A rape scene happen in a videogame in 1995, it was a blast

>a rape scene happen in a videogame in 1995, it was a blast

What the fuck guys? What went so wrong after that?

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In the west? Everything.
In the east? More specifically the nips? Nothing.

>it's another edgy crossposting nu/pol/ teens complaining about "muh SJWs killing western video games" episode

Sorry, can you point out where he said that?

>tfw she actually did some softcore porn not long after
Nuts busted

>protagonist is a woman who gets raped
>writer of the game is a woman


Who is this fossil fuel powered sperglady?

I fapped to her many times
dem floppy tits and huge ass

wait what

It probably wasn't that bad a scene. I'm guessing a fade out?

Do you get nips?

>I'm guessing a fade out?

He fucks her good and hard

From what remember they weren't that floppy, quite perky actually. God I need to fap again.

>tfw the second one has bare breasts and BDSM in it

That chick actually did porn.
They got a porn actress for their fucking game.

Don't be obtuse.

Got her? It was HER game to begin with.

>dad come in

>That chick actually did porn.
>They got a porn actress for their fucking game.

you make it sound as if this was a bad thing.

Was softcore always this mediocre?

No, actually it's awesome. More people should do that.

this will do

look it up, he actually raped her on set

You're just deluding yourself, people were far more upset about video games in the mid-90s than they are today. You just didn't have the internet to make you as aware of every little thing as you do today.

Ah, so he didn't. Great. Another case of the pol boogeyman then haha

>Kids these days don't know about Night Trap


>being this autistic

That shitty outfit she wore made her look like a character straight out of blue's clues.

>the pol boogeyman
And that's how I know you are a crossposting kid shitting up the other boards with parroting the same old shit you hear on r/The_Donald

No one even mentioned Sup Forums. Yet here we are. I haven't gone to a different board than Sup Forums and Sup Forums since 2014

So it's the same shit.

Sorry I still can't get over the fact that Nintendo actually censored headpats from their video game.
It gets funnier every time I remember it happened.

>he tries to imply that acknowledging Marxism and it's useful idiots (SJW's) are actively killing every entertainment industry makes you a suburban/rural retard
>he posts blacked
Spotted the kike.

>anyone shitting on my yard must be a jew
>It's not my fault if I played vidya at home all day long while some literal whos menaged to land on a shitty writing job on the video games industry
>it's somehow not related to how artsy fartsy types thinks and have been related to liberal related ideas on the current political spectrum since the dawn of the era
>btw the biggest kike lover on the history of mankind since Winston Churchill is my god emperor savior of the white race
Oh also
>he doesn't know the fact that blacked has been posted by a group of for false flagging Sup Forumsacks to draw attention of new breed nu/pol/acks to the board
Spotted the underage.

>posting that feminist shill
Didn't even bother reading your autistic short novel. Kys faggot.

I played this game at Incredible Universe when I was a kid. Shit was mad spooky.

sadly, the store version was censored.

How about I post this kike shill instead? You would like the face of biggest kike lover alive right?

tamest rape scene ever

>whyyyyyyyy does she have sulken boobs???
>was she a smoker?
> immersion gone

today, the genders would be reversed

>Expecting it to be like pic related or Boy's Don't Cry
don't know what to tell you

Its good people still remember games like this. Cheesy bad acting combined with point and click.
I do like 1 more than 2 but 2 shot to more fame because of spoony.

>muh adult entertainment
I'm glad that people like you is facing extinction. You're just a bad memory of past generations.

Phantasmagoria 1 is the epitome of comfiness

Those boobs are delicious.

True. i may give it a replay. Do you know if dos box works with it? otherwise i am gonna have to get my old 386 out of the attic

>Rewatching old softcore movies from the late 90s I used to find on TV
>They are all shit but there's always one lesbian scene and one masturbation scene that are pretty good

You can simply buy the GOG version

Thanks user. Did not know that. Saves me a trip.

Better yet, you can pirate the GOG version

>Her arms are just down her sides and she isn't resisting at all or visibly saying 'No'

That isn't rape

That game was made by a women, dog.

it actually is now in germany thanks to a recent change in laws. if he threatens violence and/or it is reasonable to assume that he would go through with it you don't have to fight anymore.
>inb4 fucking SJW
it's a huge improvement.

Part 2 of this game is basically softcorn porn.

I'm literally not joking. Go watch a playthrough of it.

But not when brown people do it, right?

Elsa Jean


It's like how 50 shades isn't creepy because its creator is female.

no. it'd be rape if we didn't present our butts to them as they are guests. i bet someone will take this seriously

women stop making video games

>that game the father made a hole between the bathroom wall and his daughter's room
>that same game where you can throw a lewd comment to your mom and she follows it
And it's not weeb shit.

Why is Neptunia considered creepy then?


All anime is creepy

Bullshit. Perhaps it was less, even, as there not many fucks to give to religious folk. Unlike SJWs from nowadays, who seem to control the industry now.

because it's not targeted at bored housewifes.

I know it's wrong to blame the victim but she had it coming for dressing like that and going out alone at night.

>Sup Forums portrays itself as edgy kid with beanie hat

That was controversial as fuck when it came out.

Bullshit? Bullshit? It got so bad that there were government hearings you ignorant fuck, full on government hearings. SJWs pale in comparison to that shit. Look up the history of the ESRB, why the hell did you think it was founded in the first place. Fucking retard.

>tfw always getting the bad ending because I didn't want to not see that one video

They shouldn't, Night Trap sucks dick.

Patrician fetish

Harvester was the bomb man, I forgot you could flirt with your mom in that game

What game?

damn boner


looks like she skipped self defense class day, well deserved.

Took the "fuck the police" thing a bit too literally

No self defense class is going to help you win 1 vs 8, also this is a movie, she's scripted to be dumb.

In america she would have had a gun and could have shot them for violating the nap and getting within 10 feet of her. And she's not black so she won't miss 9/10 shots.

>Sup Forums complaining about crossposting
now i've seen everything


Sup Forums has been complaining about crossposting for years how fucking new are you

dude that's hot

>Emphasis on the tattoo

Somebody goes and gets revenge, don't they?

what movie is this?

>Blacked poster
kys cancer

In American, all twelve of the other dudes would have guns as well

C'mon newfriend, step it up.

>People were more outraged then
>So that means the outrage today is irrelevant and non-existent
You accidentally stupided.

user I think you're the one who stupided there. He didn't really talk about outrage today outside of it being more available to see. Nothing about it being irrelevant or non-existant.

Riot, it's pretty bad.

Yeah, it's a B-Movie, it hardly has anything original.

>that beating
Never saw this part of the scene.

Can't decide if subtle bait or two weeks old.
>he doesn't know who actually posts backed

who are you quoting?

She was a cop. Most police carry a firearm of some kind even in Europe these days don't they? Also isn't standard police procedure to wait for backup for this exact reason?

>Riot, it's pretty bad.
Ah, dang. Thanks anyway tho!

She waited, alright.