
Where were you when Bioware made the iltimate game of the year?

Multiplayer looks so much fun!

Holy shit I can't wait to play this masterpiece!

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looking good *thumbs up*

Stop talking about mass effect

Not to start Bioware Defense Forcing here but for every downside I see someone whine about in ME:A, I see people ignore a lot of the positive upsides. Some facial animations look wonky, yea, but the movement in combat looks smoother, more dynamic and more fun than ever. Ryder runs like a real human at a manageable speed which, on top of the jump jets and dashing, is more than I can say for DA:I and ME3. I'm finally finishing ME3 now and I actually spend a lot of time running and gunning with the soldier's abilities and avoiding sticking to cover unless absolutely necessary. I'm excited for this to be a viable and dynamic aspect of ME:A combat.
The weapon/armor customization options for your squad mates are lacking but Ryder's customization options are greater than ever, including crafting gear, customizing your vehicles, picking powers from any tree and creating your own load outs. And it looks like it will deliver on exploration more than any Bioware game released yet. When I think of ME2 and 3, I don't mind how the squadmates armor was static, and once I equipped them with a certain weapon I liked I just upgraded it and never changed it. When I think of DA:I, I rarely gave my squad mates orders other than "stand here and please don't die". If they can deliver on fully realized and helpful squad mates in ME:A, I won't mind the lack of gear customization for them.
I'm optimistic for the game, not even cautiously optimistic.

got my 10 copies of the $99.99 super deluxe edition pre-ordered for me and my bros, can't wait for this epic game!

i don't like sjwtps

This is going to be Game of the fucking Year.

drop one here richfag

Can I have one.

Multiplayer does look really fun. Story mode of course looks terrible though.


Bioware has never had good animations, I dont know why people expect anything else

Andromeda gameplay looks bretty gud

looks fun.. but i don't have any friends :(

>multiplayer is the same as in ME3

Whats the best class in ME3 and why is it Vanguard

Wow its literally ME3 multiplayer. No improvements no changes. The exact same.

>5 entire maps
Fucking sick.

Never played a mass effect before but I've been itching for another rpg ever since witcher 3 released. Already preordered for my psquad

>nova confirmed
>biotic charge confirmed

new maps will be free they said

Check out that sweet visual feedback when you hit an enemy with a bullet.

>biotic charge in a mass effect game


>the multiplayer will be more important than the singleplayer for the people who buy this
Why is singleplayer dead?

Can't wait desu.

Looks the same yeah, except this game isn't an ugly piece of shit like ME3, which makes a big difference.

>Mass Effect 3
>Not ugly

Lots of people were saying it would get cut because jetpacks exist

Illegitimate, I think you mean.

The races look like shit


oh my God this is going to be fucking amazing

Are you stupid.

Shills go home, your drunk shill


Almost completely gray and drab blue palette, cloudy lighting, heavy vignette.

Colorful, brighter, more detail due to better hardware, vignette barely noticeable as a result

Mass Effect: Andromeda - First Impressions: youtu.be/Tervcop96mQ

looking pretty hype guys!

jesus fucking christ the character models are so fucking ugly

Why do you lie?

Mass Effect lost all the respect I had for it. Some people don't care, but I won't support this game because it's not a game to redeem themselves, it's a continuation of their previous work.

Oh look another horde mode tps.
>Cash shop

If only the animations would look as good as the environments do.

This is an absolutely blatant shill. You need to work on being more subtle. No one on Sup Forums talks like some of these posts 2/10 see me after class.

>why do people expect improvements?
Kill yourself CoDbabby

Captain America was my favorite class alongside Krogan SmashFucker

Rare Gems
>Human Soldier
>Vanguard Anything
>Slayer aka Weaboo Sword Space Magic

ITT marketing shills trying to get the weakest of Sup Forums.

And the worst? It always works.

It's like those guy ripping off old people.

user, don't be their target, you will regret it.

>Kaidan or Miranda

¿Por que no los dos?

>Garrus Vakarian race
>not snek andromedan

That's more than 4

fuck you I will buy 5 copies now

Captain America?

