Would you play this?
Would you play this?
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I did. It's called Let It Die.
He really couldnt find a better shield than an oversized fire extinguisher?
sure, people dont play souls for the shitty gameplay, they play for the setting and adventure
If you want shit to look all urban just play Let It Die
I'd rather explore the Megastructure in a Nihei Souls-like, really.
Pitching wedge has better moveset
>Wanting post apocalypse garbage
>Not more fantastical grimdark fantasy
So basically Let it Die
I'd play any new souls game at this point. Already done with 1, 2 and 3. Not gonna buy a playstation for bloodborne though.
fuck yes i would
Good thing this game already exists though it's F2P treadmill garbage.
No, the next one has to be a cyberpunk setting or none at all.
>awful movement
Thanks, I'll pass.
Too bad the closest we'll get is a French walking sim.
Yeah I wish they had just made it as a full game. The setting, artstyle, music, and overall mechanics are fun. All the reused assets get annoying after a while and the grind gets old.
>can't play on nip PSN because it requires a local credit card
they just eased up the grind a little while ago
the moving material shop cart now has ALL metals on him
a gritty ninja world with Itachi as MC would be pretty cool, yeah
The grind wasn't that bad to begin with. People just needed to stop being retarded and just send every extra guy out on missions instead of doing dumb shit like guarding. 4 star weapons are more than enough to fuck the floor 40 boss.
Wew. I might play it again until something inevitably makes me stop.
>Let it die is dark souls!
they also JUST fixed the 5 star durability
so a 10% durability katana will still have about 1k damage
It has that urban atmosphere OP wants so badly.
And you're right it's much better.
cyber souls or bust.
Not urban but wasnt there some futuristic souls copy that was being made?
But how about Space Souls?
also "new" decals which are nerfed versions of ticket decals
the new Preinum decals is just for the mushroom soup event
no, just give me this
I might play again once they add more content, after I beat the jackals back in december, there really wasn't much to do.
A2 spinoff?
there IS new gear,
but I dont really recommend grinding for it
all you do is bully really weak haters to death
>A2 spinoff with MGR levels of absurd combat
Do I just send Platinum games my credit card info now or what?
It's an interesting visual, but I'd need some context. Would it be closer to DaS or Bloodborne?
Unless they're Dark Souls 2 faggots
New gear isn't new content for me, the MotorPsycho weapon line is more than enough.
Also I already bullied lowbies by being in california during war and sending out maxed people with gay weapons to level 1s-20s.
unfortunately they've changed TDM rules so cali has been in a loooooooooooooong losing streak now
As much as I love soulsborne, I agree with Miyazaki. This souls gimmick needs to die. Industry would become stagnant if people keep doing the same fucking thing.
It's from the Lords of the Fallen devs and it has the atmosphere/setting of a generic "Halo killer" FPS circa 2006.
If you're gonna chase after a nip franchise, you might as well steal from a nip's take on cyberpunk while you're at it.
does it include a varied amount of terrain or is it just Tokyo
Win or lose, sending reapers of death to lower levels to let them cry about the game being too hard for them was always a treat. Hell if they survived, they got cool weapons.
I think it's trying to convey a modern era Bloodborne but people here are being stupid niglets and they're acting like Let It Die odds anything like that
>rs of death to lower levels to let them cry about the game being too hard for them was always a treat. Hell if they survived, they got cool weapons.
I actually find LiD much harder and full of tension then most souls games
>le modern souls gayme where you play as a hipster douche like my animes!
how about make it bronze age or something unique.
>unga bunga
How about you suck a thousand dicks? Oh wait, that's probably your plans for tomorrow.
what game is this?
You're expecting the people who make x BUT SOULS theme stuff to have taste?
>TSW setting and world
>DS combat
I... I really fucking want this
No. It's generic
>melee weapons
>melee enemies
What the fuck would be the point? Might as well reskin any darksouls game with modern textures. It changes absolutely nothing. Why are people always so hyped on this shit?
hard game 4 hardcore gamers
For a game like this, especially one with Suda's involvement, that trailer always seemed like it needed different music to it.
very light involvement mind you
>Might as well reskin any darksouls game with modern textures.
I really hope you aren't suggesting Blame! is cyberpunk.
Way better trailer.
>no results found
where did you get this OP
i would
>tfw we'll never get a Nihei inspired souls game
>or any good game based on the megastructure concept that actually replicates the feel like what Space Engine did for space fans
>tfw there will never be a game that actually fulfills the promise that we wanted NMS to fulfill
Too bad original souls lore parallels promethian myth, something like that would be unoriginal compared to both.
Well, it's still not that bad.
I can't see proper blame! adaptation into a soulslike-game.That beam pistol is way too strong, enemies too megalomanic or rapid and stuff, it just doesn't come together.
Funny enough, another certain fromsoft title goes great with knights of sidonia exo-suits.
would fucking play ugh i seriously need some news on a soulsborne game hopefully e3 shows something. DeS remaster with little tid bits from the later games. Something....anything
post apocalyptic dark souls? Im calling it right now
>Lost Souls