I Beat Zelda Breath of the Wild almost 100%. Ask me Anything

Making another one of these.

- Played on Switch.
- Got every Shrine, and almost every side quest
- Completed most of the compendium
- Did not skip any story missions at all
- Found almost every Korok. Completely upgraded my weapon Inventory space.
- Got the house, got it all furnished

I missed talking a picture of two of the Blights.

Am I screwed out of 100% completion now?

>almost every side quest
>almost every Korok

buy them off the symon or whatever his name is in the tech lab

>- Got every Shrine, and almost every side quest
>- Completed most of the compendium
>- Found almost every Korok.

Then you didn't fucking 100% it, did you?

Not to shill, but there's a guy legitimately doing 100 percent and tomorrow will be his 12th day.

His twitch is AdmiralBahroo

Be warned though, his community is filled with pretentious asses who try to act like they're morally higher than everyone else.


I said ALMOST 100%. Read


This thread's off to a good start

It's usually how it goes.

I completely forgot about this. This is in fact, correct.

These are all me btw. OP is a faggot and thus forgot to tag as OP.

Exactly how many Koroks do you have?

Are the bosses any good?

Do you know where I can find more koroks?

I'd say i collected just over 800?
I can't confirm this, but everywhere i look says there's a total of 900.

They are OK. Pretty lacking in comparison to some of the previous titles in the series. Easy and with the same overall look and theme.
Final boss is pretty alright though

So, I guess this would be a good place to ask.

I'm just now at kakariko village for the first time meeting Impa, and Impa makes it seem like there are things I should do before hearing Zelda's message. Should I go out and explore more or go ahead and hear Zelda's message?

so... guess we'll all fit in pretty well, huh?

Can you kill yourself now?

Fucking everywhere

First post proof.

Literally everywhere. I don't think i've been to a single location that didn't have at least five koroks hiding around.

To be more specific:
Climb every peak.
Go to every high place.
If something in the distance seems even remotely interesting, there is probably a korok there.
Look for stone circles.
Look for little windmills.
Look for moving sparks on the ground.
Look for incomplete patterns of fruit.
Look for tree stumps with a leaf marking on them.
Look for suspiciously lonely rocks waiting to be lifted.

Again... they are everywhere

Fuck. Keep forgetting to tag myself as OP.

>I'd say i collected just over 800?
>I can't confirm this
Well you could just take creen shot of your loading screen, but of course, you have probably only collected -300 because of
>upgraded my weapon Inventory space.
it takes over 400 to upgrade all 3
Even I have upgraded the weapon space

Second part:

Game is lackluster in some aspects.
Framedrops out the ass.
Waifus are 8/10.
The weapons breaking every five seconds sucks monkey fuck.

Also i'm a big fat faggot

>Well you could just take creen shot of your loading screen, but of course, you have probably only collected -300 because of

Not OP but please work on your reading comprehension. OP said that he couldn't confirm that there were 900. Not that he couldn't confirm his own count.

y havent you an hero yet


who gives a shit, fag

Work on YOUR reading comprehension faggot.
user asked, "Exactly how many Koroks do you have?"
OP answered with a retarded question "I'd say i collected just over 800?"

post your favorite armor combo
What's the quickest/most effective/repeatable way to make money?

Also don't buy a switch. I'm gonna sell that shit because i already completed the only worthwhile game on it.

It means nothing more than you as a player are committed to saving Hyrule once again.

it really doesn't matter. do whatever you want at any time

Do you have a lover?

I'm at about 90 shrines now and I'm halfway through the camel dungeon (I know it's weird to be half way through the tiny ass dungeons and not complete them, but my brother came over and I wanted to show him other parts of the game) and it's my last dungeon. Is there any downside to going to Ganon after this and just complete the shrines after I beat Ganon? Does the ending change or anything based on shrines? I have all memories done already.

Should I get it for the Wii U? Or should I wait until I get a Switch? (Could get one from winning a Melee tourney at Uni)

Only the main quest objectives affect the ending.

Post your completion percentage on the map screen if you're so great.

Where the fuck is the last Hinox?

what do you get for killing them all?

you've seen nothing my friend

Is OP female?

how do you get the shrines that are stuck in the ground?

Shrines give you the classic tunic and better sword beams. Other than that you're good.

Despite what he says he actually appears in every town at once during night.


How can Hylian women compete?


the new zoras are actually flat as fuck

and that's good

>Framedrops out the ass.
Ralis Pond is pretty horrid for that

this is a christian board my friend

Rest in piece. This is a blue board.

It's still delicious fish breast.

