Wait, what?

Wait, what?

Other urls found in this thread:





you really expect anyone to read all that shit?




I need the Knuckles shop

I design your eyes

It's almost like they've given up on making their games look good so they just lean into their incompetency for comedic effect.

What is being said here?

Ryder's reaction looks like someone just said something unbelievably stupid and she's taking a moment to process how stupid it was before turning and giving blonde lady a "did you just hear that?" look

Serious question.

Who the FUCK was in charge? Did they even had a QA team? Were the animations made with a Microsoft Kinect by a drunk down syndrome and the facial capture by a guy with parkingstons? Why are they just realeasing this fucking thing like this?

Every time a new webm comes out I just laugh more and more of how bad it all looks.
I guess you could forgive it if gameplay was alright but they seem to just WANT to make it look so shit all over the place it's actually sickening to my lungs because I'm dying of laughter.

>roughly 200 words is too much to read
Let me guess, American?

They most of their money on marketing. The last little bit of budget went to outsourcing the game to India.

These aren't real right? They're like some Garry's mod shit right?

this board is literally full with these threads. I had no idea they were even making a new mass effect till all this shit starting getting regurgitated every 6hrs for the past 3 months

at this point I think it must be very clever shilling

No, I think what he meant was more along the lines of you're too irrelevant to read your needlessly long, yet ultimately useless opinion.

"roughly 200"


Let me guess, uneducated?

>Make a game so shit people buy it just to have a laugh at it with friends

This gen's Ride To Hell Retribution?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the resemblance between this shit and Gmod.


The chick with the short hair is for sex

>Ryder runs like a real human
Sure, one wearing a back brace who can't move his shoulders properly
>jump jets
This was a good improvement
>some of the facial animations are wonky
They literally are all fucked. The eyes are especially uncanny valley and just randomly dart around.
>The weapon/armor customization options for your squad mates are lacking but Ryder's customization options are greater than ever, including crafting gear, customizing your vehicles, picking powers from any tree and creating your own load outs
Fuck the core game elements from before, now it's like minecraft in space!
>And it looks like it will deliver on exploration more than any Bioware game released yet
Great, another ocean 2 inches thick. If you don't care about any of the characters and the dialogue is shit, why precisely do you want to do even more fetch quests?

>I'm optimistic for the game, not even cautiously optimistic.
Well then you clearly didn't watch the giant bomb stream from earlier, because they demonstrated how just about everything you are hoping for isn't really there

That's exactly was going on. They wake her up with silly jokes.


I've seen better models posted in /agdg/ unity games

While the resemblance is there, I have seen better animation and effort in what is pretty much a joke and retarded video made on Gmod than in this triple A game.


>tfw they didn't fix the backwards gun animation

>clever shilling



*teleports away from you*
heh, leave me alone kid

She looks like she just recalled that one really embarrassing she did back in highschool.

allies also teleport around in combat

Holy shit. That's the fucking look.


i started off collecting funny mass effect webms but i dont think i can anymore. there are just too many.

It's genuinely unacceptable how bad this game looks. Even Bethesda managed to make it to the modern age of animations, Bioware is the only one still left back in the stone age.

Why doesn't Ryder harness their crew's dimension hopping abilities to fight the robots?


Cryogenics son

What's with that one weird face the Asari pulls?

It's like they actually tried doing something interesting with the facial animation but only for a split second.

this face?

Yeah. I'm not saying it's good necessarily, but it actually shows something more than the bland nothingness of all the other faces.

I just don't understand why they bothered doing it for that one minor event.

I can't comprehend what's happening there. The best I can figure,
>Looks at asari
>oh shoot, asari is looking back, look away towards someone else
>looks over to see a door close behind that someone else
>rejection becomes physical, rocks ship



Is this finally the moment where Bioware get rightfully shit on by reviewers?

Why are they looking that direction after hitting him in the head? WHAT DID SHE SEE?

Please, god. The amount of QUALITY is just too perfect.

>MASSgate 2017

I just don't get how a studio with a budget as big as this can fuck up animations so badly so consistently.

Writing, ok, it's not a straightforward thing, but animations should be impossible to fuck up when you have a big budget. Do shitloads of mocap. Get loads of people spending ages on individual animations.

Just don't leave the animations shit, it makes it hard to take anything about a game seriously.

How the fuck does this game even exist?

This is even worse than bethesda's work

Much worse. I take back all the bad things I said about Todd's game.

Bethesda's animations and models were pretty much on point in Fallout 4, even if the rest of the game was a mess.

>you are now walking manually

What the hell is that effect when she hits the table?

I wanna punch it

If I wasn't lazy I'd shoop that onto constanza.jpg

knocked loose a fat line of blow

Does it even hit her head? Why is she looking away after smashing its head with what I assume is glass? What the fuck blew up on the table from that person hitting the edge?

>"We want the tumblr audience!"
>"This game promotes colonialism shitlord!"

Hey, cool, you can make an Argentinian!

>O-okay bro, but just the tip...

This is the expression of someone taking a sphincter busting turd.

was this game badly made as a joke

The opposite, that's the expression of someone having something pushed up her ass.

>Discover ruins in some lava planet
>Can't land on lava planet
>Hides in a escape pot
>Geth infiltrator and Krogran go to talk to her
Something along those lines if i recall the video correctly

Either way its the expression of someone who's sphincter is being mutilated.

reminder that this is what facial animation looked like ten (10) years ago:


I honestly can't tell if this is a shop, her tits are that big, or the animation fucked up and gave her a breast expansion.

>people still play ME
>people still shill ME

Context? This looks like a really, really bad yawning animation.

you know the rules

Then you're honestly a fucking failed abortion for being so stupid.

Andromeda as a 90s sitcom

>pandering to the downs syndrome crowd

Probably, i am posting in a ME thread after all.

They really have dusty tables in the future.

pure kino

Those tits are edited, right?

Who yawns while clenching their teeth?

this thread is now about posting kino tier gmod videos

Haha, yeah, one. Haha.

Oh. Huh. Well, I guess with the Reapers being Reapery, the Milky Way couldn't exactly send it's brightest and most disciplined.

No, seriously I havent been keeping up with this game because Bioware.
What he said, these arent real....


>"I overheard Bob saying he faps to you."

Seems like every time a thread of this ME comes up, it gets worse and worse.

It's been 600 years, her brother missed her a lot.

Watch the Giant Bomb stream that they posted earlier today. You'll quickly see that none of this stuff is an exaggeration. The animation is that bad. What's worse is the visual distortions that you can't see in these images and clips.


Now put them side by side

Im fucking crying from laughter from these webms and you fuckers' responses. This thread is fucking gold

I've been playing it and while I noticed some stuff like Cora having crazy eyes, it all seemsed standard BioWare animations.
It's just jarring now with games like TW3 or MGSV.

Is there a highlights reel?

This or internal sabotage are the only explanations ive seen

i know it's so epic xD
god i love channing :)

>when you shit your pants while having wet hands


Oh, boy! Time for a Mass Effect thread!