I am about to install WoW for the first time. Any tips/things I should know?
I am about to install WoW for the first time. Any tips/things I should know?
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just don't?
Really? Why?
You're a decade late buddy.
Well i wanted to jump into MMO's and i figured this was the best/most populated one
Garrosh did nothing wrong.
You don't need to know anything else.
Dude it's too fucking late to play wow there's no point unless you really just want a Skinner box
Play Elysium instead, or any other mmo.
Retail wow? You're either underage or retarded
>most populated
Well then why dont you give me a better MMO to start with dickhead
Don't, it's shit.
Play the master class
I literally see no reason for someone who is not familiar with WoW to start now. You'll have a lot of fun playing it.
t. Vanilla player
English please
And miss out on 58 levels of content? Nah.
>7/7, 3/3, 4/10
>Unsubbed last night because nighthold is garbage and i'm barely doing middle of the pack DPS because everyone else has BiS leggos while I have the garbage trinket and Sephuz
Cancerous garbage system.
This Blizzard did everything wrong with that guy he'd didn't want to be leader, he pushed for taking the fight to the Lich, punished someone for killing innocents especially woman and children when they had a truce but then blizzard goes even told that undead skank she was no better than the Lich and she should stop the deadly toxic gas and fucking with the natural order of things "Oh man we are making Garrosh to likeable I mean these guys are digging him more than Thrall fuck that!" then they just made him turn into shit for no reason
I literally see not reason (why) someone who is not familiar with WoW shouldn't start (playing) now.
>guild goes with mythic krosus
So should i install it? I just want to start playing MMO's i tried champions online when i was like 13 and it was really shitty
did this last month only reason i was playing was to get my bis lego instead i got my 4th shit legendary and thats when i uninstalled and said fuck mmos untill stormblood.
>Any tips
Start by buying a DeLorean DMC-12, then convert it into a time machine. Use it to go back to 2005. The game should then be worth playing.
You are boarding a sinking ship my friend. (the genre even, not only the game)
Seeing that nobody is posting anything useful, I'll give you some tips.
-Try convincing a friend to play with you with the recruit a friend system, you'll both get bonuses.
-At level 15 you'll unlock LFG, which lets you do dungeons. I recommend not exhausting this system unless you're in a hurry when leveling up.
-Try beating every dungeon at least once, with or without LFG.
-Grab two professions, one for gathering and another one for crafting. You can skip gathering professions if you have a significant amount of gold and/or like auction houses for buying resources. Usually. professions go with your class. For example, if you're leveling up with cloth, it's optimal to be able to craft cloth stuff, same with smithing and plate armor classes. I recommend you google it up if you want to be optimal with your professions, since they're an easy way to make money.
-Don't pay much attention to gear in low levels, since you'll probably get carried in dungeons by players with heirlooms, which you cannot acquire yet.
-Download some addons; I made a short list for you to start with stuff that isn't really complicated:
>TomTom or Cartographer: They pretty much give you coordinates. No need to download both since they have the same purpose.
>Bagnon: Optional if you don't like the official bag UI.
>Storyline: Optional, if you like reading quests, basically modifies your UI when you're talking to NPCs so it looks like Guild Wars 2.
-When you get to max level, find something you like doing, like mythic dungeons, raiding, leveling up professions...
That's all I can think of for now, have fun.
Unsubbed 2 months ago
>Favorite classes and specs are in ruins
>AP is the worst thing ever invented
>The "content" is nothing more than doing the same quest over and over again.
>Raids sucked ass, specially compared to what we got during MoP / WoD
>Pvp is 100% dead , so not even that to pass time anymore
>Alts are dead too
Ye buddy...
Everything ends.
Doing alts is a lot easier when you have max artifact knowledge on your main and can just boost them all to 20.
Could you collaborate with more info why you feel that way except for:
>AP is the worst thing ever invented
>The "content" is nothing more than doing the same quest over and over again.
>So should i install it?
