Fatlis is finally acknowledging people give a shit about JPN voices vs "generic old white woman pretending to be a Japanese 15 year old"
Fatlis is finally acknowledging people give a shit about JPN voices vs "generic old white woman pretending to be a...
Took them fucking long enough. They are on a roll to redeem themselves, this and firing Hardin was a good start. Let's hope they manage to keep the momentum up ~
Since generic japanese woman pretending to be a 15 year old is so much better.
Great as the acknowledgement is, that's underselling Nana-sama.
Hey look a retard that probably thought Chie voice #1 was better than #2
Japanese women don't age past 15 until they hit 55 where they shrink and turn into raisins overnight.
I love Nana Mizuki!
i like her hat
It's fatlus usa afterall. With all the japanese staff working there you'll think they'd get their shit together
I'm going to fuck Nana Mizuki's character!
Or apply a ton of cosmetics to hide it till age 55 when they can't hide anymore
Im half Japanese and you know what, yeah, Japanese women do have better voices than white women.
Also Persona 5 is set in Japan if you dont pick the Japanese voice acting you're picking the wrong option.
why are all weebs retarded?
Is this supposed to be ironic? Because your statement is correct, whether you realize it or not.
go ahead man she's not my type tbqh
Same difference. They have higher pitched voices, so it's more believable. There are rare western VAs who have high enough voices to play children/teenagers, but it doesn't happen often.
The only time it's not believable is when they pretend to be 4 year olds and do that stupid mangled japanese/english where it's sort of like when a good artist draws badly intentionally and you can tell they're faking it.
This is the first time I've seen a publisher promo voice actors in the West that aren't from Hollywood
Wouldn't you rather have this?
Weebs are like trannies but instead of wanting to change gender they want to change race. They are mentally ill and need help not insults.
oh fuck, sugita is in this game?
He voices best boy. You can get his PS4 theme right now for free.
What? I'm a weeb and I don't want to change race. I just want to admire from afar.
Sega probably told them to get their shit together
I didn't last 20 seconds.
>erika harlacher
literally who is this
Yes and fatlus wanted to deny him from you. They honestly, genuinely believed some fucking bum from the streets or Yuri Lowenthal would be fine instead of him.
A literally who. That's who they hired to match the Japanese cast.
Every character is played by a AAA seiyu. That's why everyone wanted Fatlus to give JPN voices
>weebs so delusional that they choose to forgot that Japanese players complained about Annes voice
>implying i don't play Persona with the voices off so i can imagine their ideal voice
>implying i want to listen to 5 japanese women who all sound nearly identical shriek at me for hours on end
Who /novoice/ here?
>Western """"""""""women""""""""""
I just leave it on default voices (which is most likely english) because I honestly could not give less of a fuck about voices. I played games for years with no VOs so why would I suddenly care now if they are there or not. I read faster than the voices anyway so I barely hear them.
Too bad only Blizzard or games-workshop actually pay good voice actors
i didnt know, I just thought people would want japanese voices since the game takes place in japan, it would be weird playing it in english. Kinda like yakuza 1. Im glad they didnt cut them out
I was going to play the dub until I heard English Anns voice
one of the velvet room girls sounds annoying too
MGS introduced me to this girl.
I didn't know she acted in P5, so now I'm pretty hyped about Ann.
Anne's voice is far from the worst.
nailed it
Xander Mobus as the protagonist
Cassandra Morris as Morgana
Max Mittelman as Ryuji Sakamoto
Erika Harlacher as Ann Takamaki
Matthew Mercer as Yusuke Kitagawa
Cherami Leigh as Makoto Niijima
Erica Lindbeck as Futaba Sakura
Xanthe Huynh as Haru Okumura
Robbie Daymond as Goro Akechi
Nana wills it
People want the Japanese voices because they're better. People want the English voices because they can't stand to read. You think somebody who can't read would have a proper opinion on anything?
>White women.
Tell me what happened?
Any reason for the name "fatlus" other than it sounds funny?
I always found it amusing.
the voice actor strike claims yet another game
Xander mobus, are you kidding me. Is that not the literally who they got to do the horrible smash 4 announcer?
>Since generic japanese woman
Trained japanese professional.
Japs have an actual industry for voice acting, their standards are much higher.
Western voice actors are either failed actors or celebrities selling their likeness for extreme amounts of cash.
Do you play all your games in Japanese then since you despise the English language so much?
Most of my Fatlus games had no voices anyway
>Xander Mobus
Dagda's VA?
Someone please post the P5 voice actor image chart
>complaining about Nana Mizuki
[citation needed]
This, but I'll go with Japanese voices.
Would you rather hear the dub cast of Naruto and Bleach in your Nip games some more?
