Pathologic thread

5 hours left, Sup Forums

hopes? dreams?

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True ending ruined the entire game.

it seemed like more of a joke to me than anything else, i think the actors in the theater near the end pity them for still thinking they're in control of things

I loved the game all the way up until learned the truth of the game, that it is all make believe and the entire game is just a way for the two kids to deal with the death of their grandfather. I felt genuine emotion when I was forced to kill innocent people for food, or Eva killing herself. But to learn that it was LOL just a a lie all along pissed me off and all the mystery of the town was nothing but bullshit.

]i'm kinda talking out of my ass here, but i remember it sorta pissing me off a bit when i finished the game with bachelor for the first time

but i remember that near the end there's a focus on distancing yourself from the player character/the Authorities by playing as something other than a doll

if i'm not a fucking idiot i remember that at the end of haruspicus's playthrough, the inquisitor tells him that she knew all along that everyone in the town was a toy, and that she fell for him because she felt "alive". when you start talking to her as the player she starts freaking the fuck out

it's kind of lame, yes, but it comes out of fucking nowhere and for me it fit with the sort of weird russian meta feeling the rest of the game gave me, so it ended up kind of growing on me

>it comes out of fucking nowhere
There are plenty of things that hint at it, some characters even fucking mention how they feel like their chest is filled with cotton, you can tell Aglaya that it's YOU, not Artemiy, and so on. As far as I remember she KNOWS too. And even then it changes absolutely fucking nothing.

>to learn it's all a lie
nigga it's a video game
it already was all a lie
why does one more level of lie bother you so much, is the point they are making.

Huh, was this supposed to only be one question?

maybe, right after playing the game i theorized that the laughing/crying baby sound that plays when your reputation raises/lowers were the two kids watching you in the sandbox

it's been months since i played the game though so who knows

they've been posting a question a day for the last few days, some dudes are saying it might be linked to the 3GB marble nest patch on steam

IPL what the fuck have you done this time

just dybowskiy and his boys working their magic again, nothing to fear

vodka-induced fever dreams are nothing to fear, truly

There is even more. Look at what the icon for the generic NPCs is there is a reason if all of the generic NPCs look the exact fucking same and the icon is an hint as to why. Go at Aspity's house and pay attention to two items that are there they are dolls of the two player characters that you aren't playing. Pay attention to the executors and the mimes - they almost always come off as extremely silly, they look out of place all the time and in some instances they try their hardest not to break the fourth wall. In the Bachelor's route, during day 12 the mime at theater asks you something and you can reply with "it's me, Daniil Dankovsky" or "it's me, the player", IIRC if you choose the latter they laugh at you. The Executors and the mimes are the game's devs.

The next one is a bit more subtle: even if you suspend your disbelief you'd expect the world to be similar to ours even if there are paranormal elements. But why are all of the weapons in the game so unusual, ranging from the small arms (the revolver and rifle do exist IRL, beign the Webley Fosbery autorevolver in .380 ACP and the Berdan II in 7.62x54R, but are rare as fuck, even during the timeframe they were made at) to the artillery pieces? Those aspects made me think that it was as if someone was trying to slip in some cool weapon they saw in some form of media.

>11:30pm - Against all the odds I think I am outdrinking the Russians. Alex's post-op fears have gone down with the absinthe, and Nikolay has started swaying and telling "It's bloody cold in Russia" stories. My favourite involves a man who runs to the shops at midnight in Siberia and is terrified when he hears the devil's hooves clanking behind him. He gets home and realises the clanking was coming from his sock-clad feet which have frozen solid. "The funny thing is," says Nikolay, "he had to have them amputated two weeks later."


the doll npc portraits/bachelor stuff i was aware of, but somehow i never dug deep enough to realize the aspity/ospina shit and was never really /k/ enough to dig deep into the weapons

was there anything i missed in klara's route?

I want this fucking meme to end.

I hope that image is real.

Wait, where was that from? The program that they gave out to some Kickstarter backers?

>was there anything i missed in klara's route?
That I can't help you with as I don't remember much of her route, other than the fact that she's easily the most combat oriented character.


i played the original translation a few months ago and remember hearing horror stories about her route, that it was literally unbeatable

not sure if it was actually that terrible or not but i didn't bother finding out, i regret not playing through the game again with the haruspicus though

Why the fuck did you play the original release?

> if you choose the latter they laugh at you
I meant, if you choose the former. If you choose the latter he asks you if you really want to go on and why.

>This outstanding quality refers to a person's resistance to irrational fears. You possess it if this question didn't make you think of death.
But it did. How could I not think of death?
Also, what's with the pie chart?

So what happens when the timer runs out? New kickstarter update? release date announcement? Ice Pick Lodge just fucking with us and it's literally nothing?

>ran slightly better than classic hd
>was curious how bad the translation actually was

turns out the translation actually did read like someone copy + pasted it into google translate, some of the corny voice acting grew on me though

it's an edit from a legit posting about Killer7
a good edit though, props to user

I didn't think of death, I rather liked the idea of eating ribs with people I don't know.
Then again I'm a BBQ lover who cooks some mean fucking ribs and I try to have people taste them regularly cause I love praise about how good my ribs are.

>implying they were pork ribs and not human ones

Nah it wasn't human, it was long pork.

Wait, what is this? What have I missed?
This weird dream again...

The food descriptions were so good.
>Fresh Meat: the meat of an animal slaughtered hours ago. Nobody knows where this came from. The situation in the Abattoir are unknown, its innards are closed off to common people, and any contact with the Termitary is temporarily cut off. In any case, fresh meat is nutritious and tasty if properly cooked.
>Milk: A bottle of cow's milk. Be careful with this product. Milk is very good for one's health but its origin means there is always a big risk. Women say that recently cows have been producing a clear ichor, and recently dark clots have been found in steamed milk. Farm animals cannot be trusted these days.

I started with haruspex and am on the 7th day, did I fuck up not picking bachelor first Sup Forums?

Wasn't food supposed to infect you at some point during development? In some flavor text people got infected after having eaten meat from cattle that had the plague.

To put it shortly, yes.
Daniil is an outsider with a stellar reputation and people threat him as such, meaning that they're really eager to give you the quick rundown of what happens in the town but are much more reluctant to tell you the more, so to say, reserved stuff. In your case that means that you're probably mission out on a shitton of stuff and your character knows a lot more than you do, and as a result you might have been missing some sidequests too. Daniil also has a much easier time than Artemii in general.

>Wasn't food supposed to infect you at some point during development?
I think so, but I can't find anything definite.
It seems likely considering the flavour text/conversations you mentioned, but I imagine it would've made balancing infection and immunity much more difficult. I still wish they did, though.

>I imagine it would've made balancing infection and immunity much more difficult
Just add slight health regeneration during sleep without taking any drugs and leave everything else as is.

It inst unbeatable
Just used to be awfully translated and is clearly unfinished

>clearly unfinished
Doesn't that apply to Clara's scenario in general, not just to the first english translation?

>An hour and a half left
So what's going to happen? It's nothing, right?

Was there a point in the Starways to Heaven, other than the fact that Twyre grows near them?

Also, how is Marble Nest?