So whats the Sup Forumserdict?
So whats the Sup Forumserdict?
>Fantastic combat with tons of options to fit any playstyle
>Great boss fights
>Uninspired map layouts
>Enemy variety runs out by the halfway point
>Story just feels sloppy
Still mad how easy the game ended up being.
The only thing it did better than Souls was the combat.
>awful plot
>boring maps, half of which looked like lazy shit out of a Dynasty Warriors game
>literally 5 types of enemies
>awful inventory management
>need a PROlapse for the game to not run like shit
6/10 would pirate if on PC
another shit sony games that sonybros will hype up because its all they have
if this was mutliplatform, it would have been forgotten in the first week of release, yes its that bad.
wtf happened
>played the alpha, it was amazing..
>played release, literally babbies first souls game..
It was fun. I will finish it after I complete botw.
Bttr thn BoTW
game got insanely casualized.. thanks Japan
>souls is hard meme
this just gets more epic the more i see it wow
Fun, but I havent made it very far, cause I get tired of managing my inventory after every mission and putting points into shit. I just want to dodge and whack shit
Nioh = Equipment-based
Dark Souls = Skill-based
Do you guys agree?
what is skill based about souls games? you press the dodge button and win every fight
Too hard
For me it's another Souls game to avoid.
>Awful plot
t. dumbass who couldn't follow the plot
>Literally 5 types of enemies
Try 15ish. There's 33 monsters in the bestiary but half of those yokai are bosses or reskins.
>Awful inventory management
If you're a child, maybe.
>Need a pro for it to not run like shit
Factually wrong. Its the one game on PS4 that has the most settings available to make it NOT run like shit.
It was an 8/10 that you probably didn't play and are just praying comes to PC so you can pirate it.
I played for about 4 hiurs abd just never found the motivation to turn it on again. The world in souls games are just so creative and meticulous. Every zone and enemy in bloodborne is memorable and eery. Every zone and enemy in nioh is memorable because there's basically no variety. The gameplay is fun enough, but thats because its a shameless clone.
8/10, at its core a very good game, but suffering several big flaws, most of which stem from
>Team Ninja listening too much (Or the higher-ups at KT forcing their hand) to the demo surveys and subsequently dumbing it down too much
>Lack of budget; they've clearly had to cut corners in a lot of places to save money (Severe lack of enemies and overuse of the same areas; same goes with the soundtrack, which is good, but way too repetitive)
A sequel with more money invested in the development (Even if Sony have to get involved at a deeper level) would be fantastic.
not really
you can beat nioh naked just like you can dark souls
this game really draws out the nu-Sup Forums retards like no other has done before
>you can beat nioh naked
Yea, but only if you distribute your skill points accordingly. And unless you want boss fights to drag on forever, you need to use some power up items from ninjutsu and onyomi to make fist fighting deal equal damage to katanas and other weapons.
What? Team Ninja purposefully made parts of it bullshit difficult just so they could say they still make harder games than Souls.
you can easily get weapons upgraded to high levels in every souls game and trivialize everything more than it already is. is souls equipment based now?
Is there anything else to fighting revenants beyond parrying? The fact that they can easily block mid combo while suffering minimal ki damage gets annoying. I always have to bust out my 1kat to handle force-spawned revenants.
uh, which parts? Nioh was honestly one of the easiest games I played in recent memory. I even find Breath of the Wild a little more challenging.
No because that equipment doesn't prevent you from getting one shot or decreases a boss's defenses or causes paralysis.
I'm just too focused on ZELDA and Gundam right now. I'll be back in a week to prep for pvp.
immensely better than any action game to come out in the last ~6 years simply because it actually feels good to play if you're not a boring faggot that does dark souls poke-roll fighting
Love it, platted it, play it even now just for shits and giggles. It's way easier than DS because of the OP-ness that comes with supersets like Kingo / Fanatics / Sanada / WotW/E / Red Demon /.Tatenashi. Just lay aside your DS autism, know this game for what it is - a good action game with average diablo-like loot and really exceptional combat set in not-sengoku-jidai and go mash some bosses with 20k crits from behind. Got an 8.5/10 from me and even a season pass buy.
