Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread:
>Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting a mech styled Metalman.

Requesting Ekoro from Gal*Gun: Double Peace in a Bayonetta-stylized suit, with guns also on her feet, shooting love in Bayonetta style.


Requesting anything involving Twilight Midna. NSFW or SFW.

Requesting Chaosmon from Digimon but with his BantoLeomon arm replaced with an arm resembling Sleipmon. Sleipmon's shield optional.

Requesting a fusion between Velvet and Pixie. Hair should be long and red with black streaks as my only specification.

Requesting May, Tharja, and Aigis as F-cup sluts begging for dick.

some user wanted some hollow knight so here we go

also taking simple/unsettling requests, i am in a good mood for a simple fusion

Would anyone be interested in drawing a version of this with a Helldiver instead with his shotgun (the SG-8) saying "Welcome to Super Earth. Now get out."

Requesting D. va and Kirby inside a robot and inside the robot looks like a big soft bed

Requesting this with Gene and Azel from God Hand. Refs here:

Requesting bodybuilder Psyme.

Maybe people would be if you posted refs for the other things

Requesting urien performing his chariot tackle in a wario costume, and/or wario in uriens thong doing his shoulder bash.

Posting anchor

Requesting Ephraim shown typing the pile of denial in this image:

Requesting a cute pic of Estelle from Trails in the Sky with the same haircut as the girl on the right, but keep her front hair the same.

Getting to it, sorry mate. Cooldown.

Kinda hard to gauge what the shotgun looks like, but closest representation I'd imagine be the shotgun from Halo maybe.

Requesting Gladion riding on Silvally in a non-descript forest

No ingame model?

Here's what a Helldiver would look like too if people are considering in going along with it.

Requesting Jill cutting her bangs.

It's tiny as fuck. If you haven't played it, the gameplay is essentially Magicka, but with guns, democracy and Starship Troopers.

Fuck you the user who said i would never make the OP again

Requesting Momiji dressed as Kurenai from Red Ninja

Requesting this with Vergil

Requesting Persona 3 Jamal-Kun having sex with dis ho, Yuko. An ideal fucking place would either be in her crib (read:bedroom), like in dat game event shit, or in da shower or locker room near da swimming pool.

If you need a body ref for dis beetch you can use this shit:

Now hol up, ah prefer that human puss. BUT Ah s'poss I can tap dat robo-BBW ass, ya feel me.

Requesting Luna as a stereotypical JRPG girl from the early-mid 00s (like 2002-2006).

Requesting Act Zero Patricia Wagon.

Requesting Miriel attempting to teach a class in the Dark Mage bodystocking

Anchoring the WIP by this kind drawfriend Original request Also, good luck on your exams, bro! Hope you did well.

Requesting anything involving heterochromia Hinata Hajime, please. Performing poses or anything cool, just make sure his red eye is in view.

Would it be alright if I requested SoT Specter Knight in a dark, sketchy kind of art style like the Don't Starve one?

Spoiler your request jack off. Fuck you.

Requesting Koume taking selfies with the camera obscura from Fatal Frame.

Requesting a Contra x EDF crossover

Danganronpa 2 came out in 2012. If you haven't played it already that's your fault.

Requesting Xiahou Dun or Goro Majima leading a flock of ducks wearing eye patches similar to theirs on them.

How do I make cleaner refs?


Requesting these 3 links wielding their masterswords side by side.
Wind Waker:
Twilight Princess:
Breath of The Wild:

Requesting Zhao Yun and Lu Bu clashing weapons.

Funfact: As long as people keep doing fetish stuff, thread's quality won't improve.

Hope i got it right.

Please and thanks!

Requesting a bunch of JRPG Heroes Fishing.
Because this now JRPG all about.
P4 MC is fishing
2B is fishing
That Emo from FFXV is fishing

Requesting Aqua dressed as Aqua

There was fishing in the original Nier.

Drawthreads quality will never improve with you around. Oscar.

Requesting Raiden from Metal Gear rising as Wojak, either with his Visor on or off, or a version with his eye glowing saying: tfw to intelligent to evade

Requesting Aqua from Kingdom Hearts dressed as Rapunzel with really long hair.

Anchoring guy who drew something for humble bundle thread

Fishing has always been one of if not the most common minigame in any JRPG for decades

Requesting Charsi, the thicc Amazon blacksmith from Act 1 of Diablo 2, working at the forge.

Bonus points if there's one normal variant one other variant that has her in naked apron

here you go hope you like it.

Virgin killer requests?

Requesting May Lee (KoF) and Jae Hoon (Garou) on a romantic dinner date

Bonus points of Kim Kaphwan secretly gives the thumbs up in the background

Requesting Raiden and Genji arguing over anime

Requesting Nephele, from Hellenica, fixing some gadgets or inventing something new.

Nephele in a Greek/toga inspired version of the Virgin killer sweater would also be pretty nice.

Requesting Vivian sitting on a couch upside down playing games

Requesting the female office worker frolicking in the Ula'ula meadow. She said it could be a painting, so I'd like to see it.

And what game is she from user? Or did you request in the wrong thread?
other than that, leave.

I want newfags to leave.

I really wish she wasn't connected to a whole cavalcade of bullshit, cause I really love her design.
It's not fair.

I would like to request JC Denton and the MC from Persona 3 hanging out at a bar.

Just chilling after saving the world.

Alternatively, a clothes swap would be pretty cool, too.

For some inspiration:

She was supposed to be developed for some game than some BS happened. She essentially became the poster child for a certain movement.

She's a product of Sup Forums culture so she's legit.

Requesting Riju wearing a micro bikini.

Requesting someone ringing Bellringer's bell earrings to her annoyance.

>Sup Forums culture
So are lol threads and e-celebs but they aren't accepted either

Guess I'm the one who should leave

Characters from LoL have been requested and drawn here, so I don't know what you are getting at.

I can grant that Vivian James hasn't been in a vidya yet. Maybe. Can someone please check?

>trying to reverse psychology this hard for bimbo mariel lewds
you asked for it


Requesting Eirika lifting up her skirt, revealing her panties and embarrassedly looking away.

I think he means the ones with loss

>She was supposed to be developed for some game
if she aint in a game then she aint vidya

>Characters from LoL have been requested and drawn here
but league is a video game with characters from said game


so are e-celebs and console-tans and vidya OCs

NOt this Sup Forums anymore apaprently. But the one in the 8 place

Would Vivian James nake more sense in the console-tan thread?

I just wanted to request Vivian, why is everyone arguing

Because your waifu is shit.

try /trash/ or Sup Forums

she's not even my waifu, I just like her design.

>generic casual clothes and plain anime hair
im sure there are better ones out there

She's way too OC and Sup Forums for Sup Forums

>his opinion

yeah and its shit

user just let your request be. Vivian James requests were done here previously.

You could also try Sup Forumss OC threads

holy shit i just realised that her name says video games

Is the Mexican still infesting these threads?


Why don't you scroll up and see

Requesting Sabrina pulling her pants up or down with her ass visible with thong on or simply just her bare ass.

Who, the tharja guy? Heard he was temporary banned, but dunno really, I still see requests involving that character.

requesting r.mika and juri passionately kissing and caressing each other

Requesting 2B soaking wet with her clothes sticking to her body.

Requesting Bel-Chandra from Aura Kingdom getting those beautiful blue moons of her behind squeezed, with a thumb going into her asshole for good measure.

Feel free to simplify her armor/design, or even give her slender arms to match her figure.

Requesting some more of Velvet in this sexy black dress. I just want to see Velvet's curves in this sexy black dress.

Hope the booru is still getting updated, good job guys