Why do video games have such a negative stigmatism around them? What makes video games any worse than watching tv...

Why do video games have such a negative stigmatism around them? What makes video games any worse than watching tv, browsing your phone, or anything else people do in their free time?

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Games make you smarter

then why im a fucking retard?

Not really true. But then again most things people do in their free time wont make you smarter...

they're newer

Because most "normies" rely on others to have fun. Video games allow you to have fun alone, and that creates a stigma where people think you only play video games because you have no one to be with, rather than because you want to.

Of course, this depends on where you live.

You're slightly less of a retard than you otherwise would have been.

They arent that much newer. Definitely not newer than smart phones and the like, which are perfectly acceptable to devour ones free time.

I get what gou are saying, but movies and television are also something which allows ome to have fun alone, yet they dont have the stigma like video games do

Well there are also certain "socially accepted" shows too. Like I can't walk up to someone and say "Bro, I was watching this one Japanese show called Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" and expect them not to have a reaction when looking it up.

Also going to the movies alone kind of has a "loser" stigma to it.

>general stigma against non-physical hobbies
>perceived as childish
>history of people baselessly accusing them of being the cause to various bad behavior, from violence to sexism to whatever
>perceived as anti-social, whether it's because they're solitary or because you only interact with people over the internet
In the last couple of years there's also
>alt-right attached themselves to videogames

Thank the gamer community

Because retarded normies try to make themselves feel better by making fun of someone's hobby since all they're interested in themselves is gay, boring shit like cars, sports and talking about their retarded friends that nobody cares about.

dumb dumb, read the threads on this board. This form of entertainment attracts full autists that would rather argue for years over semantics and subjectivity rather than have fun and they stop normal people from having fun.

it's newer, plus small scale "just world" fallacy
I assure you, something will come along that makes hardened video game players go "what a waste of time, they could just play video games or something. those [x]ers are a bunch of losers"

shut the fuck up you faggot tripfaggot

now i have to sage this thread just because of you

>cars are boring

>What makes video games any worse than watching tv, browsing your phone, or anything else people do in their free time?
Video games are bigger time sinks. Watching a couple episodes of television is like 1 and 1/2 hours, whereas the same amount of time invested into a video game just gets you past the introductory tutorial these days.

And you might object to this by saying that people binge watch television, which is true. But people also binge play video games, and because games are longer, binging them consumes more time than binging TV.

Finally, video games are a baser pleasure in terms of the way our brains work. The trashiest TV is still above the highest quality video game, because video games exploit the brain's reward system to deliver low brow pleasure in the same way that McDonald's exploits our tastebuds to deliver low brow food. TV even in its most garbage form still engages the frontal areas of our brain more. It's a higher order pleasure, but not by much. This is why people age out of video games – as you get older and older, you build up more grey matter, and the reward system stops working as well, so you favor things that aren't just instant gratification.

thank god my theater has a no singles policy

Because of faggots like you that further reinforces the loser image


And also the fact that when hearing "video games" people instantly think of
or the skrillex hearingt1337 CoD g4m3r community and other childish/stupid shit. They simply dont know about more "serious" games with actual good storys and challenging gameplay.

Had this argument with my girlfriend once. She basically claimed I played too much video games. To which I asked her to tell me how it is any different than her being on her social medias or watching tv.

It's like when novels became really popular, it was treated like an addiction, just like video games. And not to mention this was in the 18th and 19th century. Games are kinda normalized today.

Theyre time sinks and heavily addictive. Think of all of those hours.

>Think of all of those hours
I don't want to

I played 2000 hours of DotA 2 in one year. Hiding depression is not fun

I'm glad I never got into one of those game desu Worse thing was FFXIV were I must have sank several hundreds of hours

Thats the thing though. If you are raking care of the day to dat responsibilities you have, then I dont see how games are worse than anything else people do in their free time. For example, how is 5 hrs a day on games worse than 5 hrs a day watching tv or whatever else?

Because they're fucking toys for mentally and emotionally stunted manchildren.

What's your opinion on this picture?

Because video gaming is almost exclusively male and high test, therefor it's problematic

Take a good look around you on this board.
Video games attracts the most autistic of people and those people breach the fine line between entertainment and wasting your life.

Been there, it get's better but you gotta change your way of mind my man.