The Japanese cultural landscape has provided voice over to cultivate and grow into a revered medium which helped their domestic productions shine. Why do you think everyone is reading manga or watching anime instead of Donald Duck or Spiderman?
>Have to sit around on a dialogue box to wait for the voice actor to finish talking after you've read what they're going to say in the fraction of the time.
>Having to hear the same lines repeated over and over and over and over again in every battle the entire game.
>Modern games with dialogue branches have been neutered to "Yes," "No," and "whatever filler third option" choices because voicing actual dialogue branches would be too much work.
Voice-acting in video games was a mistake.
But everyone loves Donald Duck and Spiderman too.
>its betas still hold a grudge against the white girl who didn't like them in high school episode
It's Spider-Man.
You're the only one who gives a shit about the proper spelling.
Whatever you say, Brittany.
So Morgana is Totori, Max is Logy, Ann is Ayesha, Haru is Meruru
lot of Atelier Alumni in here.
And for completions sake, Protag is Christo, Yusuke is Chrom, Makoto is Lucy, Futaba is Magilou, and Goro is Sorey
>visits Sup Forums once
Because Persona is considered a "dating sim". And fat, lonely, virgins gravitate towards dating sims.
But by now, it holds almost no meaning other than an alternative word for Atlusfag.
>It's white boi thinks everyone is white episode
>This is what weebs actually believe
Disney is popular AS FUCK in Japan. Seriously, what is wrong with you? Also Spiderman is a pretty recognizable character, regardless of where you go.
Not everyone reads manga. As you grow older it's kind of expected you move on from such things for the most part, though it's not uncommon to see working adults keep up with a series or two. As for VA people, you're not a household name unless you're in Sazae-san or voicing a Joseph Gordon Levitt movie
>nana mizuki
muh dick
looks like i'm going with the gook sub this time around. although I usually hate doing so because more often than not, the voiced jap audio is different from the localized text. pretty annoying if you've studied japanese.
There that projection
>tfw turning voices off doesnt turn them off in battle or cutscenes
Literally makes me never want to finish P3 and P4, I donk know how I made it through PQ
Outside of Combat does the protag even talk?
Does New Vegas or Red Orchestra have Jap sound options? I'm curious what that would be like
>Erika Harlacher as Ann Takamaki
>Erica Lindbeck as Futaba Sakura
>Xanthe Huynh as Haru Okumura
I might give the dub a shot, assuming the trailers are just shoddily edited. Because I can kinda get behind those choices, to be honest.
>Not best Cold Steel
>dat pic
>this is the average asian female
No wonder there's so many weeb.
People are retarded, water is wet.
Don't play shit games so I have no idea.
The translation for P5 is largely literal. It's incredibly stilted.
I guess in his mind, he thinks the usual suspects+Seitz, with a handful of Blum are what make a localized game. tbqh the only ones I can even stand anymore are Seitz and Lowenthal. Everybody else can fuck off.
This is shy I hate enlgish dubs. The majority of people getting into the dubbed industry now are fucking faggots who started out doing amateur youtube fan dubs and attending anime conventions. They are shitty amateurs who sucked the right dick to get gigs.
I love the rage over the voice acting. The last thing Hylians remotely resemble is a Japanese person. They are more akin to well spoken Aryans than Japanese.
>This is shy I hate enlgish dubs.
> enlgish
Probably because you donĀ“t know it
wow that hat makes her look like a fucking moron, why do japs have no sense of style?
>durr Chie #1 sounds too old
Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot piece of shit no good bastardman. You fucking idiot braindead fucker. Have you ever been to high school? Not every women sounds like a fucktarded JAV slut you retarded faggot. Kill yourself you permavirgin
are you gay?
I think we need more Ian Sinclair desu
The dub industry was always a pretty low field. Most of the dub actors back in the day were considered the bottom of the barrel with general voice acting.
>autistic screeching
The only english VA I really enjoy was Ryuji's va.
The rest I could do without.
Nigga if you're complaining about the VAs can't they're not as cute as the japanese ones is retarded.
I just want talented VAs that sound good.
>also....as well
Is this correct? I'm not a native english speaker
Dubs in games and anime were better back then. ADV had some pretty good dubs.
>nips have shit taste
Wow what a surprise
what an occurrence
Nana Mizuki is so delicious
>The majority of people getting into the dubbed industry now are fucking faggots who started out doing amateur youtube fan dubs and attending anime conventions
>play on girl
I'd know a 40+ year old woman wrote that even if I viewed that comment alone with no context.
>Japanese Anne is an attractive woman who is also able to act
>English Anne is a fangirl who can't act and has severe ADHD and autism
makes you think
Fuck I need to rewatch some Tokyo Encounter
R&C got this in japan alongside bushy brow ratchet
Got to love region differences at times.
Either nonsense/grunts and short phrases or non at all work really.
Someone throw her a lego.