He uses longsword in Monster Hunter

>He uses longsword in Monster Hunter

How can you live with being boring?

Other urls found in this thread:


Let's get this shit started.

Charge Blade was Overpowered

Styles/Arts are fine

Expeditions/Relics/Free Hunting were Shit

Swimming was shit

If you play Gunlance, SA, LS, Lance online you need to stop playing.

Garuga is a shit monster

Hayabusa Feather gated behind all the missions is a good idea and promotes replay value

Ichinose saved Monster Hunter

>If you play Gunlance, SA, LS, Lance online you need to stop playing.
pleb weapons only, or something?

gunlance is fucking dope


Not sure about lance and gunlance but the other two are filled with interupting attacks

Im so tired of using long swords, at this point I literally play anything that doesn't uses long sword.

by tripping everyone

>Charge Blade was Overpowered
This is my favorite bait

>Styles/Arts are fine
Keep animu shit in frontier please.

>He plays Monster Hunter

How can you live with being boring?

as a s&s user i can safely say that i am the most boring. switch axe is my favorite simply due to how stupid of a concept it is, and because you get to reload it when it runs low on axe bullets

GL is disrupting whenever it shells on top of being a shit weapon by itself and lance is either the most disruptive weapon in the game if you run striker charge spam, or too easy to disrupt for how little damage it does if you poke.

No other good games on the market right now.

Nioh was shit
DMC is dead
Bayo is dead
Souls/BB lacks depth
Ninja Gaiden is dead
Onimusha is dead
Horizon is bad

Charge blade was broken, not overpowered. It was a top tier weapon because of how much it could do with so little effort. Not to say the damage was lacking at all. Now it's reasonably well balanced.

Give me a quick rundown on the following

How you first heard about Monster Hunter:
Your first Monster Hunter game:
Your first weapon of choice:
Your current weapon of choice:
A weapon type you might like to see added in the future:
Your favourite armor set:
Your favourite monster:
Your most despised monster:
Your favourite Elder Dragon:
Your favourite guild girl:
Your favourite village:

>If you play Gunlance
Leave me alone!

I just want to use my goddamn charged shots without this thing overheating


>It was a top tier weapon because of how much it could do with so little effort.

HBG, GS, IG all say hello.

What about Nier?

Haven't got a chance to play yet.

>Finally get a friend to play monster hunter
>He mains LS

gl plebs play that way. that's like saying gs users keep upswinging everyone.

you use uppercut > shell x n > stab whenever you want to unload.

>go out of my way to avoid niggas and go to the monster spot that no one else is at when i shell
>people seem to jump into my shells despite this
fuck you

Yeah, if anything it was a problem with 4U as a whole. Way too many "broken" weapons to just blame CB alone.

>he doesn't use longsword in Monster Hunter

How can you live with being dishonorable?

>Your favourite armor set:

nargacuga every day

Brave LS is anything but boring with all that mobility and the parry.
Gonna be playing that and Brave HBG nonstop starting this weekend.

Literally the most fun weapon.

Its not my fault I keep running into people who center their playstyle around charging shots with a wide GL. They would probably time out if they tried to solo.

>Garuga is a shit monster
Woah there nigga. I was with you until this. What you got against my boy?

>tfw they made it harder to use pellet shots in gen

fuck you capcom

>How you first heard about Monster Hunter:
Friend asked me to play
>Your first Monster Hunter game:
>Your first weapon of choice:
Charge Blade
>Your current weapon of choice:
>A weapon type you might like to see added in the future:
Charge Blade that gets the nerf it needed (KO value) but it's playstyle restored (thrust into aed)
>Your favourite armor set:
Dinovaldo (Blademaster) looks fucking dope
>Your favourite monster:
GQ 140 Garuga
>Your most despised monster:
>Your favourite Elder Dragon:
>Your favourite guild girl:
Neko means Cat
>Your favourite village:

fuck u nigga I love switch axe

>How you first heard about Monster Hunter:
My brother told me about it made me try out the demo, didn't understand anything that was going on and only gained interest in the series after I watched Projared's review

>Your first Monster Hunter game:

>Your first weapon of choice:

>Your current weapon of choice:

>A weapon type you might like to see added in the future:
Boomerangs for hunters, new gunner weapons, maybe a return of the medium bowgun

>Your favourite armor set:

>Your favourite monster:

>Your most despised monster:

>Your favourite Elder Dragon:

>Your favourite Elder Dragon:
Moga Sweetheart

>Your favourite village:

Iron Katana, because it's like Sephiroth's sword
Lance, but really, everything in Frontier, besides HBG


>charging shots with a wide GL
It's fun though

I solo that way and the only issue is that shells stop doing enough damage at later hunts because they cap early

Does anyone still have an archive of that SDF article on MH before and after Tri?

