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Video Games #3706
Video Games
How can anyone tolerate this fucking faggot?
What's their endgame?
Breath Of The Wild OST FLAC Request
Ywn punch her for tabloid journalism again because that would be racist
What's the hardest you've ever laughed in the vidya?
Why is monster hunter so bad? As an expert in dark souls games I thought this game would be about the same. But no...
What did they mean by this?
Empty world
Is there really a correlation between Sonic and autism or is it all just a naughty little meme that has outstayed its...
Hey guys
Do not buy the new Mass Effect
This is Sugita , who plays the main character in Persona 5
Post your vidya related phone ringtones
What game as the most cancerous fan base
Splatoon 2 beta
What's the consensus of Modern Warfare 2?
Alright, what happened?
Are Sun/Moon the worst pokemon games?
Only 4 temples
Post your Mass Effect: Andromeda screw-ups here
Brown Bricks
Will it be great?
Am I alone in noticing a decline in overall quality of western published games and the opposite in games that come from...
How do I Spy without being a retard?
Sony exclusive don't se-
Name a better lore
Is this, objectively, the greatest video game of all time?
Will you listen to his story, Sup Forums ?
He spent $400 on an X1
Ark survival evolved
I just beat LoZ: Breath of the Wild and got the true ending
2 > 1 > 3
The great debate
Outlast 2 banned in Australia
Broke 1080ti
You'll never play half life for the first time. Playing that demo. Then opening that old block PC box and downloading it
It's good x not just good y
Sup Forums is worse than reddit
Why do video games have such a negative stigmatism around them? What makes video games any worse than watching tv...
PCfag here, fell for the sony hype
You're going right back in that cell Sup Forums
You want a reason, how about New Vegas Thread?
Zelda BOTW - 1.34M
They have no money to make Nier Automata DLC
First time playing a Dark Souls game
Monster Hunter
Let's discuss this amazing game
Horizon: Zero Dawn worldwide sales top 2.6 million
What are some the best mobile games?
Nii-san, i have brought you here to address the matter of acquiring my Nintendo Switchu
Why do we hate DaS2 again?
Thoughts on Superhot?
Five Nights At Freddy's
This is a sword thread, so post swords!
I don't get it...
Opinions on ESO
Are you buying her game Sup Forums?
Horizon: Zero Dawn worldwide sales top 2.6 million
RPCS3 is awesome
What, exactly, did he do wrong?
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Remastered
Who here actually plays this game? It's a lot more fun than I thought
Steam's security service is a piece of shit
There is no timeline you fucking retards
What about Skyrim, specifically, makes it bad?
This may be in vain, but idc
Hey there friend! How about you join the Yiga Clan?
So lets say some dumb retard posted the front side of his credit card on facebook along with expiration date and i...
The Economist: Video games seem to be stopping young men growing up
Do you think there should be more games that feature explicitly lesbian relationships?
How does this make you feel? taken down by Nintendo legal action
Help my Pick between WoW and FFXIV Sup Forums
So Sup Forums
How does this get out the door? HOW is this acceptable?
Why are these two popular
Change graphic setting
Can't even achieve ME1 level of animations
Why is he such a fucking retard?
This game makes me really fucking angry. This game killed the Wolfenstein frenchize...
Is this game worth 20 bucks? Has the performance issues been fixed?
Tfw playing at a measly 12 FPS using a broken emulator
Splatoon 2 Global Testfire
ITT characters that you want to be
Try to play game
Pssst... smash babbies isn't a real fighting game
You and the last vidya character you played as encounter this guy
Horizon Zero Dawn Thread
The switch doesn't se-
Can we make greentext threads a bannable offense?
Fire Emblem Echoes
Did you guys like this game? It doesn't look too bad from the youtube vids i've seen of it
ITT: "That part" in vidya you like
Ask someone on the team to switch off mercy cause constantly dies in the team fight and doesn't rez
Is Undertale the greatest game of all time? I think so
"Blocks your path"
Denuvo V4
I'm that guy who chugs behind with the previous generation consoles and shit PC. I absolutely love DeS...
