The palest option is somewhat tan

>The palest option is somewhat tan
>Not a single preset is typical Caucasian woman from Northern Europe

Did the scandinavians and the slavs just cease to exist ? Is Bioware Montreal this desperate for progressive brownie points ?

Other urls found in this thread:

are you stupid? scandanavians were black you racist pos

>want to play as an albino

I bet you're not even actually white, just pale from being indoors all day.

well its set in the future right? obviously they're just trying to be realistic, what with the whole white genocide thing

In the future everyone will kinda look like Vin Diesel.

Allah Akbar mother fucking bitch. We are the future and there is nothing your pathetic white pussy ass can do about it. I'll fucking tear your throat out with the edge of my scimitar fuckimg western scum


>pick a black preset
>wonder why lightskin brown is the lightest option

you can make your character a irish white if you pick a proper preset

>Did the scandinavians and the slavs just cease to exist ?

By the time of Andromeda, probably.

Does that mean Shepard is the sole survivor of the White Genocide ? You could make him as pale as porcelain in ME1

Why the fuck would different presets lead to different skin color options, that's fucking retarded

until we kick over two of your countries in a week then spend a few years playing in the sand, then you'll cry for the next century and literally and metaphorically explode all on your own.

That's okay I guess

I thought caucasians want to have sexy tans

>I have to make a brown girl lesbian

Oh, man, that really sucks. I definitely wasn't doing that any way.

And how do you manage to make a face editor so poorly that it needs to reload the entire character model when you change hairstyles

Lmfao YOU LOST Holland just now with their election we are coming for YOU next fucking white trash. You will see your women raped before your eyes, your men will be dragged into the streets and torn to pieces from the cuts of our blades. You will be turned to dust as the great prophet Mohammed predicted praise be upon him for he is truly merciful to all but you and the rest of your white filth

>Why the fuck would different presets lead to different skin color options

Each skin texture is probably set for a certain tone range and would look bad if it got too light/too dark.

>Why the fuck would different presets lead to different skin color options, that's fucking retarded

Probably so you can pick your general type of race you want and then customize from various skin tones those races have

but for sure he picked a black preset, because when I was messing around the trial earlier white characters have a pale white skin tone

>not liking qt3.14 albino waifus

good post I agree

That still sounds like a horrible way to design things, like just put an additional complexion slider like most games do nowadays.

Besides, it doesn't look like there is much difference in the skintone itself. This could easily be fixed by not separating options across several menus that wipe out your changes if you back out too much

Unintuitive/downright nonsensical UI design seems to be a staple of this game, if that RPS review is any indication.

>"brownie" points

>go to neogaf
>retards complain ME:A has anti black undertones
>go to Sup Forums
>retards complain ME:A has anti white undertones
You are all fucking idiots.

How about the video game that lets you create a character actually gives you a full range of options and not just middle of the road presets that look like potatoes left in the oven for too long

Can't we just all enjoy the silly videos that come out of this?

I'm saving all of them, one by one, making a folder of everything I can find. Will post a few

What are the anti black undertones?

All I can think of is the new black guy being another Jacob. Dull, straightforward, inoffensive, and generally lacking any real personality.


>complains about there not being an option to make your character white
> in a bioware game

Just stop this game has so many other issues that has nothing to do with character race. Your whining and complaining that can easily be misconstrued as racism is the reason why sjws went from a few nutjobs to most of the left wing. Its your fault we're in this mess you peace of shit alt right fuck head

How about asking that without thinking it's some major subversive attack on your race. How about having less retarded paranoia in the post. How about that? You wanna know the actual reason it's like that? Here it is, Bioware sucks dick and made a crappy game. There that's the reason. No big racial conspiracy, Bioware just sucks and made a crappy game with a crappy customization feature.

Do a google search for Media Preview.

Did you get this one?

:^) ebic

Literally the same shit as this thread but backwards. That the customization feature doesn't allow you to properly make black people. Literally the same fucking thing the stupid OP is complaining about but replace black with white.

The brownie points thing was mostly just a joke mate, I'd have to be some kind of Sup Forums tier retard to think a bunch of understaffed Canadians are trying to subvert me because I'm more pale than than the average bloke one down south.

But fuck god damn can these people get their shit together like if Bethesda can figure out how to give options to range from "extraordinarily pale" to "extraordinarily dark" with actual middle ground options then anyone can.

I didn't, that's a good one

what the FUCK

Also my favorite of all of them

except neofag is serious and Sup Forums is idiots pretending to be retarded.



