Return of Games

Am I the only one happy that these games came out at the same time.
Horizon represents the current meta of open world video games. Its most praised asset is its graphics. Ive honestly never heard anything else praise worthy about it.
But Breath of the Wild's most praised asset is its gameplay. Yeah people say it looks pretty and has a good artstyle, but its completely overshadowed by the praise the gameplay gets.
Its like nintendo reminded the industry that a video game is supposed to be about gameplay, not about graphics. Im almost elated it doesnt have 4k 8x AA graphics
For reference

Its like people don't know that an interactivity makes for a far more immersive world than 4k grass. Hell the light reflecting off the blades of grass in Zelda makes it far more immerse than Horizon with only that.


I think Dark Messiah: Boot to the Head is the most immersive video game I've ever played. Like if you see a chair or a barrel you could pick it up and toss it at people. Ice on the floor would make people trip. Cutting the support would cause a rope bridge to fall. Even though variety of interactable objects was limited, because you could actually do something with all of them it felt like more of an extension of real life than anything I've played since.

>tfw want to play this but hate spiders

Have you thrown a metal boomerang at a Stalnox in a storm while playing Zelda BoTW?

Have you solved a puzzle by connecting a chain of metal weapons from one source of power to the next node?

Could be wrong but it feels like horizon got made by having money thrown at it, big and shiny but no details.
BotW feels like it has meticulous, thought out work put into it. Still some textures a shameful for a 2017 triple a game.

I haven't played it yet. No real interest in the current gen consoles and all my friends sold/trashed their Wii U because they never used them.
But it sounds pretty neat.

Yeah it's a good contrast. Botw that had a lot of work put into it to make a cohesive interactive experience for players bother visually and mechanically where almost all objects in the environment have a purpose.

HZD that had a lot of work put into it so it would look good in screenshots, where nearly everything in the environment is non-intetactive set dressing for the purpose of looking pretty but has no function and does not react to anything.

>Weasel runs through the water
I feel so immersed

Its really one of the few games worth playing from the past 5 years


>rock explosion
>landscape doesnt change at all
So immersive. Nice movie though



I like this thread user

never understood comparisons like these.

>hey let's compare one game that was intended and designed for environmental interaction vs. another that wasn't

You must also think a linear game can't be good either.


Completly agree. This industry has gon though a slump where many developers are doing the same thing and not really innovating. Playing games like breath of the wild is a good sign that there are still good developers out there and hopefully more see this and follow through.

Fanboys, fucking fanboys if you enjoy both games for what they were made to be you're a shill/flase flagger etc, i like both games they both have strengths and weaknesses.

>goes through intangible grass
>goes through intangible water
>looks fetus alcohol syndromed
great film you got there user




All games should have a focus on gameplay mechanics.

Really this if not then its just a movie like

>All games should have a focus on gameplay mechanics.

Every video game does, by virtue of being a game.

I think what you meant to say was

>All games should fit my arbitrary idea of what constitutes as gameplay mechanics

This just makes me want to see Aloy/Link crossover rule 34.



That looks Scripted as fuck

>Every video game does
seeMany focus on being a movie. Kojima just said games were becoming movies

It's not.

>tfw photorealistic games look boring to me and I started liking games with stylized graphics better
What is wrong with me?

the more you post the more retarded you look stop

>Breath of the Wild's most praised asset is its gameplay.

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

My sides hurt from laughing.

There's a mod that changes all the spiders into pigs or something, you goddamn pansy.

You should buy an encyclopedia, with that sense of humor, you'll find it hilarious.

Are you implying it doesnt?

already been done
there's the one with link going doggystyle on aloy with their metacritic scores labelled around their necks.

yeah man, the best part of the game is the gameplay, how pathetic is that? nintendo btfo haha

Is that part of a quest or can this happen by just walking through the wildlife?

console war shit

>Nintendo games are the most fun
>Sony games look the most pretty on consoles

The sky is also blue.

Lost my shit at the flame arrow setting the water on fire in HZD

>Nintendo games are the most fun

well he's not wrong

Holy shit it's incredible how assblasted you are about these statements.