Like I said for someone completely unfamiliar with it, it's probably going to be good fun. On the other hand it might seem like a big investment, but you'll just have to be a judge of that.
Only if you're in a casual Heroic guild. Alts in Mythic guilds means 54 traits. It's fucking cancer.
Mythic fucking sucks. I never cared for that crap. Harder content is great when it's just you, but 25 other people? No fucking way.
That's the fundamental flaw with this "raids or bust" theory of online games. It's just the classic tale, where every step was individually reasonable, but the destination was a shitshow.
Thank you for the advice user!! Intalling right now excited to hop in
I already said everyrhing.
EN was boring
ToV had one fun fight
NH is just terrible
>Both my main and my alt classes got gutted and assraped by ability prune and RNG shitfest
My main class/spec got shit on ever since the pre-patch hit.
It wasn't even good on pvp, yet they went ahead and straight up removed or broke every single semi-viable build for it
>pvp is dead
Terrible gear system, terrible class balance, I MEAN TERRIBLE
>Alts are dead
Have fun doing Wqs and stupid AP grinding on all of them.
Remember leveing a new dude and just doing some arenas on the weekend with a buddy to gear up? yeah, it's gone.
It's pretty much why MMO's have fallen out of favor. There's really nothing to offer except raiding. Pretty much any online game does what MMO's do better. ASSFAGGOTS offer better PVP content, and all those crappy survival crafting games offer better exploration and profession/crafting.
>someone actually helping someone in Sup Forums
Witness this true miracle that happens every so often as Halley's Comet
uninstall it
Well, from what I remember on MoP it wasn't that great, the raids were clever but pugs could do what they were supposed to, not to mention you'd do old raids for the sake of sigils/secrets.
Was wondering about Legion because I resubbed for wod because of Sup ForumsĀ“s hype then unsubbed again, now I have my doubts about Legion.
PvP was always unbalanced.
ToT and SoO were absolutely amazing raids.
Class balance was actually bearable and having alts was easy too.
The only thing that kinda sucked is that you had to do the legendary cloak on the characters you wanted to take a bit more seriously.
Same goes for WoD with the ring.
The only legitimately good Raid Boss in Legion so far is Helya, and she's in the raid they cobbled together last minute because they were ahead of schedule for a change.
Every other boss is a retread of the same copy/paste mechanics that they've been repeating since Cata.
just go to the esylium website and install their client instead
>Favorite classes and specs are in ruins
All specs are fine even in high level raiding right now. At least in PvE.
MMOs ought to offer better socializing than ASSFAGGOTS or FPSes or survival sandboxes, and the real sin was losing their way there. Raids are part of the problem, because if they're too hard they destroy friendships and if they're too easy you get the poopsockers whining. Though I think the downfall of WoW was phasing, because it did the most to turn it into a shit single-player game (except raids).
Come to an RP server.
Sure we're all perverts, tryhards, edgelords, and autists, but unlike most other servers we still have fun playing the game.
At WoD when I made my garrison I quit, felt it was like a facebook game.
>ToT and SoO were amazing raids.
If that's amazing then holy shit Legion is boring.
>Every other boss is a retread of the same copy/paste mechanics that they've been repeating since Cata.
Damn, that's a shame.
He can't access it until hitting level 55 anyway.
Go and play vanilla instead, dumbass
Bull-fucking-shit. Assassination is a brandead nightmare to play that isn't viable without the Leggo boots. Sub is a barely functional mess that isn't functional without at all without the right Legendary items. Outlaw is an RNG mess where you roll the memes over and over until you get True Bearing and your damage is gimp without the Legendary Shoulders and bracers.
Havoc without the ring is gimped, Marks without the boots is gimped, BM without the shoulders is gimped. Almost all the specs in the game are varying degrees of straight up gimped without their BiS Legendary(s). That's hardly "fine".
The state of warlocks is so bad even Cobrak quit the game.
In pvp.
