How's Sup Forums rate my library?
How's Sup Forums rate my library?
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How many fucking copies of Demon's Souls do you have?
Why so many demons souls?
2/10 needs more demon souls mate
No mgs 0/5
can i have one?
its worth of 3 copies but seven?!? from salutes you.
>tfw you don't own a single Souls game
Well, I've been thinking of quitting buying new games and systems by the time next gen comes around, so at least I'll have interesting stuff to look forward to.
I'll see your 7 DS and raise you 7 Legendia.
You look rich user. Good for you. Can you please buy me a copy of Counter strike GO?
Why do you own 7 copies?
and why do you own 14 of Legendia?
serious lack of Yakuza games. they're kinda expensive to get nowadays, but 3 and 4 are a must. 5 is digital only for the translated version, unfortunately.
>there are people browsing this thread right now who haven't seen the Sneak King collection
Where's the weeb games?
been collecting for 10 years, bound to hit duplicates. that and slight obsession.
Is it on special?
DeS is on PSN so you're not short a copy. If you're keen grab that and darks 1. I personally hated DaS2 and 3 but if you like demon's and darks try bloodborne
the jurassic park one is a little crazier I believe.
I still don't understand how you're bound to hit duplicates unless you're buying other games in bulk with that included.
I understand the obsession thing though.
my nigga
its a shame ds1 isnt digital too. i dont know why its not. iirc it was for the 360. plus it has fucking digital dlc.
When I bought new merchandise, usually a game, guide, artbook came with it (I also have like 10+ guides and artbooks) so it was bound to happen over the years. Also, when ebay was really good, I couldn't pass up games for under $5.
You can just buy from g2a. 6$. Please user
I got 4
I thought it'd be funny to buy every second hand copy i could find. Forge myaelf a throne of get good
Link us. I'm down undah so $6 inflates to around $30
I played all das on PC, only got the console versions because wheb i saw them i couldn't pass up darks and prepare to die on console
Send me a copy of one of those nigga
If you're in a bad spot then no need. Get back up soon.
Site seems to be having frustrations. Buy page doesn't load
See if this works
>7 copies of the same game
>for the same system
Nein, looks like my phone is shit
Sorry man
I own FFX on ps2, ps3 and ps4 if it makes you feel any better
If anyone has any recommendations, please tell me
That's alright. Thanks for trying though. Have a good day.
buy it on steam too.