>flame arrow sets water on fire
>rocks just stick to surfaces when thrown
>fox runs underwater when crossing a stream
it's all pretty funny

>Sony games look the most pretty on consoles
Maybe resolution count. But let's go look at both games in a couple of years and say which game holds up better.
Art style>Pixel count
Which is why WW on the GC still looks great while most PS3 games don't hold up well.

Naw, user, I bought Switch on day one and I love the game, but besides characters and some places, a lot of the world does have some low res textures and problems - it won't hold up as well as WW, when you put WW from GameCube on HD in 10 years next to BoTW, it's just visible that while the art style is nice, the world still has it's problems.

I agree that BotW isn't nearly as good as WW in terms of style. But I do feel BotW will hold up better than HZD.

>Breath of the Wild's most praised asset is its gameplay

The main content of the game is split up flung over a giant map with lots of time wasting elements to pad out its game time but its the best game ever made because Link can splash in water and it has physics

Its a boring time waster like all these open world games.

So you just dislike open world games, no matter what? If you're so biased, you won't understand what Zelda did better, no matter what.

What fucking gameplay? You mean the terrible combat with horrendous framedrops or the bland open world that looks absolutely terrible?

It won't. Even at 4K the game still looks pretty weak on CEMU.

WW had the perfect aesthetic for aging very VERY slowly. BotW is doing too much with too little, those types of games tend to look very old real quick.

Horizon looks absurd now. It'll take until we have realtime ray tracing to make it look dated.

that is literally wrong
look at the development team behind the game.
Does it have ubisoft? No. Does it have Kojima Productions? No. But what it does have is Monolithsoft.
You know, the guys that made Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X? Arguably the best and maybe even the only good open worlds in recent years?
Yeah well those guys helped make the game and their proficiency in the field can be seen here.
So no it's not just good because it's Zelda, it's good because it's actually fucking good, did that ever occur to you?

Graphics: HZD
Combat: HZD
Game Performance: HZD
What's one thing that BOTW does better than HZD besides being Zelda?


You're are an idiot fanboy. What does BOTW do that TW3 didn't or any other decent open world?

Open world

Your game is shit. Thank you for proving my point.

>other open world games
>Nintendo makes open world game
The genre is shit by default. Nothing but repetitive boring tasks for people with ADHD.
>I just spent 4 hours goofing with moblins AI
Skyrim all over again.

>Xenoblade Chronicles X
This is a Nintenbro post. Xenoblade X is fucking awful

One of things that make open world games good is how it looks. BOTW looks like a Ps2 game

>immensely bloated overworld where majority of the time is just traversal
>weak narrative and ending just like most open world games
>fucking stamina for running, because I like having to jump in my inventory or wait to regain the ability to run
>having to deal with horses to avoid stamina bullshit
>map FILLED with nigh-worthless collectibles. Instead of giving us really good inventory space from the outset, it's locked behind a tedious and unfun Korok seed quest

But cool, you can roll boulders down at enemies, set fire to grass, and glide.

10/10? Really?

your point holds no validity because all you've done is "look" at it.
Everyone's who played the game gives it a score between 8 and 10 but everytime someone says it's shit they say they've merely just "looked" at the game
it's embarrassing really.

forgot better AI and Open world environment both going to HZD of course.

Allow you to explore the world and fight battles using a very well made physics engine?

Give you total freedom in terms of exploration?

And that's just the things you can't absolutely refute.

I'm amazed people are still trying to pass off that weak excuse for a Xeno game as good. Abysmal story gated behind fucking fetch quests in a world with almost no reward for exploring it.

Oh, and that fucking music. Dear god, I'm amazed I'm still sane after enduring that shit (especially the Doll flight music).

no, open world games were good with instances such as Xenoblade Chronicles, because that game was made by a development team that knows how to make good open worlds.
Oh look at that, that same development team is helping develop breath of the wild.
Hey, breath of the wild has turned out to have a good open world.

It's not fucking rocket science.

Combat is clunky, 10 year old puzzles, runs like shit, literally does nothing new than any other open world game. You have BOTW to far up your ass user. Take it down a notch.

It's not. Those robots, and even bigger ones, just roam around the map.

You can explore the world in witcher as well or any other open world game lol. What the hell you think open world is.

>combat is clunky
oh yeah, someone who hasn't touched the game would know, sure.


