What is the most underrated game of all time?

What is the most underrated game of all time?

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The Suffering. For Its writing and voice acting.


what gaem?

it was just a shittier version of arma 2

Agreed. 1 was 100 times better than Red Faction 2.

Project Eden

It wasn't. it's where the ARMA mod and other communities developed. It had an absolutely superb multiplayer and mod selection.

Map was great as well.

Why start a thread like this and not even give a name?

Ok, the shooting was bad. But otherwise it's like you people hate fun. especially co-op with friends


It's Project Eden man. Learn to back image search

I was disappointed. Mercenaries 1 was one of my favourite games ever and 2 was good but did little to expand the franchise imo. Coop was wasted with the limited area, you had to stay near the host.

>Physics defying hair.
2017 and this shit is till common, specially in animu games.

That's a big scientist.

1 was miles better though

Your favorite game.

Pic related

On my wishlist. Looks great

Oh no you didn't.

red faction 1 is still fun, the fucking glass house map is probbaly better than 50% of the current steam library


how active is online?

So active that i have to resort to shilling to make others aware of this masterpiece

>playing MP with bros
>that one map with a concrete base at either end of the canyon
>use rocket launchers to tunnel through the entire rock face from the top level of one base all the way to the other

>then fuck around and nuke the front of the bases, killing each other with falling debris

Literally 10/10 game.

The "Zone of the Enders" Saga.

>got a sequel

Nostalgic game for me. My brother was a big fan, used to watch gundam with him too.


How have I never heard of this?

Unfortunately it will be remembered as "the game that came with the Metal Gear Solid 2 Demo".

right, those aren't mutually exclusive

Nah fuck that. I'm with that guy. This isn't a guess the game thread. Don't just post pictures, include the names.

Well not posting the name makes you comment and bump the thread firstly. Secondly it also shows how underrated it is if you don't recognise it. Lastly it allows anons browsing the front page to think about the past for a bit maybe trying to identify the game and then they will post in the thread.


Talos Principle


I believe i sinked almost as much hours into SpellForce as i did in WarCraft III UMS maps. And thats 4 digit long my man.

Again, it's not a guess the game thread. These threads should act as recommendations so other anons can get into some of your favorite overlooked games.

The first game is still very underrated. How many people do you think knew about it or remember it?

Are you actually autistic? Why the fuck are you even discussing this man. It makes no fucking difference. I've answered you and you've contributed to the thread. You could have also just back searched the image.

Christ you're entitled aren't you?


>if I don't post the name it really makes ya think
I see.


It got a bad rap because of some of its SHITFARTDICK humor but it's a really good shooter.

Just trying to improve your shitty thread, buddy.

Thanks for the bump lads! Oh and derailing the thread.

Go get help


Nah fuck that hard as fuck game. The AI following your footsteps was cool though, worked surprisingly well without any hiccups that I wonder why i havent seen it since

Arma 1 MP was much more fun than Arma 2.
>tfw I'll never play berzerk on Sahrani again

Even though OP is an asshole:

Endless Ocean
Maken X
Tail of the Sun
The Granstream Saga

even YT e-celebs like Pewdiepie played it

Game was the perfect difficulty, great coop, and stellar atmosphere. Some levels were absolutely horrificly scary

Pic related

>What is the most underrated game of all time?

Tough to say really.

Killzone 2 is an underrated FPS for its multiplayer.

That's a pretty good flashlight effect.

how about you check my 6

>The Granstream Saga

You seem like a cool guy.

The only right answer.

>One of the best soundtracks on the n64
>Better than every ratchet and clank game (don't get me wrong, i love rnc, but this is much better)

They are right though. If you want people to identify the game then put it in spoilers.

The only underrated Rare game is Grabbed by the Ghoulies

I never said I want people to identify the game. If you do that's great and hopefully it will enlighten some nostalgia in you.

If you don't, I'm not spoonfeeding you unless you specifically ask. It only heightens my point how underrated the game is that so many people don't know what it is.

I'm not an asshole, I don't like being called out on mundane arbitrary bullshit, that's all.

More underplayed than underrated

I'm probably the only one here to play this.