Sure the mp looks fun but it's not sold separately from the abomination of the single player game and thus costs too much

This. I already preordered this GOTY for me and my friend.

The paladin

my favorite characters in multiplayer were the bubble Asari and the Geth brick shithouse.

I still can't get over the fact that there is literally only one new race being introduced. Still Asari, still humans, still Krogan, etc. and they can't even design new races outside of the ugly tentacle-thing?

Holy shit, I thought the whole point of going to another galaxy was so you could see new things that weren't from the fucking Milky Way

You thought wrong.

Pretty much the only reason I'm picking this up. Bioware lost the ability to make compelling SP stories anymore, but ME3 MP was surprisingly fucking fun.

maybe there are more races that weren't spoilered, even tho I doubt it

So I guess we're still going to wave 10, that's disappointing.

My thoughts exactly. I'm not really interested in the SP at all but i'd buy an MP only version in a heartbeat.

Because their writing staff is shit, but whoever lead the team that worked on ME3's MP knew what the fuck he was doing.

>bubble Asari and the Geth brick shithouse.
>That Platinum Cheese strat

Character editor is some kind of fucking joke.

I'm sad.I never got that class.

Alright I've got to ask: How much of Bioware's recent decline can actually be attributed to SJWs? I've seen plenty of info online about their doctrine change after the EA takeover and their recycling of the same plots and characters. I've seen comparatively little evidence of SJW hiring practices outside of a few memes and nit picked examples. Is there even a single attributable cause?

This may be pretty awesome. Would be cool if they came out with 3-5 hour co-op campaigns where each person has a turn to speak at various parts affecting the overall outcome of an episode.

i still like it

They hired the GTA virtual rape girl.

>shitty multiplayer mode instead of letting me play the campaing with friends
>in 2017
>tihs is the fourth game in the series
>this is the fucking reboot

Why do all the Turians looks so fucking AWFUL in Andromeda?

They were probably my favorite design from the original 3 but they look completely screwed up in this.

There will probably be new races locked behind DLCs, this is EA after all.

nah they look pretty good

>tried playing the first two games because Sup Forums told me they were master pieces
>give up in the "tutorial" of 1, right after you touch some rock, faint and wake up in a huge city where I had no idea what to do

And who the fuck thought infinite ammo with the only drawback being a super short cooldown period was a good idea? Jeez.

>double game budget
>spend even less money making the game so they can blow it all on marketing
>its ok because by the time they realize its shit we will anounce the sequel

>play like a pro

>no geth juggernaut
>no geth at all

Are those Krogans with the fucked up crests females?
Why are they fighting? I thought the genophage wasn't cured yet.

>It's a reskinned RE:Revelations 2 multiplayer

What the fuck

stick to Fable kid


The genophage didn't kill off females. It made females that could give birth to healthy babies rare.

The one in the OP looks almost nothing like the OG trilogy's Turians at all, aside from having vaguely the same shape, and even that's iffy.

They don't look at all like a graphical improvement should, instead it looks like they just redesigned them almost entirely.

Why do these games even have multiplayer? Nobody buys these games for the multiplayer, nobody cares, they just waste resources doing it and their actual game is worse because of it.

Are there only two fucking new species?

Well for one its not like the game is going to be particularly good in the first place.

Secondly its become relatively well known that the MP for ME3 was actually surprisingly good, so they're now probably just trying to rope in buys from the "Well I'll play it for the multiplayer I guess" crowd.

Maybe because it's a female?

How many new species do you expect?


I remember that shit
People drew parralels from the DLC pack he was in to the Avengers

>that male human class
>total manlet

Come on Bioware


>no geth juggernaut



Are Geth even in this game?

They'll be back right?

EA decreed five or so years back that all games made by its companies have to have multiplayer

What are you talking about, they never made good games.

Don't forget to purchase your gender fluid super deluxe multiplayer booster packs.

Geth and Quarians don't seem to be in SP or MP (though supposedly Quarians make a guest appearance depending on a choice you make)
They'll probably be in MP after an update or two

I am.
The multiplayer was the best part of ME3.


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