Have Russian on team

>Have Russian on team.
>Doesn't contribute at all.
>Charges blindly into the enemy and dies.
>Writes Russian shit that no one can understand.
>Leaves the game prematurely.




Why the fuck are Russians so fucking horrendous at video games?

You're just playing horrendous video games, that's all.

Only the worst games attract russians.


dont play cs and dota cancer mate, that how i got rid of ruskie cancer and dont hate them as much now

>Have american on team.
>literally behaves like a child and jack ass
>some how told score all while talking massive amounts of shit

>American on team
>Communicates through meme references

>have american on team
>doesn't contribute at all
>huddles into the spawn area and never moves his lardy ass even when there are enemies all over him
>writes burger shit that no one can understand
>remains there even when the game is obviously lost



Why the fuck are Americans so fucking horrendous at video games?

Fuck off, Igor. Is it Sup Forums.ru? No it isn't, you're not welcome here.

If that was true, why hadn't Hiro invested in regional servers?

You made thread about Ivan, therefore this thread is now Ivan's possesion lardy mcfarty sharty wallmarty.

Is it Sup Forums.us? Didn't think so, fatclap.

>French teammates in Rainbow 6
>They surrender and crouch near the hostage at the beginning of each round

Spics are infinitely worse than cykas.
Ive learned my seeon and will no longer touch a game that doesnt have a region lock

>Euros always playing on NA server
are Europeans really this boring that they need to play with the Americans at the cost of high ping? get the fuck off my MMOs

>spic joins the team
>you can hear loud TV and people talking in the background

Seriously, what the fuck. Do they keep their PC in the living room? Is this a cultural thing?

60 people to a room minimum.

Greek NEETs are legit subhumans.

t. greekfag

>european server
>it's completely quiet
>the only people ever talking are eastern european children asking if anyone else on the server is speaking their language
>the eternal russian

Can you really blame them?

sounds like russia druing ww1

>Be american
>Play on EU servers
>Someone asks my nationality
>Always reply "Australian cunt"

>have polish shit in party
>you can tell immediately because they ALWAYS have PL in their name
>this is in an MMO, just click on an enemy and mash buttons
>he somehow fails even this
>asks ''kto PL'' even after he's been told multiple times no one is polish
>proceeds to talk in polish anyway
>pulls boss
>''jebany kurwa''

Pro tip: When you see a name that ends with ''PL'' leave immediately, regardless of the game.

>seba11_pl joins the server

Americans everyone

I play with a Global elite buddy in counter strike, he's EU I'm NA, he insists on NA servers because we wants banter, no one in EU servers speak at all.

I reply with "oy vey". Always triggers the /polv/tard.



Same thing with BRs
But dont BRs and slavs hate playing with eachother?

Also, whats with them and ":V"

>play on eu server
>casually mention brexit
>entire server flips shit
Love it

Don't you dare


Shut the fuck up

to play doubles advocate most russians are good at killing floor in my experience

I don't know anything about brazilians, I've never encountered one.

>play on US server
>casually mention trump
>riot noises ensue

> french surrender
Why is that a meme? France won the most wars in the history

Same thing with Insurgency, thats why i love niche[er] games because the general level of nhitters seems to be lower.

They have shit ping and refuse to speak english.


>Playing casual CS:GO
>Some kid (Sounds literally 16) is going on some tirade about Trump
>Say "You're not even old enough to vote shut the fuck up"
>A third of the server erupts in butthurt.
Trump's america is an online troll's wet dream.

Not the only one that matters frog.

t. pierre le'mouxne

they got buttfugged in both world wars

Don't you think country abbreviations in names are always a red flag? Not sure if anyone would put USA in their name unironically.

.org is .us

cyka blyat drop awp gogo rush b



eks de



Viva la France.


No it's not

only shitskins do it.

хyйцa cocни

Definitely not modern history.

It was one of the original domains established in 1985, and has been operated by the Public Interest Registry since 2003.

The Public Interest Registry is a Reston, Virginia-based not-for-profit created by the Internet Society (ISOC) in 2002 to manage the .ORG top-level domain.

The Internet Society (ISOC) is an American, non-profit organization founded in 1992 to provide leadership in Internet-related standards,

You French are just as fucking stupid as the Americans

there must not have been BR servers in Classic WoW, because I remember there being tons of huehuehues asking if I was BR or not, all the time.

Did you know that the IQ of the average French person is 20 points higher than the average Dumberican? Stop shitposting.

No, I'm only talking about poland here. I know that some people do it to more easily find others from their country but I really don't know why these retards do it since, even though everyone can clearly see that they are from PL, they still feel the need to ask multiple times.

XD no its not.
You are literally as retarded as any given American

minorities are always the loudest

English players are the most fun.

Im sure it is.
You keep thinking that my simple minded friend

Stop watching porn

Dude even one of my below average countrymen could make you look like a vegetable. Get real dude France is superiour over your ghetto banana republic.

>be russian
>play on eu
>say something with russian accent
"give info please"

always cracks me up when they're talking shit in their funny accents.
>tfw I talk funny

who's this guy?

>frenchy wants to be like a person from the United Kingdom
Dream big

Where are you from? I love their accents too, but sometimes i don't understand what they are saying.

Rothschild DOG

Here comes the quick rundown!
-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

And this right here is the best a fruity frenchy can come up with

Beeing like those tards who ride on the other side of the road and cant even keep their country together? Mon dieu, Pathetic!

You mean the correct side

Meanwhile the rest of the civilized world rides on the right side. Only shit holes driving on that side are South Africa and some mongolian shitholes.

>playing multiplayer game
>not use to voice chat because no one wants to speak english
>cowboy on my team immediately says "howdy yall"
>a couple people say hi back to him
>yank proceeds to call out everything, makes plays, takes responsibility if they fail and congratulates us if we win a round
>every time he's about to get a kill he says something like "I'm about to tan yer hide" and "Yer boots are mine now boy!" or "I'm bout to JACK. YOU. UP. [name]"
>every time he dies he shouts "GOT DAM IT", "That [name] came out the woodwork!", and "Dang ol [name] done got me man!"
>one time he was going to make a bold play and says (as best I can recall): "I'm lookin a lil caddywhompus right now but I'm like a bull on red so you long tail cats get ready to pounce on these rockin chairs"
>completely blow out the other team
>gg's and leaves

Only experience I've ever had with Americans from the South. TV makes them seem pretty stupid and racist but that might just be television. Wouldn't mind a qt with that accent.

If he's bothered enough to roleplay he's either a good player or at least a fun to play with. I really doubt he was genuine, he probably just entertains himself this way

this^ stopped playing that shit and the level of cancer dropped infinite fold.

>japs join server
>talk shit whole time while laughing
>somehow dominate with underused characters/tactics

So shitholes like France and America got it

That pic is pure cringe.

>never complain about other peoples poor performance (There hasn't been a single case were it has made someone play better)
>if they do something good I tell them "good job" "well played"
>literally carrying my recent games of CS because my rank has decayed
>then i fuck up a single round and some russian faggot starts shit-talking when he's bottom scoring and i've been nothing but positive all game
livid. nothing tilts me more.

it's because they want to die irl, this is an expression of that

It's possible. If he were just pretending he did good considering he never broke character. He also sounded older (30+) which made it sound more genuine. I can only think of truckers you see on American TV where they have a skull on the front and the big smoke stacks is what he sounds like.

I hope you are not serious.

Hahahahahaahahahahahahaha! What an idiot!
Do you even know what .org means?

Russians/slavs in general are the niggers of white people.

Anglo Saxon Pride