Randy Pitchford thought it was worth remastering and selling for sixty bucks

It's mentioned in every one of these threads by multiple people.

Your logic is flawed. That just leads to every other post being "what game?". I know that bumps the thread but it doesn't contribute anything.

It's a fun game, not necessarily underrated though. There wasn't much content.

Probably would be top of my unfulfilled list. They could have created a lot more. What we go was fun af though

Look. In some rare cases reverse image search doesn't even work. There's no reason not to include the name somewhere and people have pointed this out. And then you give them snarky replies.

>yeah I listen to Soundgarden, you probably never heard of them

>Muh hipster points

still replaying every year
and still hating that fucker

>enlighten some nostalgia in you.
fuck off faggot.

can someone who is not a shithead start one of these threads

I should only have to answer the question once. Which I have. My logic isn't flawed because you can clearly see it in action here.

>Snarky replies

You've been the ones giving me snarky replies which began by criticising the fact I didn't spoonfeed you a clearly reversable image. It's a literally a non issue made something by you/
I want a discussion, I don't give a shit about hipster points or whatever you're implying

It's a non issue. Grow up and stop getting so fucking buttblasted having to ask what a game is or backsearch it.

For some reason I can't play Red Faction without getting sick to my stomach. It's the same for Half Life one before the HD update.

The game is Sacrifice.

Dude you're just a dickhead. Fuck you and fuck your shitty game that no one played.

Pic related

I played this as a kid. I never beat it because I just couldn't figure out what to do at some point.
I remember being in some kind of underground jungle biome. That's as far as I got

Just as easy for you to put the fucking title in your post or file name.

>You've been the ones giving me snarky replies which began by criticising the fact I didn't spoonfeed you a clearly reversable image. It's a literally a non issue made something by you/
But that's not true. The only 2 comments I made were and . I've been as nice as possible and yet you react like this.


Lol nice argument mate. You sound like a lovely person, so much so that you start bullshit arguments about having to ask for the source of something. I never set out to create a shitposting thread. You have been the ones lowering the quality. If you hadn't started talking about me not giving you the game source this wouldn't have happened.

I have explained my reasoning for not giving the source and factually and visually you can see it in action. Grow the fuck up. That's the last I have to say on the matter

>Back search the image


I'm using you in the plural form. I have politely responded to polite criticism, and have explained my points. I'm not going to change my ways.

As I said now. That's the last I have to say on the matter.

nobody remembers this, it was much better than the zero attention it gets

>I'm not going to change my ways.
Jesus christ. I've been as nice as possible and you're still being a massive faggot. Kys and sage.

How have I not heard of this either? This sounds great on paper but the ratings arent great

I always wanted to play this because it was on of few video games in existence set in my own country.

Bulletstorm is overrated if anything. People are always praising it while it has cancerous modern shooter trends everywhere. The KILL YOUR DICK was only part of its problems. Also QTE last boss where you don't even kill him and leaves him for sequelbait, what a joke.

EOE was my shit

Because it's not great. Play Space Rangers 2 or something

It's a submarine future game made in Germany.

Ups, sorry, wrong title.

do it, it's a great shooter with magic, it also has nice chairs


They're some pretty sexy chairs tbf
Thanks Bong

Only good for one playthrough. Game just dragged on way too much. After every boss I was bitterly surprised to find the game kept going. Ended up cheating so I could get through the last parts of the game without dropping it.

Yeah, I liked it too, it always stuck in my mind for some reason, the demo levels were especially good at showing off the style of the game. I really liked the level design with remnants of the old civilisation like roads and housing blocks just suddenly walled off as the city built up around it. Ending was a bit weird.

I remember looking at this game on a magazine long ago, I'll check it up now.

I haven't been having luck with older games, I tried Clive Barker's Jericho, Project Snowblind, SHOGO, Soldier of Fortune 2 and found all those to be quite bad.

I've never seen this game on Sup Forums

I bought it a decade ago, alongside this one:

I can't stand the combat, or writing, or just about anything about it, but it does seem weird that it so thoroughly slipped under the radar like that.

I never liked Star Trek, but this peaked my interest.