You know it to be true
You know it to be true
cross should always be confirm
cross should always be cancel
It's "X"
>please draw a circle in the box to confirm your answer
Kill yourself.
X marks the spot or X for negative. They both work.
Metal Gear Solid games used to trip me because every other game would reverse the inputs. One of my favourite parts of playing an MGS game is going back a step after passing the "press start" screen.
X accept, O back makes more sense ergonomically
O accept, X back makes sense if you're some kind of oddly OCD person who is constantly craning your neck down to look at the face buttons
Circle is zero which is null dumbshit
X marks the spot
Quit trying to push your nip nonsense
X accept, Square back makes the most sense ergonomically
Cross is my "Do everything" button. If I press X and my character doesn't attack or talk to people it's awkward as fuck.
The bottommost button on the controller should always be accept and right one back. It doesn't matter what symbol or letter is on those buttons.
2 checks make an X.
>not using YXBA
No, I think moving your finger back and forth is important for a sort of trigger-discipline like motion.
>tfw remembering playing KH2FM on an emulator
>X is jump and O is attack
>spend a while trying to get used to it but it doesn't feel right
>just switch the button prompts around because the Japs are weird
I think O is better as cancel because it is red
It depends if the game is japanese or western.
>when you made your main button on the side to differentiate from nintendo but devs just made X the main button in 90% of games
X is better as cancel because it's a fucking X
No, I can open my eyes all the way.
A = accept
B = back
> x is better because of reason
> no o I better for other reason
Anyone else prefer that its always the bottom-most or largest face button that's confirm, and the symbol is irrelevant?
This is why its all fucked up
Japs made the NES controller backwards right to left instead of the proper left to right
>sonytoadies eating themselves over buttons
japs read right to left
Literally because it's closest to the analogue stick
The main button A is the one closer to the hand.
X is accept
Triangle is cancel
I know that's what I'm saying
That's why there is a massive difference in how Japanese and Westerners naturally feel comfortable with the placement
fuck off with this console shit
I prefer the right most button to be confirm if I'm using my right hand.
I love to use o to confirm
it's just weird when I have to hold it to accelerate in mario kart
circumference should always be confirm
this always fucked me up after playing metal gear
In japan a circle means correct and a check mark means wrong
Growing up with PS1/Dreamcast/Gamecube/XB360 I never really had to deal with the right-most face button being confirm outside of MGS games. I've only had a Switch for 2 weeks now and I'm completely acclimated. It's super fucking comfy for some reason... can't explain it.
The accept button should be to the right of the cancel button
>11 years old
>rent MGS2 from the video store without ever having played the first one
>take it home
>spend half an hour thinking the disc got fucked up because I kept hitting "X" on the new game option or whatever it was and it would kick me back to the start screen
>start getting mad because in my mind I essentially just lost my chance to get an M-rated game while my mom was gone for the weekend and my dad didn't care what I rented
Now 10+ years later I have a Japanese PS4 and everything related to launching games uses those inputs yet it's become the "normal" way to me. Ironic.
Just shut the fuck up
no u
>half an hour
What are you fucking retarded?
An "X" means wrong, you mean. A check mark is what's attached to And I'm American, and had college professors who marked exams the same way (circle the correct answers, mark an "X" next to the wrong ones). I don't know why Sony of America changed it.
This. PS controllers are also designed for tiny asian manlet hands and anybody over the age of 18 should find them uncomfortable to use.
No, I was 11 and had never seen or heard of a game that used O instead of X in my life.
>being this ignorant to how the human mind works
People and especially kids who aren't trained to think logically are bound to make mistakes like that.
Wow I didn't know DarksydePhil posted here.
How do you spend half a fucking hour pressing Start and then X over and over without trying anything different?
No he means a check mark, otherwise known as a tick.
The shorty longy kickup that means right in western nations means wrong in japan.
Dualshock 2 and Dualshock 4 are fine. DS2 is a little small but I've been using it for so long it doesn't feel uncomfortable even though my fingers constantly bump into each other. DS4 is great though.
You shut the fuck up too
Its simple binary, circle is null and X is on
ma nigga
I don't really think it matters 2bh
Unless you were having a seizure or stroke it shouldn't take anybody more than a couple of seconds to try a different button
If your really slow maybe a few minutes
But fucking thirty minutes?