>he uses memeprize


>Nobody posts the classics anymore


How you first heard about Monster Hunter: From a magazine a loooong time ago. Then from some friends talking about it nonstop a not so long time ago.
Your first Monster Hunter game: 4U
Your first weapon of choice: SnS
Your current weapon of choice: Bow
A weapon type you might like to see added in the future: More shooty things
Your favourite armor set: Mizutsune
Your favourite monster: Nargacuga
Your most despised monster: Piscine Wyverns. REMOVE ALL PISCINE WYVERNS.
Your favourite Elder Dragon: Chamcham. So cute.
Your favourite guild girl: Guildmarm. Not because she was the first, either.
Your favourite village: idk

after play botw i really want a large boomerang weapon but that wouldnt work at all

>Nioh was shit
>Horizon is bad
Nigga what

Nioh has 10 enemies you fight from world 1 to world 7
its shit game with no depth and variety

Sup Forums
switch gun charge greatglaive
kushala x
monkey dick

What is this armor set called? I loved it on the mh4u demo but I can't seem to find it

The thing with ranged weapons is that they have a far narrower niche and generally less variety than blademaster because their mechanics are rather restrictive. We could get a giant boomerang but it probably would just feel like playing bow. Unless they threw said mechanics out the window and came up with something really new of course.

All weapons are disruptive if the user is a retard


I think you need a certain quest finished for it to unlock.


>no depth
I can agree that it lacks variety at times but no depth? did you experiment at all or did you stick to the same combos over and over again? There's a skill tree for a reason

>from high school boyfriend who played it and said it was good, bought me a copy and the internet adapter so we could play together after I tried it at his house
>Greatsword, baybee
>that sweet boomerang concept from Illustrations 3
>the fashion hunting set I've painstakingly planned out myself, but Black Belt is a close second
>Rajang, not because he's hard or anything but because I've killed enough to extinct them in 4U
>Guildmarm (I actually started making a costume for an upcoming con, my sewing skills are rustier than I thought)
>Pokke village, Moga's a close second

>He's fast


How do i get into MH? Tried playing 4 ultimate i think in 3ds but got stomped by a dinosaur i think

thank you

>10 enemies

There's 20 in total not including the variations.

>no depth

There's skills to unlock and an entire loot system that unlocks when the games done along with a good level variety.

At least shit post and be accurate about things, cuck.

Damascus Armor, it's a relic skin.

The 2nd version of this has a cape and it makes you look cool as ice.

I've experimented. I've explored the game in its entirety. There is no variety.

Dual Swords turns into GoTW3 -> SoTC spam
Kura turns into Reaper all day everyday
Axe is still shit unless you get B or heavier armor
Katana is boring, you only attack with H.Stance and you stay in L.Stance any other time
Spear is boring, you just stay in low stance.

The loot system and piss-poor endgame also killed the game. Diablo 3 style sets were a mistake.

Tongue man
Banjo man
Floating heads

>How you first heard about Monster Hunter:
>Your first Monster Hunter game:
The English translation of Portable 2nd G
>Your first weapon of choice:
Dual blades
>Your current weapon of choice:
Switch Axe / Hunting Horn
>A weapon type you might like to see added in the future:
Heaven Style Switch Axe
>Your favourite armor set:
>Your favourite monster:
>Your most despised monster:
>Your favourite Elder Dragon:
>Your favourite guild girl:
>Your favourite village:

I'd insist that CB was instead too safe for what it could do. Lowering some MVs and impact damage is pretty much what it needed on top of encouraging more use of elemental phials.

