So was Oblivion the best Elder Scrolls game?

So was Oblivion the best Elder Scrolls game?

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yes, tied with Daggerfall

You mistyped

Yes it was.

it literally was. Oblivion is the patrician choice of Elder Scrolls fan, if you disagree you're a stupid Redguard.

YES! shits all over Morrowing and Skyrim

It was also the greatest game ever made.


Shut your mouth breton trash

Modded Skyrim >>>>>> Modded Oblivion or modded Morrowind due to the fact that the magic system in Skyrim had shitloads of potential right at launch. Over the years modders have realized this potential and have made such amazing mods as Mighty Magic and shitloads of other spell adding mods. Skyrim with Mighty Magic > literally any other game in existence when it comes to mage gameplay, including BG2.

There are several ways to rank an Elder Scrolls game
ESO/Skyrim(based on preference)>Oblivion>Morrowind>Daggerfall>Arena
>Story (as in plotline, not lore) wise
Daggerfall/Morrowind (preference) >Oblivion/ESO(preference)>Skyrim>Arena
>Mechanically (discounting combat(Basically games in order of least buggy to most buggy))
>World Building / Quests
Oblivion/ESO (preference)>Morrowind>Skyrim>Daggerfall>Arena
>Combat mechanics
>Contribution to lore
>Setting (mainly preferential, but I'm going off of diversity and originality)
>Replay Value
>Sound Design
Oblivion>(by a narrow margin)Morrowind>Skyrim>ESO>Daggerfall>Arena
>Overworld Design (Cities, Towns, ETC.)
>Underworld Design (Dungeons ETC.)
>Extra content / DLCs (doesn't include Arena/Daggerfall
Oblivion(Shivering Isles)>Skyrim DLCs>Oblivion (KotN) / Morrowind DLCs>ESO DLCs > Oblivion Misc. DLCs
Other things to note
>Game that Kirkbride had a large role in
Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind
>Games that Jeremy Soule did music for
Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
>Games that added or altered something major in the lore
Daggerfall, Morrowind
>Games that retconned major lore
ESO, Oblivion, Skyrim
>other games not counted
Battlespire, Redguard, all of TES travels, TES Legends

Morrowing is unplayable without gigabytes worth of mods, Skyrim is awful no matter how much shit you mod in. Oblivion is the best of the worst.

This is the objective truth.

>Morrowing is unplayable without gigabytes worth of mods
Come on now, that's unfair. You need 5 mods to get the game running perfectly in windows 10, and even then the vanilla runs fine.

Some people consider it unplayable as long as those pesky stats are around and your characters skills depend on them.
Dumbass RPGs!

>Skyrim is awful no matter how much shit you mod in
You are retarded. Skyrim modding is the most sophisticated in the series. It makes the game not only good, it makes it fucking amazing, you're just too retarded to figure out how to mod the game properly.

I agree with most of your list, which I find pretty good but this
is unacceptable. Be serious one second mate, Daggerfall dungeons are an ugly fucking mess drowned in horrible monster sounds. You literally have to save and and anchor your tp spell at the beginning of every dungeon because you moight just as well never find the exit again.
I don't hate daggerfall and I believe it's a truly revolutionary game for its time, but come on. The final dungeon is pure crystalized madness

No, unless you're a graphic whore. I played it like a month ago with no mods and the game is fine

That's a funny way to spell "Morrowind"....

Sorry forgot to include
>Underworld Design (Dungeons ETC.)

Unmodded: Morrowind (due to the exploration and atmosphere) > Oblivion (due to the side quests) > Skyrim.

Modded: Skyrim > Oblivion > Morrwind.

This is unarguable.

Truly the best.

shit forgot the link to

All dungeons in daggerfall can be entered and exited. The sprawling labyrinthian layouts are why I ranked daggerfall first. Although most dungeons in daggerfall were randomized, they remain the same in all versions of the game and all dungeons can be cleared with some amount of effort. It's place on the list is solely because of it's dungeons being the largest and most complex. Otherwise, if you find that the dungeons are too complex for your liking, simply omit that point from the list. I tried to keep the list as objective as possible and you are trying to opinionate it.

