What are the best gamemodes?

What are the best gamemodes?

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It's all filled with cancerous fucking shit, every square inch of it, Sandbox keeps true to what GMod was, even then pick servers very carefully.


There aren't any these days

I played a few months ago and boy howdy was that shit gay

>Friend asks me if he should buy gmod
>He's a stupid faggot who asks for advice and then ignores it if it isn't what he wants to hear
>He buys it anyway
>3 Days later
>"Hey dude come play stormtroopers on this server"
>"Are you fucking gay?"
>Try to explain that RP is for gaylords
>He is having none of it, keeps trying to tell me it's "badass"
>This goes on for 3 more days, finally agree to play
>Some event thing happens
>Shoot spawned in droids
>Yoda runs by with the voice of a 6 year old
>Laff externally, get bitched at by permavirgin squad leader for not paying attention
>Apparently this kid got his mom to spend $300 so he could be Yoda
>my friend shoots at a droid, some native American looking ass jedi jumps in the way and fucking dies to my friend(it turns out later he was like 6 as well)
>Event ends after like 30 more minutes
>Friend has to "run 5 laps around the moon pool"
>Lol wtf is this supposed to be punishment?
>Walk into debrief room
>Some faggot asks for my ID
>Faggots in my line are typing "*shows ID*"
>Fuck that
>Walk past
>They get buttmad
>Main commander dude bitches at me
>Shoot him and like 7 other guys before they kill me
>Respawn and apparently get arrested or some shit
>They put me in a tube
>Call my friend a faggot and logout
>Talk to that friend today
>Says he quit that shit because it was gay
>says he's getting a fucking Destiny Tattoo
>Call him a faggot again

I wish good sandbox servers still existed. All the ones these days have friendly fire enabled, blacklisted props, tiny maps, noclip disabled etc etc. I saw one that had the fucking weld tool disabled. It's like they don't even want you to build.

hide n seek

also cinema isn't bad to watch shit and chat

>join cinema
>le epic e-celeb video xD
>meme filled song remixes
>bee movie but it gets faster every time they say bee
>10 hours of shia lebouf saying just do it
>ear rape vid
>ear rape vid
>more e-celebs
Yeah, no.

>That one faglord with the anime player model that only queues hour long nightcore mixes

well you have shit like that or you can go to one and watch anime that are usually pretty calm with little to no meme videos.

Darkrp danktown superior serbs is a good serb. Based madmins, casinos, people act like dicks.

cinema with friends is fantastic, with randoms its borderline traumatic

It depends how old you are. The game used to cater to mature people seeing as sandbox was the main game mode and just learning to use the tools and download mods was a casual filter in its self, but after Gmod 13 it started catering to kids who found their way to Gmod via Roblox and just want to play the simple game modes that their favourite youtubers play.

People still take Destiny seriously? I thought that ship sailed ages ago

Sandbox with friends, Cinema with friends and TTT with whoever. If the servers' shit it's as equally fun to cause shit on it as it is to actually play the game. If you know what you're doing you can get away with pretty much everything

ACF and only ACF.

>he doesn't watch porn/hentai with other people

>playing in RP servers

Fretta was until that autistic cunt Gary Newman decided to release Gmod 13 without fretta support

Oh and Parasite

TTT used to be fun but now it's just pure cancer. 90% of the servers have a rotation of those shitty minecraft maps or teen_room or whatever. The playerbase has also reached levels of autism that should not even be possible. Fucking hell, I used to love TTT.

Holy shit Hogwarts rp wasn't that bad. I enjoy RP servers by just studying the inhabitants of autism but trying to get into Stormtroopers I couldn't even get pass the training stage because every "instructor" that comes in has a voice of a toddler and a really shitty microphone.

Yup, whoever created that Minecraft map has never heard of optimization. It runs like shit on all setups

Is Sassilization ever coming back? I've wasted countless hours of my life playing their bunnyhop and climb servers. I'm fed up of all these shit new bhop servers that have autohop enabled.

