Is there really a correlation between Sonic and autism or is it all just a naughty little meme that has outstayed its...

Is there really a correlation between Sonic and autism or is it all just a naughty little meme that has outstayed its welcome?

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It's not a meme, I have autism and It's because sonic was my first videogame

Define autism, first of all.

There's a correlation between video games in general and autism. Look at the Mario fanbase, Pokémon, the list goes on. There's an autistic fanbase for everything.

I also have autism and was obsessed with Sonic when I was younger. Still like the series.

I have ass burgers and I love Sonic games, then again everyone 30+ in the UK grew up knowing Sonic a best, most people my age who are into games in the UK love Sonic.

I also unironically thing Shadow is a great character design.

>tfw you are a massive Sonic autist but don't actually have autism
I'm in the minority, I guess.

Are there people with aspergers in the UK who are not white?

you're all using the term autism wrong but whatever, you're kinda right either way.

chilli dogs.

I'm half black.

That's not how it works. You can't self diagnose yourself. Try actually going to a doctor and you'll be surprised.

I have gone to a doctor though. I don't have autism.

Any franchise that can appeal to kids but has depth or appeal to keep them coming back through their adolescence will attract autists,

Think about it the most autistic fanbases, and they are all things with multi-age appeal - Sonic is obviously a mascot for kids, but his nothin personnel edge can keep kids going to at least preteenhood

Ohhhhhh, do you wish you were full white? Do people make fun of you that you are not white and you have severe autism?

I wish it was a meme, but I can't deny that people in the Sonic fanbase have autism. Autism isn't all bad though. A lot of autistic folks are really creative compared to those without autism. Christian Whitehead for example (lead programmer for Sonic Mania) created really awesome fan games and remakes of classic Sonic games. A common trait of autism is making sure everything you create is perfect, as can be seen by the amount of polish, love and care for the original MegaDrive Sonic games Christian Whitehead has put in when creating Sonic games.

Unfortunately autism does have its downsides like social anxiety, stress or anger issues. Many of these traits are unfortunate for those who suffer them, people like Chris Chan or SammyClassicSonicFan. It's a shame that people outside the Sonic fanbase think people in the fanbase act like this all the time, when in fact many don't even act like Chris Chan or Sammy.

Maybe one day people without autism will realize it's not a bad thing, but for now we have to deal with trash heads who adore Encyclopedia Dramatica.

kill yourself


No. Also it's not severe, I have my own place, a girlfriend, a solid circle of friends and a decent job. Life is pretty good, and Sonic Mania is out soon.

Guys like CWC and Sammy will always far far outnumber guys like Taxman, when the majority of Sonic fans deranged freakazoids I think the stigma is justified.

Have you ever played digital roulette in a betting shop or online ? I had a m8 who was addicted to them. He played this machine so much that when the ball first fired out onto the board he knew from the starting frames of the scene what number would come up before the spin had ended. Autists love this stuff, my mother childminds an autistic kid and you arent supposed to give him a tablet or phone or he freaks out on angry birds, hes like 7 years old. I gave him my phone one time and he just decimated the game in a mad frenzy high scoring every level, fucking rapidly. Was kind of cool but he was like possessed, reminded me of the mate on the roullette machine. So yeh autists probably do love sonic, rapid movements flashing lights and shiny things. Makes sense no?

Race-mixing was unrelated to your condition.

This, it's the same with Minecraft and a lot of cartoons.

Yes to both.

And Mariotehplumber

hey it's me james comey we're gonna need you to come to the fbi right now

Kids with assburgers have a hard time understanding emotions. Sonic is a particularly expressive cartoon character (even by caricature standards) so it's something they can actually grasp. So naturally they get their retard strength grip on it and never let go, dragging it through their puberty and into their adult life.

No. But there is a correlation to furfaggotry and autism. Hence why the Sonic fanbase is full of retarded furfags.


>CWC exists
>Is it all just a meme?

No, it's very real user.

Even without CWC, I'm pretty sure Sonic will always be associated with autism. For the most part, people who make a big deal out of Sonic are visibly autistic. I think a lot of people who think Sonic is a good game aren't autistic, but most of the people who spend time discussing Sonic are autistic.

>most of the people who spend time discussing Sonic are autistic

This. You can feel the autistic rage through the computer screen in Sonic Mania threads. You say one bad thing about the game and they go apeshit for no reason.

tfw best friend and gf are both only mildly autistic Sonic lovers

>mildly autistic
How does that even work? What would be classified as "mildly" in the case of autism?

I wasn't diagnosed with the auts but I was nearly diagnosed with ADHD because I was a retarded hyper kid who ran around like Sonic at recess

That being said I could just be socially retarded but I've always wondered if I had the auts

If I had grown up with a Genesis I would have been 35% more autistic but I was a SNES kid so I got obsessed with actually good shit like FFIV, which I could read fully as opposed to my peers a few years later playing Pokémon and not knowing where to go because they couldn't read well

Anyway probably yeah

Autism is a spectrum with low-functioning being someone who can't even take care of themselves even as an adult and high-functioning being someone who can but has quirks.

it's a continuum. On one end you have dense kids who are kinda weird, and on the other end you have kids who can barely function and scream a lot and break shit constantly

>ran around like Naruto in 6th grade
That kind of shit never leaves your mind

Internet autism refers to a worrying obsession without the person caring of his social image and the shame

The reason why Sonic is appealing to autists is pretty simple. The characters are simple and have very expressive faces, particularly the eyes. People with autism have an easier time understanding and relating to characters like this. On top of that, people with autism usually become very obsessive over a particular character in something they like, and with something like Sonic, they can easily make a self-insert recolor of this character so they feel like they are a part of the world, too. The same applies to other fandoms like MLP.

While I agree, I think that's common enough that Sonic doesn't really stand out for that anymore. It was far more unique in that regard years ago. That said, even if people would more commonly associate autism with MLP than Sonic these days, nothing about Sonic really exists outside of autism.

Even if it doesn't get any attention for autism like it used to, it's only public face is autistic people. Nobody else really gives enough of a shit about Sonic to give it a different public face.

I'm actually surprised people still remember Mariotehplumber, I was a wee lad back then and i actually got a chance to speak to him.

My nephew likes Sonic and I'm worried

what did he say

It's quite faint but he told me to fuck off, Trust me i was not fond of him either.

He was just pretending to be retarded. Apparently what he's like on Thebalishchannel is how he actually is.

Seriously? It looks like a fanmade ROMhack. Sonic fans need to accept that Sonic will never return to his glory days.