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Xbox One anymore? Have they lost to PS4 this generation?
9 months till BotW DLC
Is Lightning the prettiest videogame girl of all time?
When did you grow out of online games, Sup Forums?
Uumh...where is he taking her?!
Hallo faggots
Who is the best video game mommy?
Playstation account
Quake Champions/Unreal Tournament/Arena shooter thread
Let's talk about klonoa
What's his name again?
How many games do you buy in a year?
Draw the cover to a video game in MSPaint and use Comic Sans for the font
Who will it be for your first playthrough?
Name a better CRPG
Newly cracked version of Hitman will soon be able to have full online access...
Here's your controller bro
Now that the dust has settled, is this the best Zelda enemy ever?
Well, it's not that good
ITT: Games where you play as the antagonist
Preload when?
Revolver Ocelot
Is this enough background bleeding to warrant a refund?
ITT: Games only you played
What went wrong?
Well done Sup Forums, you just killed mass effect forever. bioware will be closed within weeks by EA
Why does western games suck so much? Is it because eastern games have now catch up to the "muh 3d" gimmick?
Best RPG ever
Explain this
Breath of the wild thread
KH 1.5+2.5
Will this card ever be a viable monster in a Yu-Gi-Oh video game?
Why does every youtube/twitch video gamer get it wrong?
Which one Sup Forums?
ITT Kickstarter games that turned out great / Good Early Access titles
How do people excuse the subpar dungeons, subpar ost, subpar story and dull simple combat...
What the fuck is wrong with Bioware?
Guess what came out
ITT: 10/10 Characters
Unsanctioned shipping of game characters by fans
Summer Lesson Life Size Figure
How will nintenbros ever recover?
Dead Rising 4, now Mass Effect Andromeda
*push to talk*
Fire Emblem Heroes
Guys i think i screwed up
Enter dungeon
What would make you resub, qt?
Why did gamers reject her
Games literally only you enjoyed
Oh boys~
Is this the best open world game ever made?
Any ROBLOXians on Sup Forums...
Honey select
What are some good coop games I can play with my friend
So why can't SJWsmake good games?
Should I do it?
Styx: Shards of Darkness
Game people have been waiting for like 8 years finally comes out
Now that the dust as settled, is Sup Forums looking forward to The Elder Scrolls VI: Hammerfell?
What do you do when you don't get any joy from video games anymore?
I hate how the industry is marketed today, it was so much simpler back then
What are some really good DLC's for games
Bing! bing! 1-up!
This board is the worst
Been playing this and it's really got me in the Cthulhu mood
Dungeons aside this just doesn't look as good as 4
He was right, you know
The game was actually all a dream
Teammate burps into mic
JUST Effect Andromeda
Mass Effect Adromeda CONFIRMED TO BE SHIT
"Must of been the wind"
Can you actually believe it? Persona 5 is already out in nippon and we're really close to a western release
Sup Forums pirates anime
Wich game has the comfyest rain, vee?
Always Installed
Does it really matter if story is batshit insane and deep if game is a broken, unplayable, horrible, piece of shit?
Games with no tutorial
I'm in love
Nintendo just lost 8.3m sales in West
Choose one
So this is the power of the Mass Effect Character Creator
What mouse is Sup Forums gaymen with?
Can we have a collective dump of all mass effect andromeda webms? mostly the sara ones
Max Payne 3
The final boss steals your abilities
Baldur's Gate/CRPG Chats
Hey Sup Forums, I just bought image related
In what games (other than GTA 5) can you take drugs?
So, this game doesn't make sense
Fuck you guys. You lied to me and said this game was shit...
2 new guest characters from other games coming to tekken 7
There's still an assassin's creed game due out this year
This guy seems like the ultimate bullshitter to me
3x3 thread
What's a good card game I can sink hundreds of hours into?
