Bethesda's """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""cities""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>Bethesda's """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""cities""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

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Inb4 someone calling out BotW
Its apocalyptic hyrule, of course the settlements arent large, you also see ruins everywhere

As to OPs post: i liked the skyrim cities. Some of them had really iconic landmarks and very nice to navigate through. Size isnt an issue, its just a game

Got to get back to Diamond City one day, it's biggest city I've ever seen.

Not liking Whiterun.
Poor form user poor form indeed.

You can actually go inside most if not all of those buildings.

>200 years after the war
>the whole world is still shit coloured and nobody has ever tried to clean up anywhere, including the buildings they spend every hour of every day wandering around inside

diamond city is cute when you first step into it and see exactly what we see in your picture, then you realize it's smaller than megaton in FO3 if you don't count the empty fields behind it and that it's literally the only city in the game

it's a metaphor, every skyrim house represets 5 real houses

i liked the art design of fo4

BotW didn't do it because of the setting.
I think you missunderstand tech, it's literally impossible for modern tech to run cities big and interactible enough while having big cities.
If you make large cities majority of street NPC have to turn into foliage basically.

Nintendo, Bethesda, no dev can create an open world sandbox that is large, has large grand cities and at the same time isn't relying to having half of the buildings not enterable and having the NPC's be just be set pieces.

Best balance you can get is Witcher 3 cities, but Witcher 3 does not have that high of an interactive level nor does it have that sort of physics.

You have to make sacrifices and balance it out, or ditch consoles.

>still can't make cities that make sense

>go to Diamond city first time
>see pic related
>wow so this must be the market district
>no it's a whole city district

Settlements AKA do it yourself

it had a nice soundtrack

they really nailed the dilapidated look of the city

Was exploring the lifeless parts of Tamriel Rebuilt and came to Almalexia city. When is this mod gonna be done, I wanna live in this city permanently.

Megaton (Exploded Version)

>thinking that snowniggers could build anything more advanced than that
die n'wah scum

Yeah, Liberia is weird.

fuck, I'm drunk
what I mean is that BotW did not not do it because of the setting or like...regardless of the setting they would have to make cities that way.
Whatever, shit sucks, game development process is a horrid pain and everything that people want in their games is horribly hard to achieve, on top of that

What seems to be the problem?

How are TW3 cities? I've never played it.

>tiny nuke

The FO4 hud is one of the ugliest pieces of shit I have ever seen. Literally what were they thinking? Whys it stand out so much?

your game's nice and all but we need bigger cities

Having a large city isn't as important as having a city with depth. Bethesda failed to do both.

You forgot to mention the loading screen between each door.

because i didn't bother to change the color?

Damn straight

Boston was really well done, it's shame because Fallout 4 is not even half bad game, the gunplay and world are great at least. It's just bad game lore-wise. The plot and dialogues are weakest from all games.

Also they could be a little more creative with enemies, not every part of USA needs to have Deathclaws, Radscorpions etc.

Next time they could make enemies fitting for each state, like gatorclaws in Nuka World.

Isn't that a Nuclear Warhead though? They should be fucking melting from the radiation

how does the water work in that city? it looks like it's all coming from the Jarl's house.

There's only two in Velen. They're pretty big, or at least feel that way for the most part. Has a lot to do with you only ever running into villages before that though. It makes the small villages feel normal and then you're thrust into a bigger city.

Now that you mention it, I did feel that oblivions cities had more depth to them.

Dumner live in Yurts,dead crabs,fungus, or buildings with all the functionality of a cardboard box and half the charm.

There may be races in Tamriel that can talk shit to the Nords....the dumner aren't one of them.

Why didn't they live in the sky-scrapers that surround the place? They are still getting water and electricity with functioning elevators, feels like those would be perfect places to live in.
Hell, if Bethesda wanted to press the weird aspect, they could have made it so different skyscrapers contain different villages and tribes.

It doesn't

Its like Bethesda heard the autism cries of the nerds and included some crops and running water on Diamond City to justify what do they eat and drink but they forgot to explain why they do it

I don't know how Diamond City/Goodneighbor survive at all, they don't produce anything

There is farm and "lake" in Diamond City, Goodneighbor probably trades food with caravans and gets money from shops.

What ENB¿

The base HUD is fucking garbage.

The power armor HUD is masterful and one of the best I've seen in videogames.

World itself is shrinked in elder scrolls and fallout, skyrim is like 10km across and fallout 4 less than 5km.

This, but I felt their cities in their games had an acceptable amount of depth. Until Fallout 4 that is. There is absolutely nothing noteworthy in good neighbor or diamond city other than companions. Nick, piper and ghoul dude. Too bad that shit devolved into, "you picked a lock. Your companion is in love with you now and you've unlocked part X/3 hidden conversations that will now try to further character development. Thank you for you're money we didn't even try. We hope you understand. Love Todd Howard and company."

That's cool, thanks user.

that would actually take effort

Yeah, but how do they earn caps at all is what i'm getting at. You could argue that Megaton survives on traders too, but how are they paying for the stuff they buy? You can't exatcly offer water and food as payment to every trader you come across, what would be the point then, isn't that what YOU would want to buy from a trader instead?

They don't seem to produce bullets/ammo/guns either, since not only everyone can make them but also there is no metal manufacturing anywhere in Diamond City

Is like they have income but it isn't clear where its coming from, i know some people seem to "rent" houses or own them, i'm not sure if they are paying taxes for it but there is nothing that hints where the money is coming from

You don't really need larger cities even, you could just make small towns if you'd like. If Worldbuilding is too hard then don't bother

They were more fun to loot at least.

