What are your thoughts on the Mario franchise?

What are your thoughts on the Mario franchise?

Those fucking lips are disgusting.

Haven't played the mainline since SM64, don't really care for it.

Mario Kart I've consistently played. Mario Party up until they did the communal cart thing. Never bought a WiiU, don't have a Switch, so really I don't care much at the moment.

The communal cart in the party games is what killed it for me. Not as bad as the MK8 roster disaster, but it's up there.

>bowser has 3 sets of biceps

if you think that's disgusting you should see the last page of that comic

Thank God the Mario games don't ACTUALLY look like that.

galaxy games are good. that's about all I care about. the rest have either shit controls or annoying timers.

why are there timers on a game still? it's 2017.
nintendo's stuck in the 80s

how disgusting?

Who actually gives a shit about the roster in Mario Kart though? It's not like Smash Bros where every character is completely different.

It's getting very stale.

It's nice to play as interesting characters and I dunno, having like five marios and three peaches is unnecessary to me.

The last Mario game that truly blew me away was Galaxy 2. 3D World was good, but it didn't have that same appeal that 64 or the galaxy games did (it was more similar to Sunshine in terms of how much it impressed me). Odyssey looks promising, I just hope that they don't make the same mistakes Sunshine did and make sure that platforming remains the key focus of the game rather than collecting.

She gets impregnated and gives birth to like 30 eggs the size of her head.

But the character you play as makes practically no difference aside from which weight class they're in. The only other changes it makes whose head you're looking at the back of and whose voice you have to listen to. The bigger problem with Mario Kart 8 was the lack of a proper battle mode (which is thankfully coming back in Deluxe).


As of now, it's sad from many directions.
Paper Mario won't give up that Sticker shit.
Mario Party won't give up that car shit.
Mario & Luigi won't give up that Starlow shit or 3rd character gimmick that BIS started and now there seems to always be those annoying Giant/3D battles that are just tedious and boring.
Mario Kart is on its way to becoming Nintendo Kart. Also fuck coins, Thunderclouds, Metals and Babies.
Sports games like Tennis, Golf or Strikers are either dead, half-assed or just packed along with Olympics or that Sports pack thing.
And 2D Mario has been a shell of itself for a while.

At least Odyssey seems like a step in the right direction for Mainline 3D, though it never really was in the wrong direction since
3D Mario games usually range from Good-Stellar.

How could they fuck up a board game like that?? I bought a cheap used copy of animal crossing amiibo festival and it's a better mario party game than any of the newer mario party games.

Mario Party 4 through 7 is where it's at though.

Nintendo is really slacking lately in the Mario department, it's like they thought being separate was too terrible and opted for the players to share a car to make it a real party. The only way to fuck with people now is like rolling a one which in turn messes you up too. But you know, catch me playing as the OP character, Spike, in Mario Party 10.

>Mario Kart is on its way to becoming Nintendo Kart.
That one in particular isn't THAT bad, i'd take Metroid as a racer over MORE METAL CHARACTER.

New Topic: Who would be good in a Nintendo All-stars Kart and what would they ride?

Basically just characters from franchises featured in Smash Bros. (minus Fire Emblem.) Give each racer their own unique kart, three franchise themed karts for all characters in that franchise, and then a bunch of generic karts. Each franchise gets its own cup and item.

>Not wanting Marth or Roy riding horses into the track.

Yo I am not throwing a blue shell at a horse. That shit's cruel.

I was wondering why Link wasn't added with Epona as a ride. This is probably the reason.

With that said, it'd be cool if the vehicles had certain abilities like Inkling karts could drop ink to make karts behind them slip like the banana peels.

I lost faith in Mario for a long time until Galaxy. Then Land took a huge shit in my mouth.

The worst part is the old Mario galaxy Team haven't done a Mario game since the original Galaxy. Miyamoto must have ultra demoted them for inventing Rosalina or something.

Oh and fuck them for gutting Paper Mario.

Post the rest you dumb faggot jeez

Just look up Peach/Bowser on Paheal.

easy and boring 3d mario games with new super mario rehashes in between.

paper mario is dead
mario and luigi is dying
mario party is dead
everything is being homogenized with toads

the only thing to look forward to is mario kart at this point

I still genuinely can't see why mario party now has the team cart system in play instead of singular traveling

Brings the whole gang together for a more closer party. Doing things together instead of fighting and screwing eachother over.