Game Recommendation Thread

I want an FPS game that has RPG-like shit like look rarity, stats and customization.

i already played Borderlands and Dying light.

Try new Shadow Warriors, 2 especially.

forgot to mention that it needs to be on PS4, got no PC yet

Try Chivalry? Don't do that. Just wait for Mordhau

If you have a shitty PC/craptop you could play Deus Ex or System Shock 2.

I've never posted here, but gaming is sort of a dying hobby for me. I have a job now, and I just cannot motivate myself to play and enjoy anymore (Loved DotA, CSGO, and MH4U) and now can't stand em.

Dark souls
Dragons dogma
Titanfall2(kinda liked it)
And a shit ton of other stuff that I didn't enjoy.

Reccomend me something to reinvigorate my love of gaming before I lost it forever bros :( (PC and 3ds)


Far Cry 4

3DS has a bunch of comfy jrpg m8

Try Bravely Default/Second maybe?

is it gud?

I'll take a look. Thanks.

Got anything else? I've got a PC just sitting here

games that can be played in bite size sessions on any computer or games I played after a long day of working:
Duke Nukem 3D
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Might and Magic 6
Doom 1 and 2
Quake Live

Destiny you didn't say it had to be good recommendations

Third person options could be Defiance and Division.

Oooh my goodness this is just like dragon quest! I loved that when I was Little

It's an Ubisoft game

If you want some more information, about so-so. It's an open world with animals that can fight each others so it can be fun to make them fight for couple hours. It's basically the same as 3 except for some minor improvements and now set on Himalayas.

I'm in a similar position as you user and the two games I've found really worked for me over the past year were FTL and Darkest Dungeon. Both are games you can sit down and play for a half hour and still feel like you're making progress.

Also both are rogue-like games with a lot of strategy and patience behind them, so if that's not your thing then ignore me.

Undertale was one of the first games in years that I sat down and played through entirely in one whole day, from morning till night.

DD looks neat.

I don't know what it is man, if im just burnt out, too tired, just sick of the games I've repetitively played for the last 5 years or what, but im having a hard time finding something I wanna sink hundreds of hours into anymore. I actually chose to play papers please over DotA last night...

Wait what about that farming game? Starbound valley or whatever? I pirated the gog versions and played it, but then realized I was making some strategic mistakes and my OCD stopped my from playing because I wasn't doing it perfectly (I hate this shit). It that one worth learning and playing? Seems pretty chill


monster hunter

>MH4U is right in there

monster hunter

What game lets me just walk away?

fucking australians i swear to god

Just walk away.

I want more of pic related, what should i play?