Video games are meant for kids but you see more and more adults playing them when they shouldn't be. TV can be for kids and adults. Same with having a phone. Truth is video games will never be socially accepted and will always be synonymous with being a virgin neckbeard because video games are kids toys. If you sday otherwise you are a fucking lonely loser with no girlfriend and in denial.

But what makes them to be for kids?

Old people said it

How are video games more for kids than fucking tv or anything else meant for entertainment?

did some baby boy get butthurt over being BTFO in horizon thread :^) U MAD

>Why do video games have such a negative stigmatism around them?


It's stigma, retard. And they don't anymore. That was back in the 90s and 00s

>watching Jersey Shore Version 2000 THE REMIX is somehow a higher level enterteinment than playing a match of Civ 5

2skinny, I like actual men.

>subtle food analogy

It's newer. People had the same reaction to TV years ago. Soon the older generations who grew without it will die, the new ones who grew with it will become the norm, and everyone will take video games for granted. Then something new will come up and the cycle will repeat.

>cars are boring
wtf man

They are literally toys.

That means you take it in the ass.

>Why do video games have such a negative stigmatism around them?

Moral panic, especially with socially conservative religious groups. There's only recently been some complaints about video games from the more "liberal" side of the political spectrum, if you even want to call those people liberals since they actually hold authoritarian views. Sup Forums blows that way out of proportion, though.

Point is, people (especially parents) like to blame most anyone or anything but themselves for screwing up their children. Although to be fair, I'm sure most if not all mass shooters are simply hardwired schizos and psychopaths.


I'm pretty sure they know about Mass Effect or some othet "serious" trash like that. Or Dark Souls or some other meme game.

>Get off Sup Forums and other social websites that give video games a bad connotation
>Have your own place, usually we have family members and friends that make us feel bad for playing video games

>What makes video games any worse than watching tv, browsing your phone, or anything else people do in their free time?

Women. Watching tv, browsing your phone etc etc. is universal to both men AND women. Majority of ( I hate the word but eh) "gamers" are and has always been male and that's why it has that certain negative stigma

because you arent spending 100% of your time working on your career so that you can provide her with as much as possible because she's a woman and she's oppressed

>browsing phone
too vague. Could be checking important shit/learning something/connecting with others

>watching tv
depends. You can keep informed about the world, watch a movie or whatever a learn how to relate to others, get conversation pieces to make conversation with others, etc

>video games
Cut off from the world, wasting time, learning nothing, just sitting (meaning no exercise/getting fat).
Games are like fast food, completely worthless and a door to problems (fat, associal, etc)

That's like saying anything entertainment focused is a fucking toy

To answer OP's question, I'm gonna say first impressions.

When TV or smartphones came out, it was revolutionary. When Vidya came out, it was nerdy, DnD tier, basement dwelling shit. (and perhaps still is). Of course, it's improving somewhat. Seeing an Xbox or ps4 with a stack of fifas, cods, and maddens next to it in a frat house is pretty normal. The other thing is the inherent weeb-ness of vidya. If you're in the US atleast, you look like an alien if you own any anime shit, even a dbz game is pushing it desu.

>Also going to the movies alone kind of has a "loser" stigma to it.

Of course a tripfag who likes weeb shit would say this.

You only feel like there's a loser stigma because you are a fucking loser.

I did and I graduated this week from my MA, luckily. Thesis defense went bad and my final grade is average, but has nothing to do with gaming.
You never get what you want I guess

>cars and sports are boring and gay

Spotted the fatfuck who enjoys weeb shit and has no friends so he needs to feel superior

I wish the stigma was worse.

mfw i've grown out of video games almost completely, but hooked on streamers and e-"sports".

we fukked, bois.

>muh shitty vehicle
>muh shitty hooligan physical activity

that implies that most people watching tv aren't watching TLC-tier reality shows/sitcoms/MUH GoT

I thought everyone liked anime...

But it is. Proper adults only work.

It is, civ 5 is casual reddit garbage

Just remember people, you aren't supposed to play games. You are supposed to work, go to the bar, get drunk, come home, beat up your wife, demand dinner, pass out, and get ready for work. You aren't being part of the ant farm otherwise, dirtbag. Stop entertaining yourself and join the times. Install Gentoo and join Sup Forums.

if you like watching 22 half-naked retards run after a ball , go ahead
i enjoy cars but maybe because i work with it

I would love a game where you are part of a tribe of a bunch of half naked apemen and you bash each other to pick up a shiny ball. They could also have vehicular combat and run over each other. Does that count?

because of people like

I blame people who play videogames.