Though I'm fine with using it in Gen, splitting shield boost into yellow and red modes is fucking retarded and I still don't understand the motivation behind it. Especially when Guild is the worst style, until XX there was no reason to use any shield boost on Aerial, and the styles that actually matter don't even have it.

I can already tell that you didn't use skill moves, you didn't use ninjutsu, you didn't use magic, and you didn't use ki pulse stance switch. You gutted the experience yourself man, it's like you played DMC only using the gun and light attacks. Again I agree the game lacks variety, but it certainly doesn't lack depth

>ghost bitch
>Fake wall
>Bird Man
>Stone bitch

If you were to not count enemies that had new move sets all together, then there's a total of 18. Technically 19 since the first boss ends up being a common variant later in the game.

>and you didn't use ki pulse stance switch
You can't play Dual Swords effectively without Ki Pulse.
Ninjutsu and Onmyo is boring, I didn't play Sorcerer in Souls for a reason.
God of Wind and Sign of the Cross are skill moves...

Nioh was the only game I was looking forward this year and they ruined it.

get better at hitting things and not being hit

>How you first heard about Monster Hunter:
Saw it on the shelf at the vidya store
>Your first Monster Hunter game:
freedom 2
>Your first weapon of choice:
>Your current weapon of choice:
Not just one, but top 3 are GS, IG, SnS
>A weapon type you might like to see added in the future:
Bug Stick without the bug or glaive, bo staff i guess
>Your favourite armor set:
the one ASS spoonfed me
>Your favourite monster:
>Your most despised monster:
Diablos. Hour long piercing screams, running entire areas back and forth, repeatedly only to scream again just as you catch up
>Your favourite Elder Dragon:
>Your favourite guild girl:
all sluts, dgaf
>Your favourite village:
yukumo, dat hot spring and dem smoothies

wow 19 whole enemies~

Try again in half a years time. If it doesn't stick, repeat.

>How you first heard about Monster Hunter:
I saw a Gametrailers review of Freedom Unite on a whim.
>Your first Monster Hunter game:
>Your first weapon of choice:
>Your current weapon of choice:
Ranged weapons
>A weapon type you might like to see added in the future:
Boomerangs or chain and sickle
>Your favourite armor set:
Purple Ludroth G Rank
>Your favourite monster:
Pink Rathian
>Your most despised monster:
>Your favourite Elder Dragon:
>Your favourite guild girl:
Aisha from Tri
>Your favourite village:

What kind of dinosaur (was it this one?), and how were you trying to fight it?

>How you first heard about Monster Hunter:
From my buddies from "drawing" club that turned out to be more of a manga club than anything in middle school. The start of my downwards spiral into a disgusting weeb.
>Your first Monster Hunter game:
>Your first weapon of choice:
>Your current weapon of choice:
>A weapon type you might like to see added in the future:
More gunners and a not shitty GunLance
>Your favourite armor set:
EX Rebellion
>Your favourite monster:
>Your most despised monster:
>Your favourite Elder Dragon:
>Your favourite guild girl:
Bherna Gal
>Your favourite village:

>almost twice the amount the shit post claims.
>OH wow!

That's a better common enemy variance than a lot of other games. This doesn't include the bosses in it.

Playing MH3U as my first monhun and it isn't that bad, only real pain is dealing with Rathalos/Rathian flying around. About to fight that dumb looking boxing dinosaur from the intro for the first time lol.

>How you first heard about Monster Hunter:
>Your first Monster Hunter game:
Monster Hunter on PS2
>Your first weapon of choice:
>Your current weapon of choice:
>A weapon type you might like to see added in the future:
Where's tonfas Capcom?
>Your favourite armor set:
>Your favourite monster:
>Your most despised monster:
>Your favourite Elder Dragon:
>Your favourite guild girl:
Guildmarm, doodle
>Your favourite village:

Make friends and play it.

Enemy variance is the most common complain, who are you trying to fool me or you?
Nabiru is cute! CUTE!