Nigga please. I have big hands, and can definitely say that the PS controllers are the most comfortable one's I've ever used, aside from possibly the Sega Genesis controller.
X isn't on, 1 or I is.
It matters because there are three different possible setups for no fucking reason
O for confirm, X for cancel
X for confirm, O for cancel
X for confirm, Δ for cancel
>It matters
Not really
I'm sorry we can't all be child prodigies like you were, user.
I didn't set a timer or anything, autismo, it was hyperbole. It could have been five minutes that felt like an eternity because I was a kid who wanted to play the cool game he rented but wasn't able to. If hitting "X" to confirm things in game menus is the only thing you've ever known and you see it as an absolute truth, it makes more sense to me to assume when it suddenly doesn't work after it always has your entire life that it's a problem with the disc.
I'd be more inclined to agree with this if the X and O weren't blue/red respectively.
Who cares?
You always have to memorize the button layout for a given game, anyway. And system menus and such tend to put on screen which button is accept and which is cancel.
red = hot
blue = cold
X is chi and represents any number BUT zero
It IS on and Circle is off
Like I said simple binary
Wouldn't be surprised if it comes from Japs using an 'O' image when you get something correct, and an 'X' image when you get something wrong.
O for correct / accept
X for incorrect / go back
no fucking shit
You were saying?
That doesn't make any sense in a Western setting.
and the other one does?
where I live a v shape means wrong and an o shape means right
the X button feels better so it should be confirm.
It does when you know what the controller is based on.
Oh, look, confirm is red here too. What a coincidence.
why is B yellow?
>It does when you know what the controller is based on.
That doesn't matter, because that's a backwards (Japanese) Nintendo controller.
The point of AB modification is to match SEGA and Xbox, because anything else would be nightmare for multiplats.
>why is B yellow?
Because it's the Japanese Super Famicom controller.
If they wanted to match Sega, square would have been confirm.
Weird how it says SUPER NINTENDO right at the top, I guess those crazy japs just couldn't make up their mind.
Or there's an entire other territory you're forgetting that DIDN'T have an ugly pink and purple box console to appeal to retarded American tastes.
Isnt this something to do with japanese train signs or something?
>If they wanted to match Sega, square would have been confirm.
Western game developers use A or (or X on PlayStation) for confirm. That's the bottom button on both relevant consoles.
So if you replace the confusing Fork and Circle symbols (which make no sense in the West) with letters, there is only one arrangement, which works with existing games.
Because Asians are yellow
No, it's like having a tick on one button and a cross on the other.
The weird one is the western version, which was changed from the original for no sane reason, and fucked up the ergonomics of literally hundreds of games. You know how many games were designed around the notion that you could hit O to confirm, so they put the menu on triangle for easy access? In the west, you've just got square there, which is a worthless button that was barely used thanks to its awkward location for Japs. Triangle should have been the same, but America cucked us all into having to use it.
What the FUCK are you even droning on about? I guarantee you made this shit up yourself.
It just feels the most confortable to have the button closest to the hand (A for Nintendo consoles and O for Sony consoles) as confirm button.
doesn't your thumb rest on X and []?
No it rests on O.
Are you retarded or something? From a neutral position of X, you can easily reach O and square by rolling your finger. Triangle requires a full lift-off move.
Meanwhile, in Japan, the neutral position of O allows you to roll onto X and triangle, with square requiring the lift-off. Play any fucking game, and you'll see how triangle is far more commonly used than square for useful functions.
And this isn't even getting into the incorrect holding pattern many people developed, where the tip of the finger rests on X instead of square. This arises because square is so useless, the player sees no reason to hover over it.
Yep, no source.
Did you honestly expect me to just believe your headcanon?
Why is this thread so popular anyway?
I just got used since the A button in XBOX and Nintendo consoles is in the same position as O and usually used for confirmation
Pick up a controller, you fucking braindead cunt.
>since the A button in XBOX is in the same position as O
unnatural position, your thumb should rest in the space right in the middle of all the buttons.
Well O for yes and X for no has been the Japanese norm forever. They just changed it around for everywhere else to make the bottom-most face button to be the yes button.
XBOX 360 controller and most Nintendo consoles have the A button on the right side of the 4-button pad.
A is used mostly for confirmation in their games so I am used to press O on a PlayStation controller