this character is so stupid like is there any other hero in this game that likes playing against her?
maybe Im new but she just doesn't seem to have any weaknesses except that she stands still in the air when shes ulting
This character is so stupid like is there any other hero in this game that likes playing against her?
Soldier:76 is her hard counter
>maybe Im new
It's pretty obvious. She gets skullfucked when fighting against anyone with range.
she gets absolutely melted by mcree/soldier/ana/widowmaker/zarya
>Doesn't have a weakness
>Get's locked down by half the cast
please go into detail cause I just don't see it
Easy as fuck target while flying. Even if you don't kill her when she starts taking damage she has to retreat right away.
Her weakness is shooting her with half the cast's hitscan weapons you mong
Pharah is literally only good for stomping shitters.
>pick 76/mcree/widowmaker/ana
>line up the crosshairs
I know you're baiting, but I've got nothing else to do but biting it
She's flawed on a fundamental level.
If you take two people of the same skill level, one pharah, the other (x), Pharah will always win because her shots require less accuracy while the opponent requires pinpoint accuracy to kill her (while being knocked around by her rocket splash damage)
Not to mention there are characters that can outright not even kill her once she presses shift.
Is this Overwatch's form of "just gank them" ?
It's not a counter if its basic gameplay that applies to all characters.
Imagine if someone said
>Yeah you can counter Bison in SF by punching him and blocking when he hits you
No shit.
>this character is so stupid
Widowmaker is easily her hardest counter.
It's really satisfying to pull her with RaodHook
>that applies to all characters
A lot of characters are unable to hurt phara while in the sky.
Junkrat has a grenade launcher that is extremely difficult to hit her with. Reinhardt has a hammer that he can't hit her with if shes too far away.
Reaper and have shotguns that don't do enough damage at long range to kill her very well.
Not all of the characters have hitscan guns
You misread my post.
Soldier: yes
Mcree: yes
Roadhog: yes
Ana: yes
No I didn't.
Yes, you did.
Im not this guy but yeah all of these arguements are pretty weak
>she has no weaknesses!
>but what about all these weaknesses?
It's not a weakness if everyone has it
>Implying normies can aim
funfact: i stomped a pharah as soldier the other day on ps4. They were so obviously using m+kb too. They were actually pretty good but their team was such shit.
>loses to any hitscan character
>has to be on the ground sometimes
>relatively low HP, with no shields or armor
>Ult makes her a sitting duck
Soldier:76 and a turret mdoe Bastion can fuck her up all day every day, though the bastion needs to get the first hits in.
A Widowmaker or McCree with decent aim can ruin her.
Basically anyone can kill her real quick if she's on the ground.
And the fact that she's not hitscan means that she's fighting an uphill battle against most of the characters who fight at medium to long range.
>>has to be on the ground sometimes
not really
her usage drops quickly above gold. below that nothing stops pharah
you can keep in air infinitely if you're good enough
only reason i can think of needing to go to the ground is when your team is shit and you have to touch the cart/point or whatever. unless you just want to lose.
Other classes have defensive abilities or can hide behind cover.
When phara is in the sky it's difficult to get out of the sky. There's very little cover to hide behind there
Not any more. Around when the arcade got introduced they buffed her hover jets so she can remain in the air indefinitely
genji is good against her.
No, he's not. What? What did you think you were talking about?
This whole thread is proof that the overwhelming majority of Sup Forums is shit at video games.
Hitscan versus projectile, OP. That's what these mongs were searching for and what you clearly don't understand either.
You shouldn't be allowed to post on this board if you haven't played a video game released before 2004.
She has no hitscan attack and her rockets are slow, leaving her vulnerable past short range. The rockets have fuck all splash damage and knockback. Her relatively low hp and low air maneuverability leave her a sitting duck for anyone with fast spammable projectiles, or non-shotgun hitscans.
You're either complete ass or your teammates aren't doing their jobs. I'm a 28% accuracy Soldier shitter, and she takes 76 inches of cock every time she tries to get up in the air. She's fragile as fuck and you can literally run circles around her rockets. Git gud.
She has a lower damage output than most other damage oriented heroes, and due to the slow speed of her projectiles if she is far enough away from you, you have time to avoid them.
>is there any other hero in this game that likes playing against her?
Pharah rapes Ana on daily basis and very effective against Zarya
ana is the TRUE hard counter to pharah
did you read the part where I said maybe I'm new?
also I have 20% accuracy with bastion and half the time I just spray down hallways to keep people from trying to go that way
>if she is far enough away from you, you have time to avoid them
Exactly, and if she's any closer than that then she's an insta-kill. As long as you don't have completely brain dead team composition then playing against Pharah is basically 6v5.
Not after the nerfs that are just around the corner
If the Ana is trash, maybe. I'll give you Zarya, though.
She can get countered pretty hard by mid-long range hitscan characters like Soldier 76, Ana, Widow, kind of McCree. The key to really doing well as pharah at a higher skill level is try to be an aggressive flanker and don't just idly drift around the air, you're a huge target in the air if there's a soldier 76 on you.
zarya my ass, yes to all others though, oh and mei is decent against her too
Bastion and S76 are hard counters for her.