This game came out and no one cares, wow
This is a 1000 year old man Japanese founder and Grandmaster of Alchemy
When did you realise that games no longer brought you any joy, only an empty and hollow feeling...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Do castle battles ever get better...
Western game has cast full of gays and lesbians
What are some good games that have giant sea monsters in them?
Venom Snake IS Big Boss
So was Oblivion the best Elder Scrolls game?
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
Mass Effect Andromeda
What makes a character interesting in a videogame?
3DS is the greatest portable gaming system ever made...
Are Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah still worth playing ?
What expression is this trying to convey
What's wrong with her face?
You know it to be true
What are the best gamemodes?
Mass Effect Andromeda First Blunder of 2017!
A fucking game from a broke-ass developer made more convincing facial animations and body gestures back in 2004 than...
BotW thread
Walk into door
Do I bite the bullet
The dungeons in this game are penetrating my anus with an ice pick
Finally get a portable console
Now that Nintendo topped OoT will they top Majora for 2019?
So whats the Sup Forumserdict?
Let's have a fucking Alpha Protocol thread
Resident Evil 4 is still one of the best videogame ever made
Any hard dos/dont's when playing pic related?
My armor, my helmet, my sword and my shield. Gather for me, and the path I shall yield
Gerudo woman calls Link short
Nier: Automata
Post your desktops Sup Forums, no cleaning
Video Game Confessions
Realism vs. balance for the sake of variety
Stop pirating games
Nostalgia thread
CS:GO cases
So did you buy Lady Maria's life-sized figure?
Whoaa, this game is deeper than I thought
Are you fucking ready Sup Forums?
Have you had your dose of miney crafta today?
Why is this thing so ignored? It has 1400 games...
Who else is a bit turned on by Breath of the Wild Link?
I was not around for the hype train of this, or atleast i never fell into it or bought the game until recently...
This is Sarah Ryder, her dad just died but she's trying to smile through the pain. She's also on drugs
PC part list
I just found the water chip and I feel so accomplished...
Return of Games
Are you fucking kidding me
This is Etrian Odyssey 5: Beyond the Legend...
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Howard Who Lies? I thought not. It's not a story Reddit would tell you...
What are your thoughts on the Mario franchise?
"stiff ass models standing there having robot conversations"
Was it really that bad?
They should have called it HomeFUN: The Revolution
Top Notch Quality,Right Sup Forums?
What's the best racing game for the PS4 right now? And for PC?
PBS ends with a teaser for SK7
Should I play this? I played Hollow Knight and it sparkled my interest in the Metroidvania genre, is this a good start?
ITT: Spyro
You can found this piece of shit as a pile of crap everywhre
Reasons you dropped games
So what's better Controller or KB/M?
Using my mechanical keyboard at night
Post your gunfu
These games are not influenced by political correctness and thats why they are great. You cant deny this
How mediocre would this game be if the character was male and unappealing?
This is a good game
They said these weren't going to be hard to find
Have you pre-ordered Nana's game yet?
Who is truly /ourguy/?
I don't want it to end. Hold me, Sup Forums
What, in your opinion, is the greatest sword in the history of vidya?
Tfw to intelligent for western games
Breath of the Wild Comfy Thread
Breath of the wild thread
Nintendo gets shut down
What went wrong?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Will the Switch fall the way of the Wii U with lack of proper 3rd party support?
American level
OOT Thread
What went wrong
Which ones eventually made you say "Fuck it" and walk out?
Who was in the wrong here?
Post weird vidya advertising
This is my onee chan, Master Aqua. Please say something nice about her
Would you play this?
Is this game worth buying a console over...
Beta is out, can we discuss this shit?
Tfw the game you want to play doesn't exist
What did Bioware mean by this?
Who else is buying this in July?
Human sized Summer Lesson figure. Can I expect to see someone on Sup Forums have one in a buyfag thread?
