The greatest game ever made.
The greatest game ever made
Undertale is better
That's not persona 4
Agreed. Sup Forums's masterpiece.
>sjw mother ripoff
Fuck off.
Mother 3 literally promotes trannies and pedophilia.
You fuck off. Worst thing Undertale does is lesbianism.
Undertale is trash.
Nice rebuttal, you sure showed me!
Undertale is not an RPG Fuck off
>Role play
>level progression mechanics
>story driven
It is the embodiment of a RPG
are there ANY other games that will make me feel like this game did?
Anyone who thinks 3 is better than the previous two Mother games has garbage taste
Yeah, Undertale.
if youre the right kind of person then mother 3 really hits home
Crap inconsistent presentation with a mishmash of decent to awful pixel art, mediocre bullet hell battles that only shine during bosses, best bosses are locked behind tedious kill all the enemy in each area shit which is boring as fuck, spare system is simple and lame while not expanded upon in anyway.
fuck off, the game was cute but the story was shallow and I didn't give a shit about some goat kid that I hadn't met at all until the end
I'm glad this game will never be localized. Don't expose it to today's youth.
>awful art
Looks better than Mother 3
>mediocre bullet hell battles
git gud, faggot
>best bosses behind doors
The best boss in Mother 3 and you can't even fight it, you can only run away.
>Area is shit
Better than Mother 3's areas
And why the fuck do you give a shit about any characters in Mother 3 other than Lucas and Claus?
Damn, I'm having flashbacks of that monkey chapter. What awful shit.
>Looks better than Mother 3
What are colors.
What is a question mark?
Also, do you want me to get you a box of crayons, ya big baby?
I mean that's basically what they did for the final battle. It's literally photoshop.
I need to stop, I fucking hate Undertale.
what's the most annoying fight in the game, and why is it the jealous fucking bass?
oh boy a mother 3 thread now we wait for the kumatora fags to ruin this one
Great, a Mother 3 thread. I beat this game recently and I have some questions. What was the point of the egg? The characters make a huge deal about the egg and it drives the story for a bit, but it's soon forgotten. For three years it goes missing and no one cares. The plot advances and a new McGuffin comes into play (needles). Once the egg is retrieved, no one cares nor does anyone use it. It is forgotten AGAIN until the very end of the game where you get a plot dump. And then the egg is forgotten for the last time and never used. What was the purpose of this, especially when you get a plot dump anyways? It feels like the game was going to center around the egg but they changed direction midway.
M1 was wayyyyy too much of a trudge along.
I bet no one will answer this
agreed, it was strange
I unironically like Mother 1 to the point where it's my favorite game.
Where's that user who has all of the best M1 fanart?
The egg had the secrets of Tazmilly and the end of the world that everyone forgot. It had nothing to do with the saving the world like the needles do, so it's put on the backburner.
Is M1 the only game you can't beat without grinding?
New Fassad gave me a bad time
That's not Mother 2.
I never found the need to grind due to the size of every single dungeon/ the world map. The last section is a matter of survival since there's no boss battle at the end of it.
Thats not BotW which cost 59.99 at your local Game store also on Walmart and Best Buy. Im totally not being hold hostage at gun point to typel th
Play the cognitive dissonance fan game. It connects the first two games. Pretty good and no autism cringe.
>"I HAVE FUCKING HAD IT WITH YOUR SHIT. You little fuckers are going to have your bodies ripped in half. I'll shove your asses so far down your throats that when you crap you'll sing fucking Beethoven. tl;dr: eat shit, faggots"
What did Dr. Andonuts mean by this?
Seriously. I've beaten Mother 3 over 40 times throughout the last six or seven years, and that fucking bass still gives me trouble.
The original is great because it genuinely has that Peanuts feel to it. Subdued, melancholy yet still upbeat and idyllic. Earthbound tended to be a bit too zany at times in comparison.
That's a pretty sudden difficulty spike- it's also one of the least interesting and necessary sequences in the game.
Wrong hack, user. should be nuked and replaced immediately
i've never used it, what's wrong with it
i have some mother art
Visit and report back user
I got 90% through the game and my flashcart died.
The dark dragon hatched out of it
based AND groovy
1 > 3 > 2 imo
1 just struck the best tone and had the best atmosphere, and that's what this series really falls on. Not that 3 or 2 were bad or anything (although I didn't really enjoy 2).
violet > kumatora
muh dick
I agree
The first Masked Man fight is eating my lunch with his breaks shields and pk loves you on the same turn bullshit.
Do I just need more levels?
well if were posting best girls
yeah you can grind on the enemies in the cave before him, the ones that have tons of HP have a rare weapon drop of some kind too I think
it's the best weapon in the game for one of the characters
Probably not, but Mother: Cognitive Dissonance (fangame) did come out and got its spritework revamped.
If I could bullshit theory, I feel like they know what the Egg's purpose is, given how Wess used it to restore Duster's memories, but their subconcious blocks them from wanting to ever use it on themselves, lest they remember the apocalypse and the illusion that was their lives shatters.
Also the needle shit was just way more important than the egg at the moment given they could end the world again if Claus pulled them all before you did
I cannot fathom why this game's soundtrack is praised, it sounds like total FUCKING garbage
I can't think of anything in any medium more overrated
>we will never have a good Mother thread ever again
Please don't overrate the Mother games and forever ruining the reputation of the series/its fans
>Sup Forums's masterpiece.
Who the fuck is Sup Forums?
What is Porky's backstory?
Ok so I played earthbound(never finished)
Should I skip and play mother 3?
He spent too much time posting on Sup Forums.
Finish Earthbound, it's better.
Reminder to ignore obvious shitposters, ie anyone mentioning undertale, talking about the mother community or, being contrarian on purpose, etc.
Nah, beat it and then move on.
>linear as fuck
>shitty combat with some grinding
Anyone want an M3 art dump?
Finish it, it's worth it, even after taking Magicant and nighttime Onett into account.
Do you even need to ask?
I wish your heart would stop.
Not unless you're dumping Kumatora
Not a waifufag, I love kuma but doing M3 in general.
What's so bad about Magicant and nighttime Onett?