>you can't play dual swords effectively without ki pulse
I'm not talking about regular ki pulse, Im talking about the boosted ki pulse you get from changing stances instead of just hitting the trigger. It encourages you to develop techniques for each stance so you can string combos
>Ninjutsu and Onmyo is boring
Onmyo is a bit, but ninjutsu? it adds a fuckton of variety to the combat
>God of wind and Sign of the cross and skill moves
Yea, one that only works in a single stance and another that's a combo finisher. You can easily string together 4-6 combos on stronger enemies, it's just not as easy because they can fight back

I don't know what to say man, It's a shame you didn't enjoy it but it's not because the game was shit. It has it's flaws, clearly, but pretending the whole thing was bad is ridiculous

>tfw timed out and quit monster hunter for 2 years the first time I faced him
>Felt like giving the game a go again
>Down him in under 15 minutes

No idea how I was doing so poorly before

>Get to high rank in 3U after beating that obnoxious underwater level
>Waiting to be brutally slaughtered
>It's a recolored Royal Ludroth
>There's even a mission to hunt fucking JAGGIAS in this rank.

So I guess at this point the game has pretty much plateaued. I had heard the game was grindy but this is ridiculous.

>Changing the goal

The original claim is bullshit with false numbers. If you think it's too small, then that's your opinion but not the fact.

Think of high rank as NG+ and G-rank as NG++

>I'm not talking about regular ki pulse, Im talking about the boosted ki pulse you get from changing stances instead of just hitting the trigger. It encourages you to develop techniques for each stance so you can string combos
Yes flux, you can't play Dual Swords effectively without it. That's what I thought you were talking about.
>Onmyo is a bit, but ninjutsu? it adds a fuckton of variety to the combat
Ninjutsu can lock down every enemy dude, theres a reason it's used for speedruns
>Yea, one that only works in a single stance and another that's a combo finisher. You can easily string together 4-6 combos on stronger enemies, it's just not as easy because they can fight back
God of Wind into Sign of the Cross destroys every mob in the game. After fatigue'd enemies you can do 3x sign of the cross AND STILL have time to do a final blow.

The game is a disappointment man, you can like it sure. But I LOVED the alpha and to a lesser extent the beta and the release version just isn't as good.

You said 20, he said 10.
Either way it's a small amount especially when how you approach enemies is the same as you approach them when you start the game.

>monhun thread
>soulfags shit it up

wtf do they die to at the end?

it's the natural process of conversion let it be

>>Your favourite monster:
>Pink Rathian
>>Your most despised monster:

Who /sns/ here

>He plays monster hunter.

Good question, how CAN YOU live with being boring?

No good games on the market

>G rank

>GS without crit draw
>Bow without focus
>HH without maestro

kicked and blocked, get the FUCK out

>How you first heard about Monster Hunter:
I read about the first game in a magazine. It looked pretty lame iirc so I didn't actually get into the series until years later
>Your first Monster Hunter game:
>Your first weapon of choice:
>Your current weapon of choice:
>A weapon type you might like to see added in the future:
Some new type of gun. Gunner weapons are getting pretty stale
>Your favourite armor set:
>Your favourite monster:
>Your most despised monster:
>Your favourite Elder Dragon:
>Your favourite guild girl:
>Your favourite village:

Does the charging attack for lance do extra damage? I always use it when I knock down a monster but it seems to damage the weapon a lot.

How you first heard about Monster Hunter: Very first game. Saw it at Hollywood Video all the time, never rented it.
Your first Monster Hunter game: Tri
Your first weapon of choice: SnS
Your current weapon of choice: GS
A weapon type you might like to see added in the future: Maces
Your favourite armor set: Zinogre
Your favourite monster: Rajang
Your most despised monster: Hipcheck
Your favourite Elder Dragon: Caedus
Your favourite guild girl: Guildmarm
Your favourite village: Ultimate village

Did most of 4U solo with it.

>tfw no mhxx on vita

>How you first heard about Monster Hunter:
a friend
>Your first Monster Hunter game:
>Your first weapon of choice:
insect glaive
>Your current weapon of choice:
Hunting horn
>A weapon type you might like to see added in the future:
more guns
>Your favourite armor set:
>Your favourite monster:
Design wise, zinogre
>Your most despised monster:
>Your favourite Elder Dragon:
>Your favourite guild girl:
>Your favourite village:

HBG mostly
That beastmaster concept weapon or an actual axe that isn't a fucking transforming gimmick

Aisha is best girl

The final hit of the vacuum attack hits from below, so guarding doesn't do a damn thing.