What visual style is this?
What visual style is this?
Seems to be western comic aesthetic influenced by eastern comic designs
If you copied Overwatches "style" and made a new character, no one could tell what game the characters design took inspiration from. If you did the same thing with TF2 you could instantly recognise where the inspiration came from.
Yes, some games have a more specific artstyle than others
Ugly, generic meme garbage with bright colors and wacky overdone character design.
Wow, almost the entire sentence is composed of buzzwords.
Could you explain why did you use the word ''meme'' there, reddit?
Incoherent clusterfuck that's trying to be too many things at once and only ends up being bland as a result
this guys basically right
its american west coast style
blizzard meets pixar.
blizzards designs in everything they do is awful and childlike. for some reason they decided to go back to 90s childrens 3d movies for inspiration.
youe forgot autistic
The "I need to reach every target audience" style
Or shit, as Sup Forums calls it
Pixar stick to a consistent style and have the class to be minimalist when needed, Blizzard dont seem to know when to stop.
What "target audience" is this reaching for?
Nah, Pixar went to shit years ago.
This one.
I kinda like the game but
That makes absolutely no sense
Lets try again
What "target audience" is this reaching for?
How is it a "clusterfuck"?
Borderlands but filled with lesbians and niggers.
Again, this one, try to keep up.
>1 lesbian
Dreamworks style.
One that appeals to most people.
Of course, since it's popular, Sup Forums will pretend no one likes it.
seems accurate, though don't know why you shopped it onto the old image
And what about this one?
It's carefully crafted you appeal to the maximum number of people possible. Literally every character panders to something. I'd call it "shameless corporatism"
That being said, the game is still pretty fun
>implying actjewvison-blizzard won't make them all carpet-munchng dykes in the future to woo more sjws.
>Fantasy, anime, edgy, futuristic, traditional, eastern, western character design.
>not a clusterfuck
Who the hell is Roadhog supposed to appeal to?
Fat fetishists with daddy issues?
Fans of mad max/australians
>female character has a girlfriend in a side comic that probably isn't even cannon
>never even mentioned in the game
never change, Sup Forums
imagine being this retarded
fucker how is it not
Post-apocalyptic fans, people who liked Mad Max and New Vegas and things like that
I can understand why your autism would make it difficult to understand people though
Fortunately(?) for you, you don't have to imagine
you honestly think someones going to see roadhog
say to themselves
The burden of proof lies on you, but all you have are shitty contrarian opinions
>being so mad over a conversation on a chinese cartoon webforum that you have to resort to ad hominem unprovoked
I doubt the mad max fans market is big enough to warrant pandering to, but I'll take your word for it.
the fact that the lore may exist saying that a char is gay means that the entire project is shit
the fact that you cant see this makes you a jewshillsjwcuckniggerdicklover
>people's decision to buy a game lies solely on one character and not the total sum of all characters, gameplay, and the community surrounding the game
Your autism is showing
>i dont know what the word pander means
>oh man a fat dude with a hook that instapwns noobs
>just like my MOBAs
>proceeds to buy game
Came here expecting this and I didn't leave dissapointed.
haha, take THAT blizzard!
>who the hell is this character trying to pander to?
>they're not pandering to anyone specifically really
What the hell are you even trying to argue?
i now agree with you and your point
Maybe not, but there's something for everyone. It doesn't really have any overarching theme other than "how can we get more people to buy this game?"
Compare it to TF2 (launch, anyway), where all of the characters actually fit in the universe and there's an identifiable
art style.
special snowflake style
And all of that is completely fine because of the setting of the game
It would only be a clusterfuck if none of them had a reason to be what they are outside of their backstory
He's right
>Implying they didn't start with the idea of shoving every conflicting style imaginable into the game and worked backwards to make it make sense in the context of the game.
Fuck off newfag nobody cares about your individual opinion only the topic you provide with it
Does it matter how the game was developed? no
What matters is the end result, and the end result here is not a clusterfuck
no, it's futuristic western aesthetic with eastern and minimalistic influences.
This is still a pandering clusterfuck
Not that user
that is clearly post-apocalyptic punk aesthetic, maybe some sort of mad max audience?
Cheap chinese knockoff
>Yeah yeah the game may be visually a clusterfuck, that when you are actually playing a game it's a mess of design but there's some lore somewhere that explains it away.
You dumb.
futuristic western aesthetic with philosophical an psychological values attached to it, perhaps some sort of futurist audience?
Appart from Borderlands was actually good retard
>It's a Sup Forums doesn't get the difference between pandering and cliches episode
>explained why it's not a clusterfuck
>"well it is because I said so"
>"that doesn't matter because I said so!"
this isn't helping your case
nope, you care.
>this game looks awful
>look there's a bit of lore explaining why the game looks so bad
>well that's ok then
Keep stuffing Blizzards shit into your mouth but don't expect me to believe it tastes good.
>moving the goalpost
Argument invalidated
>inb4 he tries to claim he didn't
anyone with eyes can tell you just did
Autistic would be making/participating in daily OW hate threads instead of just ignoring and moving on.
>moving the goalpost
Holy shit you are the one who brought up lore to defend how much of a mess the game looks, if anyone is moving goalposts it's you.
>Holy shit you are the one who brought up lore to defend how much of a mess the game looks
This was about how the game's artstyle was a "clusterfuck"
Then it was explained why that isn't true
Now you tried to make this about what you define as good looking
You will get no more replies from me
Whether or not there's a hand waving explanation does not suddenly make such a mish mash of characters suddenly become a non clusterfuck.
>You will get no more replies from me
Good you are beyond delusional, I can't imagine what you would consider a clusterfuck if Overwatch doesn't meet your criteria.
>What visual style is this?
It's the "Special snowflakes with varyingly ridiculous body types wearing clusterfucks of poorly done, derivative scifi armor designs and quirky clothing" style.
Are we talking about Overwatch or Battleborn?
People claim it's one that appeals to weaboos but I think it just appeals to horny losers
not quite sure but I play all three of these characters with bastion as my main and I do it mostly to get people angry
>X character is so bullshit because of Y
>retort with something extremely unintelligent like "git gud"
it makes me giddy that these people work hard at their job or school, come home to take a load off and I even if for a brief moment can butt fluster them
I don't know who hurt me cause my friends say that I like fucking with people too much
Hope you aren't shitting on Biker Mice from Mars.
shitty 3d
>we will never had this version of overwatch
why live?
and nothing of value was lost
Half of them look worse and the other half looks the same.
Though then we'd have two Stillborns, so I feel you.
>Symetra's gun was originally part of her arm
Admittedly i would like if they put some of the beta costumes in as skins
>pigs head roadhog with phoenix tattoo
>Full visor robot arm Symmetra with retro turrets
>Heavy armor Bastion
>rugged and slightly crazy Soldier 76
>lame as fuck widow and Pharah
>the fat bastard archtype, AKA Sup Forums's favorite characters.