Why is monster hunter so bad? As an expert in dark souls games I thought this game would be about the same. But no...

Why is monster hunter so bad? As an expert in dark souls games I thought this game would be about the same. But no, it's full of bullshit. Weapons are slow as shit, like it takes 5 seconds to get a swing off, what the fuck. And then the monsters attack and I roll, but they always hit me. Speaking of the monsters why do they have so much health? Like it takes me 40 minutes to kill this dragon lizard looking thing swinging my giant sword around. Can't even more properly with this thing, i'm stuck with walking everywhere. Fuck this game, never try this piece of shit, don't fall for it guys. This game isn't fun, it's complete shit

I heard it is poverty shadow of the colossus

Git gud.

This whole post just screams troll to me

That said i do find MH to just be incredibly fucking boring

I mean its well known if you're good at Dark Souls you're probably bad a games like MH since DS is pretty easy in comparison

I know this is bait but on the slight chance it isn't; you're a massive retard who should stick to memegames

You guys are missing the point, this is a monster hunter thread.
Really wish Rebellion armor would come back because that is what I'd use for transmog

Git gud.



The same MH thread' shitty opening as always xD Anyway, WHERES THE CIA

>Page 8
Yeah, it's getting to the point where forgetting to put this in the OP is just going to make the thread 404. Or maybe we just need better OPs.

Why do you idiots think making a shitty bait OP like this is the best way to start a monster hunter thread?

I hope they include all the relic sets from 4U, so many were gorgous but none were ever worth using

OP is just trying to start a MH thread, what is it with all the newfags?

kek git gud, OP. I will admit some weapons are objectively better to use than others though.
>Light bowgun
>Switch axe

being the best

it's a game that relies heavily on gameplay rather than story and art so if you don't dig the gameplay, you won't like the game

Monster hunter general thread?



I fucking hate sleepowl.

Interestingly enough I think both Darksouls and MH suffer from the same problems in term of gamplay, namely the shitty camera and terrible lock on point of view.

how would you improve this?

I can't remember if it applies to later games or Bloodborne, but DaS1's camera's biggest problem is that it's treated as a physical fucking object, so it moves on its own depending on what affects it in the environment.

What's the best MH to emulate?

As LBG main I have no issues whatsoever with it, just hit it with fire and get the job done

FU or 3rd, probably. Dunno if 3DS emulation is any good right now.

I don't know why it annoys me so much, but I've barely touched Gen since it came out so maybe I just never got used to fighting it.

So what do you guys think about transmog in XX ?
Good idea or game-ruining idea ?

it isn't good. we'll have to wait years for it to be playable in an emulator

FU for content
3rdHD for SA

how would it be a game ruining idea?

No idea, want to see how it plays out

Also, I'm not sure about Wii or WiiU emulation either, but maybe Tri/3U is worth a shot.

Well that sucks. Pity.

Probably will through ticket hunts. The GX Kirin set was the shit, I love that one.

Oohh right I forgot about CEMU.... then you should just emulate 3U is great.

Wait, what?

I think it's a good idea, some sets are ugly as fuck.

CEMU looks like it still can't run 3U at the moment, unfortunately. Is Wii emulation any good?

Wiis are super cheap right now. I saw one for £25 on CeX last week, might be cheaper on eBay. Homebrew that shit and hunt on Tri away.

As far I'm concerned Dolphin can even upscale Wii games to 1080p@60fps but tri is shit trust me you're better off emulating 3rdHD

I appreciate the suggestion, but I'm not actually fussed about it, I've a 3DS and I'm not the guy who first asked. I was mostly just asking out of general curiosity.

>Tri is shit
Is it really that much worse than 3U?

Yup, 3U with G rank is God tier also it fixed some weapons tree ans added slime.

Tri is barely an upgraded DOS.

I think it's great, but I am going to miss clown suits a bit.

My genuinely unpopular opinion is that Toukiden Kiwami is a better game than MonHun. MonHun's core gameplay and depth might be better, but Toukiden is a far better singleplayer experience thanks to fleshed out AI companions, mythological monsters are cooler to me, the mitama system is cool, and perhaps best of all no material is so insanely grindy that you might have to grind the same monster for hours on end like MonHun.

Having deeper gameplay doesn't mean much when everything else is kinda worse.

I think that you are wrong and retarded, kill yourself

Whoa two trasher threads at once, keep the up the speed shill.

As someone who played Toukiden before any MonHun and recently went back to it, I really couldn't disagree more. There's less grind, faster combat and actual characters, but it's all for naught when the core gameplay is just not as engaging or even remotely challenging. You can breeze through Kiwami with your eyes half shut. The game isn't bad and I'm going to get 2 when it comes out, but it's no replacement for actual MonHun by any means.
Also the monster designs in Toukiden are really fucking dull. And most of them have horrid colour schemes.