Whether you're a jaded old man or a bright eyed youngling
Can't we agree that 2017 has been an incredible year for video games?
Whether you're a jaded old man or a bright eyed youngling
Can't we agree that 2017 has been an incredible year for video games?
2016 was a phenomenal year for games, with great titles like the new Hitman, Dishonored 2, Titanfall 2, The Witness, XCOM 2, Superhot, among others.
2017 hasn't done much for me yet, and open world garbage is for idiots.
It has been pretty damn good so far.
Haven't played either of those games.
This isn't golf grandpa, higher score is better.
Also Zelda has the most perfect reviews of any game ever
Horizon is unironically the only PS4 game I wish got ported to PeeCee.
>has been
b-but 2017 just started
>shallow open world shit
Yeah, great.
I want this open world meme to die.
I mean yea generally the open world shit is garbage but these are two of the highest rated for a reason. They're solid games.
Also you describe a handful of decent sequels and indie games phenomenal? You have low standards you should be eating this shit up.
>Zero Dawn: aka fuck whitey the game
>BotW aka empty world Zelda
>Both stupidly overrated and shilled games
2017 has been nothing special thus far. Come back when some good games actually come out.
the year is a quarter over.
No because I'm a PC gamer and nothing good has come out so far this year. It's all console shit.
I prefer my 100 hour jrpgs anyway
What the hell, no. We are still in the first quarter.
thank fuck no one on Sup Forums dictates what games get made. I would hate only little girl jrpgs where you use the touchscreen to pet them
dishonored is such garbage.
>every says "it's just like thief"
>play it
>epic decapitations everywhere
why was I lied to? this is shit.
This is what it looks like when you are 30 and realize that your hobby is the same thing that kids 10 years old do. He is so mad that people still have fun with video games while they don't do anything to stop his full blown depression.
Don't be this guy
I can't tell if people unironically believe Horizon is anti white or it's just falseflaggers fishing for easy (You)
Haven't visited Sup Forums since the primaries so maybe I'm just out of touch with their antics
All those games you listed were awful
>liking big empty overworlds full of nothing
bigger waste of time than posting here to be honest.
in two weeks it will be a quarter over. deal with it. time flies and we're getting older and going to die soon.
why does zelda look like andross
What else is out this year?
I'm unironically only looking forward to crash
>Zero Dawn: aka fuck whitey the game
>BotW aka empty world Zelda
>Both stupidly overrated and shilled games
fucking this.
video games are a pasttime, not a hobby. it would be a hobby if you made them.
also, even if you're right, that doesn't negate the fact those games are grossly overrated. not sure why you're getting so weirdly defensive over other opiinions.
>likes garbage like superhot and the new hitman
>calls other people idiots
He's right there aren't any good games. But only underage faggots are running around crying shill to anything someone likes. He's not 30 and neither is anyone else on this board because anyone over 20 knows this board is shit for videogames.
open world is terrible though. unless you find climbing trees and picking acorns compelling. then I suppose BOTW is game of the year.
Mass Eff4ct
>thinking wisdom comes with age
ara ara~
all I remotely care about is ni no kuni 2.
and that probably won't come out this year.
Those 2 games are overrated (albeit good games though) but I agree this year is fantastic for videogames
>Tales of Berseria
>Nier Automata
>Persona 5
>Yakuza 0
>Fire emblem echoes
>Mario Odyssey
>Crash trilogy
and who knows what awaits at e3
I will say 2017 has proved to me that Sony fans are literally the saddest people on planet earth
I used to just think they were just unlikable assholes but then I realizing their lives must be truly harrowing to gain joy out of things like this
Yakuza 0 still my goty not even Nier or Zelda changed my opinion, Horizon is disqualified by default.
>Gravity Rush 2
I don't understand what this image is implying but if it is implying what I think it is then it's counter-productive to your post.
After seeing the relentless rage over Jim Sterling's review of Zelda
I think it's safe to say that not even mustard face fags can top Nintendo owners as the most entitled, whiny, and irrational group of cunts in all of gaming.
>2016 was a phenomenal year for games
With yakuza and Zelda its been a great start
Maybe shantae will save itself with risky mode
This year has been very decisive, but I have to say that without a doubt my GOTY has already been found. Pic related, alot of competition, but there can be only one.
they can't see the emperor is naked.
>Crash Trilogy
Boy am I sure excited for the remaster to finally take out all the color and charm out of Crash Bandicoot!
To you they are overrated. The Gaming community disagrees with you though. Everyone loves these 2 games.
Nintendo fags were bragging and making meme images of the number 98. HZD got 88 and they spammed 8.8 as well. Two days later all that wasted time was useless when zelda dropped and HZD went up.
crash was always just a smb rip off.
Yeah but Horizon is trash.
Yakuza 0, Nier and Nioh are great.
you act like this is the first time Jim Sterling has caused such a reaction
and this time is no different
everybody hates him
>Roommate's been playing ZD:H for the past several days
>Remember that roommate isn't white
What's the point of putting together images like this? Nobody is going to take it seriously and is just going to treat it as a troll post.
>To you they are overrated.
no kidding.
I'm not saying other fanbase don't have their moments of chimpouts.
But Nintendo fans have time and time again proven themselves to be the worst.
>2016 was a phenomenal year for games
2016 was a phenomenal year for anything BUT games
If everyone is gonna paint a post as a troll because it's disagreeing with them, then that says alot about the issues the board is facing right now, in particular the danger of this place becoming a hugbox.
Is Ni-Oh that good? I played the first demo and I didnĀ“t feel it was as good as I hear it is.
How is the final game compared with the very first demo?
>most are below average
Yes, it has been. If you disagree, you are hereby clinically diagnosed with crippling shit taste. Consider ending your life immediately.