Then you need to learn to switch. This game isn't about outmuscling your competition, it's about picking counters to what the other guys are doing. If you're really struggling against Pharah and you're brand new, then go with 76. You don't even have to be accurate, just start shooting up at her and half a clip will bury her.
As a Pharah main I can tell Anas in an easy pick for Pharah, she's usually busy healing and sniping and gets btfo easily with just two rockets. It's a stardard procedure for Pharah to jump behind enemy lines and murder Ana, Zenyatta and other supps
Easy kills for Pharah: Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, D.Va, Reinhard, Winston, Lucio, Mercy (hard to kill a good Mercy though), Symmetra, Zenyatta
50/50: Genji, Reaper, Sombra, Tracer, Bastion, Torbjorn, Zarya
Counters Pharah: McCree, Soldier, Widowmaker, Roadhog
You're just new. McCree, Widow, 76, Bastion, Ana, Zenyatta, and plenty of other characters completely shut her down. She's one of the worse Offense heroes.
>tfw using her pulse bomb on yourself as an emergency evac. to teleport from certain death into safety
Ana's damage output is not as bad as Widowmaker, she has to make up 3-4 hits on Pharah while Widowmaker need only 1-2
And that's what's most wrong with the game.
She can be an incredibly powerful offense hero, it's just that there are situations where she can also get countered pretty hard, it's very dependent on map, offense or defense, and team composition.
Not if the player knows how measure her shots to predetermine and manipulate enemy trajectories.
You need to aim with Soldier too, so that argument goes right out of the window.
I agree, I play her the most out of all the attack heroes, but since 76 and Ana are mandatory picks I almost never get to play her.
This. She has to be playing on a highly offensive team that's going to be in the opponent's face to maximize her effectiveness. I find she synergies very well with Reaper and D.Va teams.
Soldier is actually easy to avoid too, especially if a player switched to it just to counter a Pharah. He's pretty weak at long range. Now, a good Widowmaker is pretty much an impossible target and I honestly believe they should nerf her ult.
I want to assume you're on console
Even if there is a soldier 76 or Ana on the other team I wouldn't say it's necessarily a death sentence, depending on the map and other factors you can work around that and still do well, just have to be more aggressive with flanking using her mobility and try not to linger in the air. I don't play Pharah myself, but I play with someone who I regard as an excellent Pharah and that's usually the kind of tactics I see him employ and it usually works well. As Mercy I also like having a pharah on the team just because it adds greatly to my potential mobility.
>roadhog as a pharah counter
I have a genuine question, because I never play as Pharah but will occasionally go Roadhog if my team needs a tank. HOW do you let me hook you? All you have to do is stay out of my hook range and there's literally nothing I can do.
Of all the fucking OW/moba threads and finally somebody fucking says it. Thanks user.
While we're at, let's ward his jungle.
By the way Mercy + Pharah is absolute killer combo. If enemy doesn't have one shot killers like Roadhog and Widowmaker, it's possible to have a teamkill.
I'm solder shitter with 45% accuracy and every time I have to be the only person who does anything against Phara, I at best get her to half heath before she falls behind a wall to get healed by her pocket mercy.
Meanwhile rest of the enemy team has lined up behind me in queue to each fist me in the ass on their turn, as I was too busy looking at skies to see literally everything.
The hook has a deceptively long range and a pharah can't always stand as far away as possible just shooting rockets, while you're in the air you're an easy target.
I agree with this, played with a pharah as mercy since release and it's still an effective combo, they both benefit from each other, Mercy gets a lot more mobility and pharah gets better sustain and damage with boost.
It's a good thing Roadhog is an OP piece of shit that basically in every single game,
Good Pharah rarely goes out of hook range. It's too dangerous to be sniped off. I'm usually ok at fighting Roadhogs (especially if it has Zenyatta's orb on it - it's a toast), but sometimes there's a Roadhog that simply never misses and it annoying as fuck.
not since they gimped his spread.
I play in diamond as a golden gun pharah.I've played plenty of hours with her usually getting gold kills and dmg.
The best counter against her is pharah or mccree but when she has a mercy on her ass it gets difficult.You can kill basically anything and you dont have to be in the air most of the time
and people tend to forget that.And I can surprise most classes jumping out of nowhere and since most classes have 200hp it takes 3 shots to kill them.
just pink her jetpack!
Ehh roadhog isn't necessarily a death sentence for pharah, just gotta play more out of his range. In my experience as pharahmercy soldier 76 and widows are more of a threat than roadhog.
Heroes that counter Pharah
stop bitching faggot
now ROADHOG. thats some real bullshit
>Another Roadhog
Come the fuck on, son
Roadhog is balanced, if you die to hook 3.0 it's because the Roadhog outskilled you or caught you in the open.
>pocket mercy
Yeah, those can be a real pain in the ass. If they're good enough you have to time your visor perfectly to do anything about them.
>tfw my first legendary evaluation was from playing fareeha
Winston can do shit against Pharah.