You MUST choose one to mate with you
Persona 5
Game with early PS3 graphics needs a 980 to run 1080p60fps maxed in 2017
What are some games with tornados in them?
"Mr. House had some good ideas, but he wanted me to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel so I betrayed him!"
You did save her, right?
Who was in the right?
The best and worst Metroid games are obvious, but can we agree that this is the most underrated Metroid?
ITT: It's 2013
Is it any good?
Red Flags for games Thread: I'll start
What snacks do you like to eat while playing video games, Sup Forums?
The greatest kart racing game ever made
So what's your best Zelda game?
DOTA 2 Patch 7.03
When was it ever implied that she had a dick?
Aliens and Predators
How italians play bioshock
Tee hee I'm actually over 100 years old
Whats your favorite wii game?
Welcome to Va-11 Hall-A, what can I get you?
Tales of
I have 16 bucks to spend on the eshop what should I get for my 3ds. I'm thinking about gunvolt or 3d outrun
This is the hardest PS1 game
Which design is better for sonic characters?
Why are Breath of the Wild fans so hostile to people critical of the game?
ITT: Cancelled games/early scrapped versions/vaporware
What's the worst character redesign you've ever seen in vidya?
Playstation/sony just sent me $15 of PSN store credit. Dunno why
What is she even doing here?
Why did you do it? To throw a child off a cliff, he's not mario, he's not getting extra lives
The palest option is somewhat tan
Anyone else irked that this game doesn't get acclaim here? The combat is actually good unlike Botw...
Hindsight Cringe
It's one in the morning, why are you still shitposting on Sup Forums?
Any game that lets me feel like Logan?
ITT: we describe our Phantom Pain play style using one image
That kid who turned off the console when you were beating him
Ocarina of Time
FE Warriors
Really? just made me more depressed. in fact, I contemplated suicide all day yesterday. it's usually just half the day
Help Sup Forums I want to buy this
Switch has a downclocked Tegra X1
I love Tharja!
Games Sup Forums trashes but secretly likes
Is this cannon?
How do we go from this
ITT: Games with better facial animation than Mass Effect: Andromeda
Has anyone else been redpilled on this SJW psyops shit masquerading as a family-friendly video game...
E3 2017
Would you press it?
What video game will make me experience the sensation of going really fast?
What games did you play today Sup Forums?
Any good gaming podcasts out there now that Kinda Funny and Giant Bomb are over due to lack of personnel?
I've never played a Zelda game, and I'm thinking of doing a run-through of the series...
Dead or Alive
Ask a guy who just recorded a visage drop anything
I got a package
Should I main Orange or Lavender Fox?
Unlikable characters
It's a good game, but it's not a good Zelda game
Name a better boss fight
PCs are bad for gaming. I prefer gaming on a MAC
Proper Zelda: Breath of the Wild BotW thread
Would you buy this?
Why haven't you bought Kass' game yet? His game is being hailed as one of the best video games of all time...
Remember when Shin Megami Tensei had dignity?
Currently downloading this. What am I in for?
No Shadows of Valentia thread going
HOLY FUCK when did this 15 year old get such big tittays?
Kirby has just absorbed you, what ability does he get?
Whats in the box, Sup Forums?
Can we have a Story of Seasons/Rune Factory/Harvest Moon thread?
ITT childhood games
Worst thing about Breath of the Wild? (aside from technical issues)
Never played a Dragon Quest game before. If I were to play one, which one should I choose?
Get arrested before you can carry out your plan for world domination
What are some games with bittersweet endings?
T-thanks nintendo
How the fuck do I score the 4th touchdown. This game is fucking broken
Name a better Final Fantasy girl. You can't, she's too pure and perfect
NieR: Automata is better than Final Fantasy XV
Grove Street
Our guy isnt doing so well Sup Forums
What are the best PS2 games?