A medal from Kilton.

farm Talus..sesesesess

There's a rare-ore Talus near the Rito village
On top of a ... mesa? to the south

They aren't completely flat.


Is there any special plot point you get from 100 % everything ?

Praise God for fishtits.

>unlock stasis+
>finally get why people love it

I think they goofed. This is waaay too good to be unlock so easily

I didn't notice much of a problem with framerate in towns and heavily wooded areas once I started playing undocked. Did come across that moblin bug though.

If they were actually clothed they would be Lucina's tier.

>dem nipple mouths

Which one of you faggots lied and said you could find the Twilight Mirror at the Arbitor's Grounds in the desert.

I want Riju try her best to deepthroat link

That's true, though.

Lets be realistic for a second. We literally saw midna shatter the thing into a million pieces

As a game BOTW is really nice - bit like souls game with lot of small interactions with the world. However what is not nice is how it looks shit on television. I have Wii U version and on the gamepad it's pretty nice but I don't like to play with that, I like the big screen. I played the game for couple of days and just got to the first village. Frame rate is tanking there.

I'm not going to buy Switch until it gets (good) Monster Hunter. 4u was okay but MHX was complete utter shit and MHXG probably isn't going to be any different. And these are all going to be on 3ds only.

I think I'm going to wait couple of weeks to see where CEMU goes and decided that I might do a playthrough finally on PC in 4k instead of shitty blurry pixel shit on Wii U. But maybe.

It's a good game but way overrated. Way too much hype and way too much almost paid reviews. In this regard Nintendo is not any different from EA, Ubisoft or Activision...

It's inside one of the desert whales' stomach.


God damn it, another wild goose chase for me then.

dig them out

I doubt the game will be fully playable on cemu in just two weeks, six months is a more realistic scenario.
I'd be happy to be proven wrong though because the game really does run like shit on wiiu and I'm not going to get a switch until they make a safer 2.0 version

>That Gerudo in Ms/ Ashai's Voe Studies Clas that probably has a half dozen men locked in her basement.

I tried to take their picture, but the camera never recognized them as a thing.

>Framedrops out the ass.
welp time to wait 6 months and play it on emulator since nintendo fucked up the hardware again this generation

No it isn't.

Some faggot was also claiming the Twilight Mirror could be found on that southern part of the beach but that didn't even turn out to be a mirror at all, just some circular stone sculpture.

Where do I find the Goron who's name ends in "son"?

You have to dig in a very specific spot during the midnight (irl) using the shovel obtained through the oracle of secrets farore amiibo.

Southern Mine

Is the location of Fang and Bone random or is there a way to know where he'll pop up?

You are right. And I was also thinking that the CEMU team has gotten so much money now on Patreon that they don't probably want to even release fully working version immediately. Why kill the cash cow? Zelda is the last game on Wii U and everything else, even though need more work (like Bayo1+2, etc) are there but Zelda was the main reason they started to gain popularity.

So I think they are going to trickle down the improvements just to keep the Patreon money coming in. They also incorporated DRM into the emulator (first in history of emulators I guess).

Thank you!

specific places in the villiages, they have a wooden sign next to them, you can't miss them really

Every town simulatenously. So any choice is the correct one.

Good luck friend you're going to be doing the Tarry Town quests for awhile. Remember to chop some trees down every chance you get

>stumble upon Spring of Wisdom
>get a quest about Spring of Power
>spend many hours seeking bodies of water to find the Spring of Courage
Just found it tonight. I was looking everywhere, even up in Hebra!

>The windcleaver shoots wind when you charge it
Shit, that's awesome

Finding the dragons is even worse

How many are there? I could've seen them all already.

with what? the ones with the sunken holes on top?

Do ore locations respawn?


I bet TP Link tried to gather them anyway

Yeah, I've got a question. Why do you feel like you need special recognition for ALMOST doing something?

Yes. During blood moon.

3. I don't remember where they all spawn, but the electric one spawns at Lake Hylia around 12am. You need 2 of it's horns to upgrade the Champion's tunic to rank 2, I believe.

It shoots wind when you swing it at all.
It gives it a longer reach than you think.


Oh, I didn't even think about that. They really could stretch out that Patreon money for a long time by keeping BotW hostage, they have a complete and total monopoly on Wii U emulation. CEMU is only where it is currently because they had access to a development kit and documentation straight from Nintendo, for anyone else to complete it would take ages.

This was surprisingly cute.

I want to fight more white Lynels
Where do you guys find them? I find them in the plains of Hebra, near the sword in Gerudo Mountain and at the foot of Mount Lanayru.

I swear I've seen four, but maybe I imagined it. I know the one at the lake, the one below the western bridge and the one in the mountains south west.