I'm not sure I see how he's a counter to pharah, he might be an annoyance, but he's not a huge threat usually.
OMG you bust be a special kind of bad at this game.
She's garbage, Widow, Soldier, Mccree and Ana fuck her before she can do anything
She needs a significant buff to her health and damage in the games current state to just fucking compete against the hitscan
Not really. Any decent pharah will drop for healing if he starts shooting her. Actually killing pharah as 76 is very difficult. At closer ranges where she cant drop, unless you can land a helix to her face, she will kill you before you kill her.
Only if they have GM tier aim. Anything below that and the pharah will eat them alive.
>voting for enemy team
dat 0 star game
She completely dominates the meta up until Masters, even grandmasters. Any significant buffs to her to make her playable at those ranks would make her the easiest path to GM ever.
I've yet to see Ana that can do anything to me while I'm Pharah. They all die really quickly.
>playing against 3 tanks and 2 healers
>still takes 10:21 to win
Your teammates must have been complete shit considering the enemy team could do fuck all for damage.
I disagree, I think pharah is fine where she's at for the most part, I think buffing pharah even a little could turn her into a monster. If played well pharah can be a huge force to be reckoned with.
Winston is a free kill for pharah. Hes literally the scariest offense to a winston. The fuck are you talking about.
>forcing another player to retreat from the fight isn't countering her
I bet you think gold medal in eliminations means jack shit, don't you.
Torbjorn is also a good counter, his level 2 turret keeps her out of the air because she can't destroy the turret before it auto aim kills her.
I literally don't like any of those characters
also I just played my first game ever with her and went 15/5 k/d, this hero is so stupid easy to play it just feels unfair
like you have a rocket launcher that does a shitton of damage and you can fly high up into the air which puts you in a prime position to snipe people with her rockets
in clusterfuck hallways shes just like junkrat, you backpedal and people walk into your rockets and die after 2 hits
this character is ezmode
>43 FPS
At the lowest possible levels of quickplay, maybe. A halfway serviceable pharah will play peekaboo against turrets and crush it before lock on.
Not really. Shes still where her team can support her and vice versa. And she is just waiting to get behind your team and kill your healers, or get close enough to you to murder you and then freely kill the rest of your team. It only needs to happen once or twice a match and she wins the game.
The only way to shut someone down is to reliably kill them, and making them duck behind cover for 2 seconds isn't even close to the same thing.
>switch to mccree
>click her head twice because being up in the air leaves her vulnerable
or if you're a bronze shitter, click on her body 3 times.
>Bottom up balancing
I heard this same argument for nerfing the demoman in TF2 and I don't care about shitters being bad at the game they need to get bette, crippling a class for baddies is fucking stupid and you know it
This is why she dominates the lower skill sets, any good hitscan class fucking rapes her from mid plat onwards
Top down balance her and the rest of the characters and the techniques to counter her and the others will trickle down
Only if the other team aren't switching to counter her, she's only as powerful as the enemy team allows
Guys! Guys!
What if
What if
we combined Demoman and Pharah together!
You can deal with her counters to a certain degree, like I said it does depend on other factors, but a person going soldier 76 or widow isn't an instant death sentence, you've got to play around with what you're given.
Come up with changes that make her better against hit scan without making her god mode below diamond
You aren't making people get better at lower ranks. You are making anyone that instant locks pharah every match get a free GM rank.
Its fucking retarded.
There are plenty of characters that are actually crappy that could use buffs before pharah does. I mean shit, she isn't even that weak against hit scan. No weaker than anyone else. She just needs to focus more on flanking than sitting in the air, which is what every masters and GM pharah already does.
>Only if the other team aren't switching to counter her, she's only as powerful as the enemy team allows
This literally applies to every character and is pointless logic.
as a pharah main, her weaknesses are very nuanced but really easy to exploit besides playng a hitscan and shitting on her
basically, the team has to play around pharah for her to have success.
most healers are fucking braindead and forget that theres a teammate in the sky so most of the time pharah do not get substantial heals, abuse this by harassing her.
her rockets are incredibly easy to dodge outside of mid range, dont get direct hit by her rockets and dodge them actively
watch your back, her ult is useless if she doesnt flank and her optimal range is mid to close, so she has to basically flank to do most damage, if you get fucked by her ranged spam you and your team are shit
3 tank 1 dps comps actual fucks her up because her rockets are usually best against squishies, when you have niggers like dva and rein blocking projectiles and hog shrugging off splash damage, she will have a hard time
>It's not a counter if its basic gameplay that applies to all characters
hitscans are specially effectively since she makes herself an easy target by flying out of cover, her abuse of aerial space counters projectile based characters and low range characters while making her weak to strong hitscans
reaper's shot gun literally cant reach her when she flies, but when she flies and goes out of cover and out of range of teammate's shields, she is completely vulnerable to characters like widow and mccree who can click on her and kill
i mean yeah there arent any particular abilities that just nullify pharah besides defense matrix, but there are weapon archtypes that do to some extent given you have good aim