Are you guys ready for the Zelda threads to be overshadowed by massive best gril threads soon...
Bord3rlands thread
What does Sup Forums think of Link's Awakening?
"Name me ten (10) video games from your world or I'll deck you one, user!"
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
The sand bird is borne
Western devs can't make cute female chara-
I just finished nuDoom and now I feel like replaying Doom 3. Are there any worthwhile mods? What about a co-op mod?
What were these Pikmin bosses doing in a Zelda game??
Words That Follow
Video game industry has existed for 40+ years
So I just bought my first PC and I'm trying to play New Vegas but it keeps crashing immediately after the opening intro...
Tell me, boy! If the Federation is so great, why are there no good Gundam games?
Killed gannon
With it's huge budget, it shouldn't be hard to find a blockbuster title
Wait, what?
That's what I've heard on the road anyhow, take it for what it is
Why is this game so fucking gorgeous
Tfw you spend real money on this game
There are people who unironically hate japanese games
Purchase game
Will Switch be Nintendo's last console?
2 games drop Friday on PC
DX: Mankind Divided
ITT: trigger Sup Forums
Who do you model your character after in RPGs?
What does Sup Forums think about Devil Survivor? SMT thread? Persona is welcome here too
Is Pokemon a dying franchise?
Is his career as a videogame pundit over?
Name 5 things wrong with modern vidya that don't relate to politics
This is what you support when you buy indie games
Katanas are the best medieval weapon for multiple reasons
Project Sonic 2017 being shown tomorrow
Fire Emblem 7
*blocks you path*
ITT: Masterpieces that got overshadowed by mediocre normie bait
Is Nier a proper character design?
Psychonauts/Schaefer Games Thread
Describe a game with a Tom and Jerry quote
I made the arms shorter on my futanari creature on Spore. How did I do?
What's the closest thing to a Twilight Zone videogame?
The greatest game ever made
Why are so many people shitting on this shrine? It's fair, and works on your favor if you have pairence...
ITT: Post comfy video game jams
Fallout Thread
Instant pull / kill combo
What game do you play when depressed?
Why do normies love Mario kart 64 so much? The rubber banding is horrendous
Sup Forums is Bioware's BITCH
Let's have one of these threads
One day remaining
So where can I get it for free?
What are some vidya quotes that you can use in real life sometimes without sounding like an autist or sounding chessy?
Why don't more Japanese games focus on delinquents? Isn't it a popular archetype?
New Bannerlord Screenies
Can't believe I actually bought this worthless thing
Are male characters really better than female characters?
What even was this fucking game
Post characters who did nothing wrong and still fucked everything to pieces
Should SEGA return to the console market?
We were almost fucking on a couch earlier when she was topless
ITT : cool ass shit that got cut from games
Giant Bomb Mass Effect Stream
Apart from the Ending, what is really that bad about it? I dont get the hate
What's your favorite AVGN episode?
Give it to me straight lads, how shit is the combat in this?
Post yfw it's now against the rules to talk about New Vegas on Sup Forums
Enclave here, why isn't your New Vegas Thread working?
Ven was now around during the Keyblade War
This is Zelda, please say something nice about her
ITT: Post bullets you dodged
Protagonist dies at the end
When did they jump the shark with this mode?
Monster Hunter XX
Castlevania Thread
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 has major problems
Go to one of your oldest consoles, and check if it works
Most champions have escape skills
How many of you actually remember this?
I just lost another game to CSGO because of terrible teammates. I want this to stop
What's your most played game Sup Forums?
Perfect controllers dont exis-
Reminder he did literally nothing wrong
Filename Thread
Fire boss
When will Sup Forums realize review scores are just opinions?
This game is 5 years old
What dead franchise do you want to see brought back?
Patrolling the new vegas thread almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter
Check channel
Nier 88
Is "immersive sim" a legit genre?
Boss talks shit during battle
Do you have high hopes for System Shock 3, Sup Forums?