Also some of the basements belonging to sleeper agents was neat.

As if the New Vegas strip was any more impressive

fallout 4 has one of the best soundtracks

This is a city from 2002

How can Bethesda even compete?

They get caps from people who come to fuck Magnolia.

New Vegas Strip was garbage, no one says otherwise, but at least we can blame consoles.

It must be sad to be so pathetic you have to make this thread everyday.

The setting was made around the open world, this isn't a coincidence.

For a second I thought the thumbnail was the Skyrim/Minecraft map

Far Harbor has even better soundtrack.

they can't, no RPG will ever be as good as Gothic 2

Expect there's ZERO roleplay in Gothic.

Thats not how radiation works

police has been notified

Maybe it's because not dying from everything that moves is a bigger priority than making your house look pretty?

damn, i almost forgot how beautiful that was. i really should play that dlc again

That's the biggest city you've seen in a game?

It's settler's quote but yeah, this is only "big" hub in the game.

>Size isnt an issue, its just a game
It breaks immersion a lot though.
Capital cities shouldn't have fucking 20 buildings.

>Fallout 3 and 4
>200 years later and people are still living in shitty shanty towns
>any other Fallout
>people actually have real cities and civilizations after 200 years
Bethesda needs to just rewrite their Fallout games into taking place 100 or less years after the bombs fell.

Ahh, makes sense - I didn't play much of 4, it wasn't very good.

Bruh, that's ES3.

what's your favorite ENB? my favorite is CFL

It took us 5000 years after Babylon to build another large hadron collider.

i usually like to roleplay as a urban explorer and take pictures of ruined buildings

Shit, flawed comparison, especially when again, the majority of the games show actual progression in 200 years whereas Bethesda is so stupid they think even the starting town in Fallout 4 would go literally untouched.

>not even a Zelda thread but nintendo defense force is preemptively already firing

what the fuck is wrong with you that looks fucking terrible

fallout 4 is maximum comfy

>capital city is tiny with repeated maybe a couple house designs
>other three large cities are just as small or smaller and one of them is a maze
>all four of them require a load to enter

Yeah, I don't really hate Skyrim like most of Sup Forums, but this always seemed ridiculous to me. Especially considering they are "separate" areas of the game. I can't imagine there is anything complicated about making a bigger city given that bethesda is perfectly happy using the same resources over and over again. So regardless of whether you think the cities are fine, it's objectively lazy.

Its alright

To be fair i think Bethesda wants to keep the whole "Post-Nuclear apocalypse survival" motif regardless of how much time has passed.

Civilization going back to normal is kinda boring, it was also a bit boring in New Vegas, but that's just me

It looks just like Edoras from the Lord of the Rings movies

They do a bad job at doing it. New Vegas managed to keep the motif while still having progression after 200 years. So did the original games. Bethesda has no excuse.

The design of the hud just seems lazy.

why does ESO have bigger cities than skyrim
seriously you go to riften in ESO and its a pretty decent size (albeit missing sewers)

It must suck being an artist for Bethesda when modelers just go "lol no, it's too hard to make".

is that skyrim?

Everyone here knows his man. We just like to shitpost. Sky rim strikes a pretty good balance of interactivity/performance honestly. I prefer the witches 3s way of doing things but I'd hardly say that it's better.

frost road

>Pokémon """""""""cities""""""""

I'm surprised i don't see more people complaining about 3 things in the game that absolutely need to fucking dissapear from Fallout and Bethesda games in general

>The Pip-Boy, AKA: The most retarded way to do item management i've ever seen in a videogame
>The Hud made of icons and bars worse than anything i could make in MS Paint in 5 minutes

I mean how horrid is your fucking engine and/or your abilities to program vidya that you can't get this shit right after years of game development


To be fair Khorinis is the only REAL city in Gothic 2. You got the farm and monastery, but they're not even towns in size. Not to mention Khorinis isn't THAT big, it's just has superior layout and was put together to work much better than anything Bethesda could ever come up with.

drive calle

That's actually a good idea, user.
Maybe that's why Beth could never thought of it.

As much as I hate how lazy Beth is, do you really want the cities to be larger than they end up being? With the amount of running around you have to do already I could not fucking deal with a massive fucking area full of loading screens to move between.

My only problem with Pip-Boys is how shoehorned they are into every game now. There's no need for that and they didn't need to become an integral part of Fallout.


Yes, and every single one of them needs a 15 second loading screen And there is nothing interesting in any of them.

daggerfall remake when? and i don't mean the fanboy one.

Yeah, just like GTA.

>I mean how horrid is your fucking engine and/or your abilities to program vidya that you can't get this shit right after years of game development

>a fucking Skyrim mod has one big ass city bigger than literally anything in Skyrim itself

Shame it's annoying as hell to move around in. Look up Enderal though.

Aren't those towns?

That's why even if They kept making games in the Core Region, it wouldn't be take place right in the middle of the NCR. They're way too developed now so Fallout 2 and New Vegas take place on their frontier so you can still have civilization rebuilding itself and societies clashing with each other while still being able to explore a postapocalyptic wasteland. Bethesda really needs to take note of this.

>bethshita is so lazy they can't even do vehicles in the game, instead they use NPC's with trams for heads.