This one had me scratching my head too. Skyrim is certainly not the worst in this category.

>The sprawling labyrinthian layouts are why I ranked daggerfall first.
You've never actually played this turd, if you think those dungeons were good.

>I tried to keep the list as objective as possible and you are trying to opinionate it.

Come on now. I understand you enjoy long and complex dungeons, but don't pretend daggerfall's dungeons can't be a real mess. It's not fun to click every wall texture to discover a secret door, you have almost no way to track where you are, you can fall through the floor, endless dead ends...

If that's your liking, well fine, but the average joe, including myself, find them to be a chore

Assuming you meant to reply to
Skyrim's dungeons are extremely small and linear. They definitely have their place at the lowest point, if not for a mistake I made. When ranking ESO in that category I solely went off of Dungeons and Trials, but discounted Delves. Adding Delves, ESO could potentially be just as bad, if not worse than skyrim in that regard.
>I didn't read the entire post
I ranked based on design, as in complexity and exploration potential
See above. If it bothers people that much, then omit daggerfall from that category entirely.

Assuming you meant to reply to
Skyrim's dungeons are extremely small and linear. They definitely have their place at the lowest point, if not for a mistake I made. When ranking ESO in that category I solely went off of Dungeons and Trials, but discounted Delves. Adding Delves, ESO could potentially be just as bad, if not worse than skyrim in that regard.
>I didn't read the entire post
I ranked based on design, as in complexity and exploration potential
See above. If it bothers people that much, then omit daggerfall from that category entirely.

Complexity is a meaningless quality metric, when those dungeons are boring as fuck and literally a huge chore to play. Fuck your complexity, I'll take Morrowind dungeons any day of the week over this trash.

>Skyrim's dungeons are extremely small and linear. They definitely have their place at the lowest point, if not for a mistake I made. When ranking ESO in that category I solely went off of Dungeons and Trials, but discounted Delves. Adding Delves, ESO could potentially be just as bad, if not worse than skyrim in that regard.

I agree for the most part, though some skyrim dungeons are actually well designed. I hate most draugr lairs like you and don't enjoy that every fucking one of them has a fucking backdoor (at the end of Labyrinthium you kill the boss and realize that there's a fucking door right next to him). One could argue that it's not worse than backtracking through the whole dungeon though.

>See above. If it bothers people that much, then omit daggerfall from that category entirely.
Mate we're having a discussion.

Also is this you



The "backdoor" is a fucking retarded idea, when the entire dungeon is designed like a linear gauntlet EVERY FUCKING TIME. They should have just kept the Mark/Recall spells, potions and usable items in the game and kept the dungeons on the same level of complexity as Morrowind.


Most Morrowind dungeons are pretty tiny compared to other TES titles though. And I agree that they should have kept tp spells and such. What I really enjoyed with morrowind dungeons is that they use verticality. Unless you have levitation or jump spells some parts are not accessible which is great in my opinion.

best graphics

best modding

best story, worldbuilding and location

best dungeons

best nothing

Elder Scrolls is sadly very generic and mediocre overall.
Morrowind is the only exeption and the only game they actually put some effort into, since it was potentially their last game ever, due to imminent bankruptcy.

Daggerfall was interesting but I can't shake off the feeling that it was an exercise in lazyness, looking for ways to generate content without manual work.

Oblivion was a huge disappointment.

Skyrim had a boring premise and location.

No. It was devoid of content, with most settlements having like three quests. The loot and level scaling made exploring irrelevant.

>Best surprise attack by transexual axemen as soon as you leave the tutorial

side and guild quests are extremely memorable with a great OST but the game is far from perfect especially when playing vanilla

>Game that Kirkbride had a large role in
>Arena, Daggerfall
He was literally not on Bethesda during Arena and was hired midway through Daggerfall to draw the paintings in buildings, and was asked to retcon the lore along with Kurt for Redguard onwards.

In repsosne to OP, Oblivion is the actual worst game and anyone who seriously defends it as having any aspect better than both Skyrim and Morrowind are likely nostalgiafags who first played it on their 360 as kids.