>muh ripples
>doesn't mention everything else in the game is animated and moves differently based on the weather

Not the user you were talking about but when i played BotW i was completely unaware of what you could do, i purposely kept away from sites like this while playing it because i wanted the full experience, here's a random story when i was just starting out.

>Need to get to a shrine in a snowy area
>Can't get into it because the cold hurts my health
>Enemy camp besides the ice area on a tree
>The bridge is lifted and held with rope
>There's a pot to cook there
>Wonder if i could something about the ropes
>Get near the pot with my bow out and the arrow catches fire
>Aim for the rope and hit it, it starts to burn
>Do it again, bridge falls, start fighting the enemies
>They start burning their weapons to do more damage to me
>Kill them, grab their weapons, burn one of them and go to snowy area
>Link is no longer cold

I had to get back and make some cold resistant food because you had to use the magnet skill to build a bridge and it sheathe your weapon which turn off the flame and this isn't something as crazy as some of the stuff you can do in this game but it was one of those "I wonder if this works" moments and it paid off, this is what made the game so fun, multiple approaches to the same problem, i swear you can ask 5 different people on how they did a puzzle and 4 of them will say a different answer, that's the beauty of the game.

>doesn't mention everything else in the game is animated and moves differently based on the weather
the point is to show off the differences, what I'm saying is everything in zelda is animated and moves differently based on the weather aswell so there's no point.

Do you really even need to ask that question?


You mean 3 hit broken weapon chore.
That not gameplay but shitty design.
Zelda is overrated trash. Remove Zelda from title and it would be another indie shovel ware.

The fucking framedrops when fighting enemies, how can you fucks be so blind??

>Somewhere in the world there's an actual low IQ Sonybro struggling to understand how Sony has been kill

Yeah and you can't interact or do jackshit with that pretty background.

>tfw I fought against vah ruta's ice cubes by shooting them with a bow and arrow
I felt like an idiot when everyone said they used the crynosis rune but the game allowed me to use my retarded method anyway, the game is never like "NUH-UH YOU HAVE TO DO IT THIS WAY".
Some methods may be less efficient than others but the game is always open to you and says "yes, you can do that".

97 (98)

Stop making a big deal about such minor things. Most people don't notice those, unlike the dips to 20 fps Horizon has.

This so much. Terrible fucking game design, it just makes players skip out on fighting random enemies cause why waste your weapons for nothing?

You do realize when you make a detail comparison that horizon has in a couple of trees more details than zelda has in huge open landscapes? Detail comparison between games that look two console generations apart and then pretend zelda comes out winning is beyond sad i get it its your first open world game but give me a fucking break already.

>clipping through fish without reaction

Dragon's Dogma had better freedom and combat and had a world that wasn't obnoxiously big.

It also ran at 720p@25fps

Only in certain instances, not every fucking time.

You're deluded. BOTW looks like it freezes half the time. And HZD hardly goes down to 20fps I don't think it ever does. So quit your lying, faggot. 20fps is fucking standard for BOTW.

It still looks that way. And the "Gameplay" of that sequence ammounted to holding the analog stick down.

At least in Uncharted you'd be able to shoot at the thing.

hoo boy here we go again
besides, if you played the game and looked at all the content you would know no indie developer could ever hope to make a game like BotW.
If you removed Zelda from the title you'd still get people appreciating the game more because there's no nintendo boogeyman to point at, it may not be as popular but it will be one of those gems that gain a cult following like Xenoblade Chronicles.

The comparison seems biased, why didn't they test effects like footprints etc.

Overall though Zelda is obviously a lot more interactive. But that's what the developers were aiming for. Horizon isn't really a survival type game, so most of those features aren't really needed.

I do hope more games in the future follow BotW example though. Good physics and interaction have been sorely missing in most games for the past decade.

>Still trying his hardest
>Still baiting this hard

Either way you're worthless. This is the only (You) you'll get from me.


sony could literately go out of business tomorrow and sonybronie-s would still say that Sony won because of it.
They are the brainwashed Cult of Neogaff

>Dragon's Dogma had better freedom

Just barely. As great as that game was, there was jack shit to do between the quests. And there's nothing wrong with a world being huge when it has a lot of things to see and do in it.