Popular anime like DBZ and saturday morning dubs is fine.

Anything else is supertrash though

The trips

So... no Armitage III? REEE

e-sports are fucking garbage m8

Because old people only remember kids playing them, and never had them for themselves.

There's also a non-insignificant number of young people who try to act like old people because they want to be "different" snowflakes. ala Quinton.

cause normies have double standards and dont think

You are self-aware, and that alone puts you above median mean average IQ quotinent

Rust, Conan, Garry's Modding Incident

Not the one you quoted, but i don't and i'll never get what is the appeal of sports. I personally think of them as a way for chads to show off or have mindless fun.

Because normies cannot conceive the idea of someone having fun with themselves

Never said I had a problem with it.

Fuck off back to /r9k/ feels faggot

I hope this is some kind of shitty bait. You may have serious problems if not.

>i don't and i'll never get what is the appeal of a form of entertainment that rewards a combination of good sensory awareness and thinking skills above all else while enjoying a form of entertainment that rewards a combination of good sensory awareness and thinking skills above all else

Cinematic experience/dating sim subhuman detected

Successful people always need the urge to harass people with different interests

I don't know if some people in this thread are baiting.. Oh wait, the entire thread is bait. Anyway, who gives a fuck if you play video games? Who the fuck are you trying to impress.

Hey kids, what's your fucking profit margin? Don't have a job? Geez, you will one day.

Video games are just as recreational an activity as anything you do with others (what is co op btw) and if you care so much for your "reputation" that you don't play them, reconsider who you're trying to impress.

nice try, but i actually play harrpeegees and effpeeasses, and while i have to admit that even normies can play them because they don't require a PHD, i still don't get the appeal of sports.

>Thinking skills
>Literally "run behind the ball like a fucking animal" type of game

>Gaming is a recreational activity


>The trashiest TV is still above the highest quality video game, because video games exploit the brain's reward system to deliver low brow pleasure in the same way that McDonald's exploits our tastebuds to deliver low brow food. TV even in its most garbage form still engages the frontal areas of our brain more.
That sounds like a bunch of buzzwords mate. The reason why normies don't like video games is simple: it's because video games are not socially acceptable.

>implying most video game nerds take the time to even understand the rules, statistics, and history of sports
It's the exact same thing as normies dismissing video games they've never played.

Girls are the absolute fucking worst when it comes to this shit. My girlfriend was the same way. The best fucking part was that she would luterally lay in bed for hours on her phone.

says the fucking normie

>"You are a fucking loser"
>"Says the normie"

>claims to play FPS, literally "shoot others like a violent autist" type of game
>thinks contact sports don't require thinking skills when more skillful, smarter plays reward you with more success while listing a genre that rewards the same with the exception of drastically less need of physical ability
How in the world do you not "get the appeal"?

Because they have the word "games" in their description.

>The reason why normies don't like video games
Normies love video games though

And once again the answer is


Don't do normal kids.

>shoot others like a violent autist

t. someone who bought a ps4 last week, played a bit of Overcuck because he heard it from N3rdy (XD) friend, and got assblasted even with auto-aim because he never held a pad before.

This. Vidya is not good for my brain, or maybe it's a consequence, not a cause, of my stupidity.

Becouse gamers also tend to be antisocial people.
Just play any moba or popular online game and take a look at the chat or listen to the voicechat.

Also people who don´t play them think of them as "toys" and therefore consider it childish to sit alone at home and rage at other manchildren.

Woman generally don´t like games becouse it takes their precious attention from them and keep getting brought up everytime their boyfriends / husbands meet their old friends she wanted him to get rid of from the start.

Nice try yourself faggot, I love FPSes. You should try not being retarded and realize that the purpose of that segment was to mock your garbage description of ball sports.

Normies are so incompetent in something that instead of blaming themselves they blame the game and the entire community behind games because for the first time in their life they can't fit in into a certain group.

>Hey these thing called videogames look cool, let me try
>WTF why i keep losing, not fair, you must be autistic to enjoy this shit!