Ooh, do Fury now
Holy shit vanilla retards and TBC fags are full autism now just play the ONE AND ONLY GOOD EXPANSION
Something from my experience. Don't be desparate to find a guild/go into raid progression asap. You'll burn out quick if you just find a random guild. Take your time when finding guilds, find one that you're happy in, and happy raiding with.
Also if you're leveling a DPS, quest while you que for pre-current dungeons. Otherwise you'll get in fast as Tank or Heals.
Fury has is good because the item that you're absolutely required to have to make it viable isn't a Legendary.
>Be Fury without Draught of Souls
>Get laughed at
>Get an 865 LFR Draught
>DPS goes up by 102k
For reference, a 915 Draught contributes roughly 150k DPS all by itself just from the on-use, not counting the Haste. Fury is one of the only specs that's not TOTALLY gimped without Legendarys.
Arthas died and wow died with him.
wait, is Draught the thing where you float up and shoot shadow energy everywhere? I've seen that effect in Asmongoloid's vids
Also to add. If you want the best FIRST class to just learn the basics, Then Hunter is the best for beginners. You even get a pet to tank for you. Although I would NOT recommenced Hunter for a Main (A character you put the most time/most work into). But yeah go Hunter if you want to just get your feet wet in the basics of WoW. Make a toon (term for character) for both Alliance and Horde, see which faction you like, and of course which race you'd enjoy. Some folks will tell you stuff like Orcs/Trolls make the best hunter, and they'd be mostly right, but since you're new, I'd just say go for a race that catches your eye the most, then experiment later on.
Overall though, have fun and enjoy yourself! I know Sup Forums can be full of pessimists, but if you really want to give WoW a go, then by all means.
Just don't buy Legion until you're absolutely CERTAIN you really want to go deeper. Finally, DO NOT EVER. EVER. EVER! But a character boost for a class you've never played before. You might not enjoy it, and you'll waste $60.
Boots help, but they're far from necessary. As a mythic raider you should have at least 5 legendaries by now, if you got the 5 worst (sephuz, prydaz, valeera, cini, ravenholdt) you're still perfectly competitive. Not 99th percentile competitive maybe, but you can definitely pull enough numbers for all NH encounters. Especially when Sin Rogues are within the top 3 melee specs in NH.
You're 13 years late bud.
Yes. It's fucking retarded, overall it will contribute in the region of 20% of a Fury Warrior's total damage in any given fight because it scales up with the damage bonus from Enrage, and it also benefits from the 100% crit from Battle Cry.
>I don't know how to read logs
Those are showing the relative values of single legendaries, not go loot at the different combinations of legendaries.
Play Elysium if you want to experience what WoW used to be
It's still magic
More like
>I suck at my class and need to look for excuses every time I underperform like the shitter I am
Rogue legendaries don't even have a noticeable synergy with each other.
It used to not break stealth for rogues, but they patched that.
you still have time to rethink this decision user
>quit because bored
>was #2 in damage in my guild
Not going to be surprised if i'm replaced. Tomb better be so good I jizz buckets
And join the Alliance?
It's actual kinda ironic that long time vanilla/wotlk fags who has honestly played WoW for 10-13 years now just tell new players "just don't bother trust me" despite probably having fun at some point in their WoW lifetime.
But it's true OP. WoW went majorly downhill since the end of WOTLK. Majorly downhill from WOD.
rest is not wow
Do it. It's pretty garbage in it's current state but I'm sure it'd be a lot of fun for a new player. I miss playing WoW, but everyone stops at some point.
FFFag spotted
They removed that; you can create Death Knights as soon as you buy the game now. That restriction would be nullified anyway, since you get a level 100 boost at the start.
while i agree, its a bad idea, since Ely is kinda shit
the best option is to way a few more months for Crestfall to open, if you start Ely now you'll regret leveling and gearing a hero once everyone moves to Crestfall
Arthas had already been dead before WoW was even a game.
