Describe a game with a Tom and Jerry quote

Describe a game with a Tom and Jerry quote

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Don't you believe it

they talked in the movie

they talked in that movie

Came here to post this.


here's one to describe all games

What movie is this?

Holy shit I remember
The excuse was that they simply had never had a reason to talk before

Is you is or is you ain't my baby?

The way you're actin' lately makes me doubt

tom and jerry the movie

Hitler did nothing wrong

>Tom u faget
>Jerry u homo loool
>*antics ensue*
>its cool nig lets smash again tomorrow peec nigga

what is the best tom & jerry vidya gaem?


war of the whiskers.

Are they even allowed to show guns in children's cartoons anymore? Or do they all have to be laser guns now?

this one

I hate that smug mouse.

no this one

literally me

literally me

tom was a pedo but so was everybody in the 50s

forgot pic

Why was this allowed?

better times

I with there was a tom & jerry kids gaem


thats not very nice

here play some tom inflation fetish flash game

Childhood was rooting for Jerry.

Adulthood is realizing Tom was right.

But I always rooted for Tom
My childhood cat looked a lot like him

always liked Tom better.

Jerry was just a pest.

where are you finding these pics of me? wtf?!

literally no kid liked jerry

tom had some fucking problems. also this episode game me nightmares.

If I thought you wasn't telling the truth, I'd wash your mouth out with soap.

Tom never had problems. He just has a really rough life.

Man, cartoons from half a century ago had so much personality. The gags with animals, guns, suicide, cross dressing, humans, no voice acting, tom and jerry and looney tunes classic will always hold up

"i want to ____ that mouse!"

I love them and grew up watching them. Some old cartoons are shit and you can tell like those weird cheap tom & jerry episodes. I miss em tho and cartoons today are absolute cancer garbage much like the video game industry is made up of 99% nu-male millennials and marketing.

Tom just wanted to get laid.

They say so few lines in the cartoon, and yet they're dead fucking on

Im ashamed no one mentioned this bad boy.

They either have to be scifi laser guns or so over the top its not serious like a bazooka

What is this, a picture for mice?

>parents rented me Tom and Jerry for SNES
>I was too stupid and young to know what "rented" implied back then
>the manual was black and white
>I decide to color it in with crayon

No, its a picture for ants.

You're a millennial.

that's cute, but I'll do you one better.

>stumble upon a clean new case of small diskettes
>too stupid and young
>write all the games I wanted on the labels
>somehow I expected the diskettes to magically contain them after I wrote them in

Wasn't there an episode where Tom gets existential depression so fucking bad because Jerry's such an asshole that Jerry basically offers to let Tom kill him and he still won't do it?

Renting games was a thing back then? Were cartridge worth something like $20 in today's dollar.

Yes we all are here. But that doesnt mean you are a nu male

Yes, renting games was a thing in the 90s dude.

I'm perplexed.


they were still the same "price"(adjusted for inflation they're way more expensive but hurfdurf obviously)

You'd go to a movie rental shop(Hollywood Video, Blockbuster, MANY MORE) and pay $1 to rent a game for three days(this varied wildly, eventually went up to 2.99 and such.)

all my local video rental store usually charged $5 bucks for 3 days renting NES/SNES but I live in Commiefornia so it must have inflated prices.

So who was Tom's real owner, the black lady or this lady?

The black lady. She was his owner back when he was still named "Jasper."

Ah. I just read it. The white lady was later added in censored versions of the show where they rotoscoped Mammy out and put the white lady in.

Hey nephew, you got a gee-tar string!

i miss when cartoons could be racist and have mammys.

Mammy wasn't even racist. She had the "stereotypical" black accent and speaking mannerisms, but nothing harmful.

This. Tom and Jerry is mostly sound effects and music. Aside from the occasional parody voice. I can barely remember any of them except for Tom singing with the bass.

I never even knew that.

Tru. I think Tyler Perry Madea movies are way more harmful to blacks. But blacks cant be racist.

If anything, removing Mammy and replacing her with a white family is more racist.

>That episode that ends with them sitting on the train tracks, waiting for the inevitable.

this sucks dude


Why old cartoons were so much better?

because tumblr didnt exist yet.

People had a since of humor and progressives didn't exist.

They weren't, really. Tom and Jerry is magic, but then there was a lot of cheap, indistinguishable copy-paste shit like a lot of old Hanna-Barbera cartoons.

"Hey, what's cookin'?"
I'll be happy if someone gets the actual reply they said to this one.

You are, stupid

Tom is a real nigga

There was a time when you had to go to the theatre to watch cartoons, and they were more aimed towards adults as well. Once cartoons transitioned to TV, animation budgets dropped, and animation quality dropped to shit until the 80s/early 90s.

Come to think of it, anyone remember that cheap-as-fuck Tom and Jerry reboot from the 80s? Literally reused the same synth track constantly in every episode.

One more time

>no TV
>no MPAA
>no ''this is innapropriate for children'' people since obviously because these played in the theather where some guy (read: Adult Male, probably head of a house) would probably come in to watch Ben-Hur or whatever and enjoy some cartoons before the main event.
>Disney, WB, Terrytoons and loads of other studios to fill in the content quota


Mammy wasn't even racist, it was an actual thing that happened all over the country

That's like saying a Janitor is racist if before some civil war they were all black

What's the best way to watch this again? I heard there's a blu ray or DVD collection but SOME copies of the set are censored with no black lady in them. That's right, SOME of the sets, with the same cover, disc and everything. I hope I was rused.

What about that time Bugs Bunny shot a nigga for coughing?

It had some good moments though, especially considering that many of the animators from the old WB days like Ken Harris who was the master animator for the Road Runner cartoons did some of the animation.

The episode where Tom preps up a barbecue and burns his ass in hot water and hops away and back cracked me the fuck up as a kid.

I remember nintendo 64 games being $60 on release. judging for inflation isn't that extremely overpriced


Maybe they have some warning on them or whatever, Like when you boot up the collection there is a disclaimer about the episodes being uncensored.

You really have to dig in and see where they are.

This censored bullshit really gets on my nerves, I literally grew up with the uncensored versions thinking that literally nothing was wrong with them until I saw the same episodes on cable but with these weird changes, as well as a different dub because not american etc.

What a bunch of assholes.

There's one episode where Jerry gets cheated on by a gold digger, and he's narrating in his head before he joins Tom on the railroad tracks.


O fuck I'm a little kid watching TV now


>a black man showing his own race how not to be niggers and avoid headache by crossdressing comedy

God forbid black people ever got their shit together, how devastating.

>His ass sticked in the picnic stove
>''Eeeyyy, what's cookin'?''