Nigga im just tired all of this pol tier jokes, sorry. Any ironic jokes end up bringing actual polfucks, irony turns into sincerity. The "lol look at us we are acting like idiots" turns into "oh shit everyone is now actually an idiot"

>pretending to be retarded.

I believe that less with each passing day.

holy shit, the eyes twitch


>Did the scandinavians and the slavs just cease to exist ?
Yes? It's set in the future.

>Why the fuck would different presets lead to different skin color options, that's fucking retarded

It is retarded.

Yea, makes sense. I live too far down south in Europe to be able to feasibly give a shit about the race shit.

You sound like a fuckimg dimwit doofus. Honestly your whore of a mother must be so proud to have gotten raped in order to give birth to you otherwise we (in this thread) would be without you self-circlejerking pats-on-back. Fucking piece of shit


It's time to take a break from the computer, user.

you could just stop playing shit games

I'm also trying to find this picture of the dialogue wheel where there's only two options, and the "good guy" option is "no bigots allowed".

Any help is appreciated, I need to store it away

Its time to take a slip of paper, gently hold your penis hole open using your thumb and index finger, and fucking run it through the center of your bell end. Fucking die you accumulate of wasted space


>When you're so fucking inept at doing model work that people just assume you're a racist

Good game bioware

Where do you find the energy to be this angry at strangers on the internet?

How am I expected to enjoy this trudging hell of a video game if I can't play as an angry pale ginger manlet

I mean at least the manlet part is taken care of

Manveer pls go

Look everyone its inspector gadget. Where the fuck do you get the energy questioning where strangers get their anger for other strangers on the internet? I bet you grow a beard don't you? You like to appropriate Muslim culture? Fucking white scumbag go watch your gf get blacked by a superior man

Go Go Gadget (You)


Mad white boy?

No, disappointed. I was hoping you had another tirade ready.

>game doesn't have femininity masculinity slider

Nice larping. Muslims don't want to genocide anyone. They just want everyone in the world to be muslim.

Manveer is a poo in the loo. Holy shit at least learn the difference between a Muslim and a street shitter you fucking white piece of shit. This is why you fucking idiot westerners deserve and shall receive no mercy from the might known as Allah

>600 years with no sun

>human pigment skin is black

Saints Row 2 had that, and Oblivion may as well have had one (the complexion slider was just male to female preset, essentially).

You know nothing of our culture white fucking trash. Tame "European" Muslims are not real Muslims. They are cowards fleeing from the truth of the prophet Muhammad

Wow, you gotta call dowm there buddy.

At least it's possible to do decent tan skinned ladies but you can't go nearly dark or pale enough.

>being a roleplaying cuck to a fake prophet

>Is Bioware Montreal this desperate for progressive brownie points ?

have you seen the fucking game?

You literally have it backwards, alt-right fuckheads are a direct consequence of the majority of vocal liberals moving to the SJW camp during 2014-2015. Gamergate autism accelerated it here.

>Dialogue "options" still lead to the player saying the same shit no matter what

I guess the discussion has moved over there

Do they not realize all brown people are not that dark...?

they're not even pretty spics, fuck this shit game


>Acting like the skin color matters in a game where all the characters look like shit anyway

you deserve this punishment if you actually still play bioware games

Nice larping. Whites don't want to genocide anyone. They just want everyone in the world to be white.

Top kek I thought this was satire at first kys in the world's next genocide it'll be goatfuckers being killed guarantee it

t. a muslim invader.

Come over on the dingy mate?

>he doesn't like the idea of a crew movie night
Andromeda is a train wreck but I would've loved to watch a shitty movie with the crew of 1, 2, and 3.

Both faces look horrible but why is the asians skin really smooth and almost entirely devoid of any details while the slimes skin has a ton of little details and pores?
That's such a difference in texture quality. Or is it just a complexion slider?

i know enough to say fuck you stay out of my land

Do it. Do it for the future. Compile it so they might learn. Maybe even animate.

Ahh shit they are at it again.

>stupid polfags are just pretending to be retarded
Right. I wish they would get together and """"pretend"""" to drink bleach.

I'm getting there

That's entirely realistic though. East Asian skin is superior in its suppleness to other races.

The later, ME games have always had a few options on complexion,.

I've seen this exact comment getting posted a lot recently. Makes you think...

You are a good person.

It's just an experiment to see if white people are dumb enough to subsidize their own extinction.