>They removed that; you can create Death Knights as soon as you buy the game now. >That restriction would be nullified anyway, since you get a level 100 boost at the start
>the state of bl*zzard in 2017
"We thought we solved the problem with the level gap with character boosts" Ion "Watcher" Hazzikotas.
This is why you don't make your fucking lawyer a game dev.
Man, nu-blizz employees all have such punchable faces...
Funny how this guy has sent off so many red flags over the years and still hasn't been replaced by someone competent
He started as an encounter designer in fucking WOTLK, with his first head project being TOC
And yet he somehow became the lead PVE designer in fucking cataclysm onward, which has been tanking subs like crazy, sending the end game raiding scene into wack by changing up the raid size/requirements over and over and over again and pretty much single handedly destroying the end game community which is why they needed LFR/LFD, without it the game would be well and truly dead.
Watcher isn't the problem, he's generally pretty good actually. It's this idiot.
No, watcher is irredeemable trash.
He made WOW into what it is today, no content or character progression except for top 2%, and even then its a bonus phase on a boss at the most.
You know someone's fucked up when you get 5 million people to quit playing WOW because you've enforced time gates on them so they don't even want to log in for more then an hour a day, and that hour is just the same shit you did yesterday.
I'm off to bed.
Fuck this gay earth.
Don't play your boosted yet. Do the 1-100 grind on a character and then boost someone else.
I'd also say if you have enough time play every class to 20 to see if you have a feel for any of them, you can do this on a starter account for free fyi.
>Friend and I installed HotS just to get the mount
>Play 15 matches against the AI
>Playing as Cho and E.T.C
>Actually have a lot of fun
1. Dead Game
2. Dead Genre
3. Boring
Why is there no modern MMO to trump WoW and maybe even FFXIV yet?
Do companies just don't want to even try anymore? Is it either:
1: So many other mmos have failed
2: MMO genre is simply dead
There has been Zero, absolutely zero innovation for MMOs since WoW in 2004 and FFXIV 2.0 (not 1.0 trash).
What went wrong with MMO genre?
Because people don't want to play MMOs
They want to play WoW. But not be playing WoW
Its because the MMO genre was hijacked.
No longer are they simply RPGs that happen to be multiplayer in a persistant, online world where everyone shares the same play space.
No "MMO" now means grind, grind, grind, infinite grinds, its not about immersion, player interaction, grouping, exploration, trading, ect.
Its all about that power grind to be 'the best' on the server, this is especially true in korea and china where the MMO genre as it currently is booms.
Modern WOW is tailored for the asian market, simply because on average china and koreans pay more, due to their internet cafe hourly pay systems, then the west will with monthly subs.
Step 1: Uninstall WoW
Step 2: Download a Wrath of the lich king private server
Step 3: Have a MUCH better experiance
Pretty much.
People think they want to play pre-wow "hardcore" style MMOs but they really don't and abandon them within weeks because they're too accustomed to all the modern casual shit. The only other alternative is a wow clone with less polish, less content and janky animations.
Its like a typical google play mobile game. Endless grind unless you pay money to advance.
Except with WoW and grindy MMOs, you're paying to do so.
Why does it have to be like that?
Fuck ;_;
Too bad there's no good WotLK private servers.
To be fair, no one makes pre-WOW style MMOs with any polish, or abuse modern systems that kill MMOs before they even have a chance to thrive, such as f2p mechanics.
There is a reason why vanilla WOW servers have been getting insanely popular as of late, vanilla WOW came out in a time where the dungeons and leveling experience was still 'hardcore' but the gameplay wasn't like pulling teeth, such as EQ1's gameplay.
i-it is though.
Ive been on what is now truewow for almost 9 years now and its pretty good just low pop
plz dont let it die
post that no name MMO thats dead now Sup Forums
Take the Murky pill friend.
Its what happens when you move the entire arena team over to a DOTA clone and leave interns to run WOW's PVP system
That being said arenas were always shit and the protoMOBA.
Every single cut spell/ability and nerf to WOW has been a result of the imba nature of arenas.