Where will we be in 10 years bros
about where we are now graphics are becoming more and more time consuming and less worth it to overall sales
>Where will we be in 10 years
Hopefully dead
It's funny, the more graphics have stagnated the more people bitch and compete about them.
HZD isn't that much better than Crysis honestly
Physics wise Crysis puts it to shame, none of the foliage except for some tall grass reacts to the player or environment
i dont think anyone looking at final fantasy 7 and thought it looked relaistic
they where just excited it was not 2D
People were impressed by the FMV's, but even back then people joked it looked bad compared to Crash Bandicoot, Quake 2, etc
>shit hardly looks different from 2004 to now
we'll be on the same spot seeing lies and bulslhots like always
how did we downgrade so far in 2017!? HOW!?
Photorealistic 4k textures.
I saw a tech demo a year ago of this guy moving a camera in a 3d environment that was mapped with photorealistic textures everything looked like a google maps walkaaround of some office, but it was much more vivid and crisper.
I don't remember the name of the technology but o was trying to picture on my head an fps with that graphic fidelity . Just mindbending
Graphics (and games) somehow got shit when next-gen consoles came out, with rare exceptions like battlefield and TW3. Don't ask me how.
Crash Bandicoot looks good now. They did some fucking magic back thenm whereas lots of games from the mid 00's look like putrid shit now.
Textures will keep on improving. Models won't have much higher actual polycounts due to how much resources that eats. That is, until an algorithm starts increasing it in a way that makes it actually look better.
>implying battlefield and tw3 aren't shit
i haven't be amazed by graphic since the 7th console generation's start,
especially Call of duty 2 at release, seeing so many soldiers, hi detail,the face poly, smoke effect etc, now that you think about it there's still some modern games that are not even worth of the 7th generation graphic.
i had a gtx560 last year that lasted me 5 years or so and i did a high jump to 1060gtx recently for a good priced rig, i regret buying it because i'm amazingly bored of how games looks nowaday on max setting
Sorry, I meant graphics, not gameplay. I liked TW3 and BF3 though, games have overall REALLY REALLY GONE TO FUCKING SHIT THIS GENERATION. I didn't buy a next-gen console because there was nothing of interest on it for me. jesus christ was a SJW annual franchise DLC rape advertising SHIT generation, holy fucking shit. Absolute cancer, no memorable AAA games and long as fuck development cycles.
I HATE this "next-gen" four years we've had. AC:BF was alright I guess
we stopped pushing boundaries in 2007
Probably terrible looking artistic indie games. We'll be asking ourselves "is this real life" but in a different way.
>tfw graphics haven't changed at all in 10 years
Graphics don't sell games.
Games are expensive to make so the people who make them are either amateur individuals or companies that are painfully aware of the fact.
Don't wait for the reaper, be the reaper.
Don't come to school tomorrow
No one ever said that about FF7. I do remember my whole family being blown away by Dino Crisis though.
Asscreed Unity tried to push things forward but it ran poorly and was buggy as fuck so it was shat on. Nobody is willing to take a risk. Battlefront is the only game I can think of that took a step forward instead of sideways.
Whats the 2017 game on this pic?
Or is this just fantasy?
It used to be limits of the hardware. Now we are at limits of the artist. IMO ps4 doesn't look too different from ps3. Ps4 is the lighting/particle systems generation.
Only Crysis was impressive for its time.
Without even googling I know that 2017 isn't gameplay rendering, and isn't impressive at all for a cutscene.
2017 looks like shit
This is GTA 5, "graphics" wise it isn't that impressive really. But animation wise its great, and the art style is done properly. Rockstar knows that realistic cgi in games is way off, and just looks shitty so they went for what actually looks good in game.
of course 2017 is from gameplay
same user
We're already reaching the limits of just models and textures. Animation is what is really holding us back from photorealism.
And based on CGI Grand Moff Tarkin, I don't think it's something realtime rendering is going to fix anytime soon.
also hairs always looks like shit in video games
All graphics engine are gonna be tied to mobile gaming (think unity), there are less and less competent pure programmers in the game industry who can make good shaders.
In 10 years we will see barely better than HDZ or Crysis 3.
yet you clearly can see difference.
The comparison is about the skin retard.
Who is the ejaculate contractulate in the bottom right