I told you fags with your complaining that it ruined the game.
Fuck you, glad I didn't buy it. Was going to when played the first beta, but then you casuals ruined it
>I'm only going to cherrypick examples because I'm a fanboy
do you not remember any souls game before 3?
Pretty good, missing a few things like more enemy variety and weapon types but I hope the DLC fixes everything.
You're so full of shit user. Pretty sure you haven't even played it.
Yuki and Oda are pretty rough. Twilight missions are also unforgiving.
>video games need to be a merit badge of le hardcoreness for me to show my reddit friends and get upvotes
name a single difficult video game. I'll wait
I'd give it either or 7 or a 6 out of 10.
It's not a terrible game, but it's not great either. The main problem is that eventually it gets too samey. You see the same enemies far too often (variety is pretty bad) and they even reuse bosses a little too easily. If you do sidequests you'll have seen every enemy type except one or two before the fourth region.
The sidequests also frequently just drop you back into a level you've already been in. Not too many unique there.
The game is also too easy once you know what you're doing. Your powerlevel is off the fucking charts with a million in one ways to cheese and later on you're simply dealing a lot of damage with your 150+ weapon. You have to genuinely be bad and refuse to get better to have true difficulty getting through the game after a point.
And the "end-game"/NG+ is grinding. A lot of grinding. You can't even zip around to hit your favorite levels.
I'm currently still playing it. Decided to dick around with unlimited X builds. A good thing about the game is that respecs are cheap so you aren't really tied down to any one build or have to play from the beginning like you do with Souls.
>Yuki and Oda are pretty rough.
Assassin's Creed Unity
99% of people beating Dark Souls naked rely on pyromancy and lightning weapon buff
Overrated. It starts off with the scores most critics gave it but quickly drops to a 7 midway through with it's repetitive nature and uninteresting environments with PS3 graphics.
Not him but I think Souls is referred to by people with a limited taste in games.
I recommend Commandos and Death to Spies. I also think Nioh is still harder post beta than any Souls game.
overrated shit
I don't think you know what overrated means.
We have BotW, Horizon, and Nier all lined up as the games to buy right now, and Nioh has better gameplay than all of them.
>Paired raiken
How fucking conquered can you get.
I've been telling you fags nioh-Sup Forums posters were real and you never believed me
>Cutting the video mid through
Stopped watching there.
>Not adding weakness, carnage and a fire talisman for additional discord debuff (it'll maybe get applied before the boss is dead in 1-2 secs) for the full rape show-off.
mechanically satisfying and it just scratched my samurai itch
the story was cheesy but so is the whole premise so it fits
the spirit guardians are the best thing in the game
level design and enemy variety are my main gripes but the rest of the game is more than solid so it doesn't fall because of that
Sloth and carnage makes the game accessible to casuals and its what makes it popular actually.
Again, it does in the beginning. I have not touched the game in months after beating the ice bitch and I have no plans to play again any time soon. Might turn it in for store credit for another game.
>game is bad because it's not as hard as souls
>hard as souls
I'd say 90% of modern games are not as "hard" as souls while many older games are harder than souls. Does that make them better? Sometimes.
>mfw moth waifu flew off into.the sky
most soulsfags are pc players that played dark souls as their first """action""" game
>haha watch me fart on the 2nd boss at level 200
>fuckin ez game
First game that made me want to buy DLC expansions. Shame about the LMAO ONIS AND TENGUS though.
At bloody 200 its easily possible to 10sec both of them.
Amrita shards broke the game in half.
No matter what it turns out to be, The Mark of the Conqueror is significant.
Before I say why I need to divide the Souls community into two general groups - Conquerors and Conquered - and quickly define both.
Both have basically been around since Demon's Souls, but the very nature of the Conquered demands that the Conquerors come first. Why? Because Conquerors beat the path and light the way. Afterward, like mold or a rot, the Conquered seep into the community, ever at the heels of the Conquerors.
How is that? Either by a lack of information upon release or due to a self-imposed restriction, the Conqueror goes in blind. Conquerors embrace the challenge From Software has extended with each release in their Souls/Bloodborne Series while the Conquered abhor it. While Conquerors scratched and clawed their way through levels and boss fights, the Conquered poured over FAQs, Strategy Guides, Wiki Articles, Google Search Results, Let's Plays and How to Videos.
