Best stealth game?






Fite me faggots

5 has the best gameplay but 3 is like one of the best games ever

>GZ being better than PW
>PW being better than 1 and 2


mgs 3 and chaos theory, honorable mention goes to invisible, inc.

inb4 thief fags...


>pw that high
>4 better than anything
>gz counted as a separate game

But I actually do want to know why you like peace walker so much


That's not to say that 1 or 4 are bad by any means.

Take your nostalgia goggles off, 2 is basically 1 but better

This list is based off of gameplay only, story is
2>3>1>PW>GZ>4>>>>>>>>actual shit>>>>>>>>>>>V

>putting an unfinished game that high

Dishonored is better.

guns of the fanfiction has a stupidly contrived plot that is just 7 layers of fat on top of what it was meant to be, which is chasing Ocelot

>a stealth game
Go play Thief or Splinter Cell. Or even fucking Deus Ex.

I know this is so fucking overplayed at this point, but I honestly think PW is comfy as hell, and I love it for that.


Thief 2

The MGS series are great but a disgrace to the genre.

But the bosses...

I like what they did to Raiden, and I thought the microwave scene was fucking great as well. The last bit with Big Boss had me in tears.

Fuck all the nanomachine bullshit though

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Tenchu 3

>disabled all wallhackd and hud elements except for ammo count
>have immense fun scouting outposts and planning my routes

This is why i'm glad that Sup Forumseddit opinions will never be relevant and why i'm happy this franchise is dead.
The MGS fanbase is, by far, the worst that has ever been in Sup Forums
Dying is the only good thing it did.

Farcry 3

Sorry. Not sorry

MGSV is a shame because I wanted more.
MGS4 is a game that I wish it was unfinished so that it ended sooner.


Total jobber in 4, infinitely better in mgr
a good scene I'll give you that at least
>big boss
>lol snake im back remember this gun from the 3rd game and heres the bad guy now hes dead also youre not gonna die except you still are and also im dead again

It has better controls and that's it. Everything else is worse.

imagine being so fucking contrarian that you prefer a $20 demo over a full blown game

I will never understand MGS1fags, it has the worst stealth and gameplay of the series.

Nostagia is hell of a drug, I guess.

Sup Forums is the place where you can find people who unironically say they are looking forward to Survive, someone in this thread will probably come out and say so now.
Don't take anyone's opinion here seriously, no one has anything of value to say about anything.

Story was better characters were more fleshed out the boss fights were more fun there were more easter eggs. It would be the best in the series if 3 didn't exist

Worst stealth would be the original metal gear where you wouldn't get spotted unless the enemies were on a direct line of sight to your feet, but I agree mgs1fags are just nostalgic

>better level design
>better story
>better villain
>better atmosphere
>no infinite supplies
>more mission variety lol
>big boss instead of literally who
>no phone app features

It's not contrarian, it's just truth.

Story was good but not better.
Characters were fucking trash except Otacon as always.
Boss fights are the third worst in the series behind PW and V.


Genre: Autism


Thankfully these reddit opinions will never matter.
And thankfully the MGS reddit fanbase is dead.

>can't deny my facts
lol feels good reking losers

Sup Forumseddit opinions can not be facts, and fortunately, they will never matter.
The last thing this industry needs is for Sup Forumseddit to have influence on anything.