can't hate on that, dude is an entrepreneur
>nose is wider than his mouth
Arab men are such cavemen.
>taking a switch on a plane
He's fucked
i wont click this shit