I seem to remember some self-righteous cunts 4 years ago who threatened to kill Hideki Kamiya when Bayo 2 was announced... those weren't nintendo people obviously. Is that fair? I know this is Sup Forums but that sounds pretty square. KAMIYA/STERLING. Makes you think.
nintendo needs a swift kick in the nads.
they're repeating the exact same mistakes they made with the wii u.
rebranding and making a smaller tablet controller isn't going to change a damn thing. sure, you'll see a surge of interest for the first few months, but it's quickly going to drop back down and they'll be stuck in a rut again. because they have no good exclusives and no third party wants to work with them. mario isn't going to save them.
For quality, at least. Average quality used to mean that a game didn't need to rely on crutches and gimmicks constantly.
So far it's pretty alright but your pic has nothing to do with that statement. I swear people who aren't bored to death of open world games at this point must be underage, shit got old at least 3 years ago.
But yeah 2016 and even 2015 was quite abysmal in my eyes (you know the year is fucked when most games that came out and were worth a damn were indies) so it's looking pretty good so far.
Stop responding to ACfag.
I am a jaded old man but if I keep getting games like Breath of the Wild, that could very well change.
So 2016 had one game worth mentioning. Sure sounds like a great year to me.
good thin bayo 2 turned out mediocre.
Could I get a quick rundown on this?
Watch yourself bruh.
>Resident Evil 7
>Yakuza 0
>Nier Automata
it's been pretty great so far. I'm even hoping Mass Effect is good, because I'm not a jaded autist who wants games to fail.
You already have enough information at this point to know that it will be shit, hope doesn't play a role.
Maybe if you only care about AAA games...like most of Sup Forums pretends not to.
Easier. I suck at souls esque games and the alpha demo knocked my dick into the dirt. Four hours of playing the demo and I couldn't beat the oni boss. Fast forward to the release version and it took me about a hour and a half to make my way to the boss and beat him. Never played the other demos, so I missed on some of the differences and nuances present or lacking in the year between the demo and Initial release, though.
Too bad Horizon is a total bore. Yakuza 0, GR2, Nioh and now Nier Automata is where its at, hopefully less bloated Triple A games and more middle market games that don't need 5 million sales to break even.
2017 has been so great. Makes up for how bland 2016 was.
Nier: Automata, Tales of Berseria, Nioh, Zelda: BoTW, Persona 5, Yakuza 0, Reident Evil 7, Hollow Knight.
Goddamn 2017, you so fine.
Not being jaded is one thing, not looking at public information and facts is another.
tfw very narrow taste in vidya
So it is counter productive to your post.
Jaded autist isn't an antonym for shit-eating retard
>still higher rated
>probably will sell twice as more
That's not much of a victory to be honest.
Not really since I'm not OP!
Keep crying because of Based Jim.
Janky animations=/= bad game
Mass Effect 1 is a janky piece of shit with recycled assets and pop in textures up the wazooand it's still the best game in the series. If they manage to recapture that feel of the original game I can handle some bad animations and an ugly Asari (I just won't fuck her)
now you're just lying
ever since the PS3 released Sonyfags have plagued this board with constant shitposting
its obvious they developed an inferiority complex back then and it continues to this day
Nintendo fans are basically the opposite
they're used to being on top and after constant unfruitful doomsaying over the years they've basically become impervious to it all
and the fact that BoTW is one of the highest rated games in history pretty much validates that position once again
its obvious to anyone with a brain this Jim Sterling shit is just false flagging which is the classic M.O. of Sonyfags
>crutches and gimmicks include:
>costing too much
>having voice acting
>being a realistic first person shooter
>being online focused
Might be bait but some of these just sound unreasonable, don't you think
>game uses current events
>means its anti-white
It literally doesn't choose a side in your image, it just talks about it.
>ACfag at it again already
Well since that difficult spike was my biggest concern I guess I will give it a shot after all.
>tfw already bought Nier and Yakuza 0 this week too
2017 is a blessing
Yeah, I'm already really happy with Nier, Yakuza and Nioh and I haven't even started Zelda.
>just accept the verdict the games journalists pros group forced !
>you are just jaded! its good for everyone they are manipulating the market in an attempt to make switch a success, when it clearly is an abysmal failure
No we can't. 2016 sucked and so will 2017. I'm sick of open world garbage and cynical remakes and sequels. I've never been more disgusted with the games industry.
NiOh is solid. A bit repetitive after a while but solid.
Rest of your list is garbage. Nier is worth a pirate at most.
>Its another "people will say games are good or bad based only on wether they liked it or not"
Anyone who claims a game to be good or bad without any backup to their claim is a fucking idiot and i wish more people did the same.
I like games i know are shit, and i can explain why they are shit. I hate games that many people consider good but i don't say the games are shit because i don't like them
All years have been great for videogames, there hasn't been one year where only shit videogames came out
>they've been on top
Plus Wii having no games.
Who the fuck says it's like Thief?
Nintendo fags were counting on those numbers to shitpost. They've stopped since.
A no way. Sony games have been outselling nintendo all gen.
The game isn't even using current events.
Since when the fuck are natural disasters and refugees "new" concepts that were never used in stories before. This shit is older than the bible.
>any of those titles
2016 was overall a fucking garbage year for games. I don't think I've actually seen a worse year since 2012.
You must not have been paying attention to Bioware these last few years. They've shed most of the employees who worked on ME1. It's all upjumped interns and diversity hires now, no talent remains. It's a miracle Andromeda is even functional on a basic level. The writing will be the worst Bioware has produced, I assure you.
Remake user.
Who's crying? I'm just pointing out the obvious.
>Sony games have been outselling nintendo all gen.
And what games are those? Besides Uncharted 4 which hasn't outsold some of the Nintendo exclusives on Wii U, I have serious doubt on your statement.