All you Altmer belong in a TES thread because you will never end reality
Splatoon 2
Can we have a nice webm thread?
Mass Effect Andromeda
The RTS genre is fucking trash
CEMU thread - Beyond BotW
What games allow me to live wholesomely traditional and as far away from society as possible...
How was a player supposed to figure out that they needed to equip a ring from the other side of the map...
Danganronpa Fighting Game hinted at? Revival of Danganronpa Battle Royale?
Podcast time
What are some video games that let me play as a cute grill in tacticool gear?
ITT: Games too hard for Sup Forums
Mass Effect Female Presets
We have had confirmation today that the Nintendo Switch is powered by the Tegra X1
Post games with good storylines
*blocks your path*
Is it just shitposting...
Why can't Bioware into faces?
Is Yakuza 0 the most beautiful japanese game ever?
Steam Moderators delete thousands of anti-Denuvo posts
DK is Nintendo's best IP. Prove me wrong
Weapon Degradation
Giant Bomb Mass Effect Stream
What are your thoughts on the Lynel?
What are the best dialogue systems in vidya? Pic not necessarily related, it was kinda simple
OI, YOU BOYZ FOLLOW Warhammer 40k vidya thread OR I'LL GIVE YA A THUMP
Who are some famous people who play video games
Im bored, tell me a game to play right now
You aren't just going to listen to Sup Forums shitposting are you?
I take back everything bad I said about this game. I renounce all my pre-release shitposting
When was the last time a game generated this much salt on Sup Forums?
How do I git gud at this game?
Can we have a Prince of Persia thread?
What exactly do you dislike about Mass Effect Andromeda...
How does Nintendo get away with it?
Poor frame rate
Which one?
Post teams. Comment on teams. Ask for help. Do whatever that is mahvel
Switch only has one gam-
Shmup thread
What if Zelda was a girl?
What do you want for the next Zelda videogame?
What would it take to revolutionize the MMO genre?
Bayo seems like an assertive woman
ITT: Villains who got away with everything
Literally overwatch
X to confirm
Post vidya characters that are total bros
Can graphics get any better
It's October 2018. Rockstar Games announces GTA VI and posts pic related on their website
ITT: games LITERALLY only you played
What was her problem?
Pleasant Bloodborne Thread of Peace
ITT: prove you are an elite gamer with good taste
You reward for finding all 900 korok seeds is a literal piece of shit
Whyfoos thread
You know the drill , dubs decide
Hylian crest tattoo
What are some games with tasty color schemes?
Fuck you
Welp the PC version of Nier is confirmed to be shit
What does Sup Forums honestly think of Breath of the Wild vs Horizon Zero Dawn? Without considering their exclusivity...
Puzzle requires you to know japanese
How's your game coming along? New thread
What is the best PS emulator out there?
What is this cloth part of armor called?
Coop Games
CRPG thread
Will the Switch be able to replace the Vita as the weeaboo machine of choice?
Another one
You have 10 seconds to post
This is Rouge the Bat, she won't let you go unless you tell her where the Chaos Emeralds are
Fatlis is finally acknowledging people give a shit about JPN voices vs "generic old white woman pretending to be a...
Was he the best link?
Warrior, mage, or thief ?
Halo 6 is in this stage right now. What are your hopes for it?
Was this just fujobait fanservice, or comedic humor?
This character is so stupid like is there any other hero in this game that likes playing against her?
Someone please help me kill Aldrich the devour of gods in dark souls 3 she's super hard and no one has a summon sign up...
DmC2 when?
What's next for her career?
Dark Souls
Tfw to dumb two be th idea guy
Story of Seasons
Day one patch size: 2,3GB
If Rockstar decides to make the 10th anniversary version of GTAIV next year will smartphones be able to handle it?
Be known in the industry solely for writing
Its on sale for $30 is it worth it?
How can Bethesda even compete?
This game was a masterpiece
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...