Any answer besides star wars or MLP roleplay is wrong

Better off bhopping on CS source

Why are all popular Valve games the cesspool of PC gaming?

I mean RP is gay but then you went on the server knowing this and then didn't RP. Sounds like you're just a fag for ruining others fun.

Every fucking map on TTT had terrible optimization, I don't understand why the retards on those servers would constantly pick shitty pool maps that caused your fps to drop to 15 if you looked at anywhere other than the floor

I just play prophunt and fuck with autists by finding the bigget fucking prop on the map and finding hiding spots for it. They're so used to looking for fuckig tili girls and soda cans in cheese spots that my pink elephant in the room strat works more often than not. I've even picked up a couple chicks thanks to my only competition being legitimately autistic teenagers and anorexic dudeweed edgelords. Nothing I'd bring home but who's gonna say no to free nudes from reasonably attractive barely legal teenagers?

So it was the maps that caused problems? I always thought that upgrading my rig would get rid of the annoying micro stutter and fps drops but they just seemed to get worse. Went from HD 5870 to 980 Ti. I also started experiencing weird lag and sluggish movement. Like when I would stop moving and get pulled back a bit. It's hard to describe. I would love to play some TTT but because it runs like shit and feels so buggy I just don't bother. It's so annoying how all the servers are filled with shit like stupid anime models and weapons that feel like they're in beta stage of development. It's just a big fucking mess.

Not to mention that garry's mod server browser sucks ass. Why can't there be a fucking refresh button?

>join hogwarts RP with a friend for lols
>want to get spells so i can "freespell" and get banned
>attend numerous classes spending several hours on the server
>never get any spell classes
>finally get into wizardry
>learn some shitty recolour spell
>quit the fucking server after wasting another hopeful hour

by the end of it I was second year and only knew one spell
so yeah, it fuckin SUCKS all right

That sounds like a network issue more than anything. High ping will cause rubber-banding like that, and given that most Gmod servers are running out of someone's basement they all tend to have shit connections

There is a refresh button, there's just no stop refresh button so you have to click on a server and hope it doesn't get pushed down the queue before you connect. It's retarded

single player, building complex physics contraptions

Could be, I'm not that familiar with the source engine. Another thing I never understood was when there was like a 50/50 chance that upon loading a new map some textures, especially on guns would get fucked for no reason. As if color depth got suddenly changed from 32 bit to 16 bit. But the lagging and sluggish gamdplay really ruined it for me.

Use legacy server browser, it's the same one that CS:S and TF2 uses

Oh shit I never realised it still had one, thanks for the tip

>joining cinema without friends
What the fuck did you expect?

MORBUS for the most authentic The Thing experience in all of vidya.

Pirate Ship Wars and Ultimate Chimera Hunt are pretty good.

Most of the other stuff is gone, swallowed up by RP and TTT.

>Ultimate Chimera Hunt
God don't remind me, it's like every decent server running it has fallen into the abyss

Best gamemode is sandbox on a good build server with the latest tools and props. There at least used to be great build servers where people built cars, mechs, tanks, aircraft and all kinds of cool shit you wouldn't think was even possible in GMod. The learning curve to that is pretty steep though.

I think TTT is great honestly. Too many uppity moderators and children can ruin a server but it's not a problem I run into as often as Sup Forums states is the case.


HellsGamers Zombie Survival is all I've been playing for the last year, I highly recommend it.

Fretta was unstable all the time, the move to Gmod 13 meant Fretta could've been redone to not be jankily coded, but noone decided to fix it.

I actually kinda like Breach

Gmod is utter trash and the only people who should play it are children.
There used to be good TTT and private RP servers but they are all fucking dead now.
Unless you like having 8 year olds scream "MASS RDM, NLR ADMIN TO ME" in your ear for hours on end just stop right now.
t. 1800 hours in Gmod

I like hearing kids be mad after somehow falling for unbindall after they rejoin the server.
Though that's possible in any source game.

Trouble in terrorist town with 10 of your friends.