Therefore the Conquered subsist by virtue of the illumination spread over From's games by the Conquerors, entirely dependent on it. Overtime they've let themselves forget this, fancying themselves old hands as they bring their borrowed knowledge and tactics to bear on each successive release.
And then here comes fucking Nioh, reminding the Conquered who they really are. And with little to no documentation in sight they hide behind shitposts so they can cling to that "gud" status they worked so hard to attain. Eventually they'll be back. Once the Conquerors have shown the way, that is.
And that's why The Mark of the Conqueror is significant. No matter how superficial, uselessly cosmetic or quickly outclassed it is, it still says I'm not this guy. No, I'm a Conqueror.
Thank you, was about to ask for this
>implying there is no such thing as Way of the Strong
>implying you can't do the same thing with every other boss in the game
This is one of the most pathetic fits of Fedora tipping autism I've seen in a decade of Sup Forums. Good job.
>implying anyone can abuse way of the strong on first play through
I'm playing my first proper STR run in DaS1 and I have to say that's horseshit. I thought not using any magic would make the game harder, but getting hold of the Zwei and DGA just fucking trivialises everything.
At least in Nioh all movesets stay consistent between types of equipment and you need to invest in Onmyo or Ninjutsu to really trivialise the game, any build in Souls can be used to break those games.
I don't see how that's much different from killing most Souls bosses in one-to-five hits from my DGA or other obscenely overpowered weapons or spells. I facefucked Capra with no effort because the faggot's poise crumbles when you hit him once with the Zwei's 2-handed strong attack. The Zwei doesn't even that great STR scaling but it still only took like two or three hits to kill him.
>Being this new
I don't take part in Souls threads, you guys cancer up any discussion about other games so it should be within reason for people to avoid you online as they do IRL. Genuinely the worst fanbase
that's not a lot of HP they have
jesus fuck how much did you grind
>souls fans will play a game they call shit to level 400 to make shitpost webms
Yeah roughly around 40k. Even less on way of the samurai.
99 Heart and skill other stats stays at 10.
There was a glitch that allowed you to afk farm amrita. You could probably just leave your console on for a few hours and you'd have enough to get to level 400.
how do you do it? did they patch it?
You can do that in DaS1, it's called idling in the Forest Hunter covenant.
Yes, they patched it. It was in one of the bathhouse missions and you got those flying head thingies stuck, they spawned amrita indefinetly.
whoops, I missed a digit, I thought they had like 5k and thought to myself "that's about as much damage as I deal right now"
>Falling for a year old pasta
t. conqured
How the heck do I beat the three clones?
>same fagging like a retard
>b-but that doesn't count! you're using broken items! y-you're overleveled!
entirely possible on lv100 with stacking final blow on gear
hit them until they die
You can cannon round them in the face for an easy win if you need to.
I ain't gonna post a screenie to prove it, so have a (You).
>you're not allowed to utilize the tools given to you
It's a sign of bad gameplay design if a rather standard item/skill can trivialize the entire game.
it's not on PC/10
hmm... if only there were some sort of hyper mode mechanic in the game... and if only there were giant vats of piss in the bossroom to keep that hyper mode fully charged...
if it's good/popular I don't like it
if it's shit/unpoular I like it
I'm your average Sup Forums poster
what axe is that axe
>2k hp
>Drops 40k amrita
At least do it on way of the strong if you want to show off.
looks like the european axe with lightning applied, but I could be wrong
Meant water
This is not impressive. This is rape.
Why are people even shitposting this game? Why have they gone through so much effort just to shitpost it?
It's a good game. This is why everyone hates Souls fans, they just shit on everything.
>Sup Forums being contrarian
In other news, in China a sack of rice has fallen on the ground.
I don't understand why Team Ninja couldn't achieve 60fps 1080p settings when the game looks like an early ps3 game.
>Expecting TN to be able to optimize properly
Well, it was originally going to be an upcoming PS3 game...
It's not like the nioh we have in 2017 is the same nioh we had in 2004.