Really? just made me more depressed. in fact, I contemplated suicide all day yesterday. it's usually just half the day

really? just made me more depressed. in fact, I contemplated suicide all day yesterday. it's usually just half the day.

>le deep game review
>le depressed intellectual reviewer
fuck offffffff
it's about butt, legs, and gameplay

> and gameplay

>play game
>getting to 3rd playthrough
>now I depressed
Did I do it wrong?

>fans of taro's games are mentally ill

Tell me something I don't know

Nierfags really are trying to push this game for more than what it is

Literally any game with a defined goal is a game about overcoming depression, if you can read way too much into it enough.

soundtrack is amazing so I guess it can take you out of a depression but so will sweet android ass

what an amazing complete game and that is something we do not get anymore with all the dlc bs

>Automata babbies
>Taro fans

[Game] is about how niggers tongue my anus

This. So much this.
Nier: Automata is just a fanservice game pretending to be deep in order to bait retards like this dumb reviewer, and it is absolutely honest about it.

> But its a Tarogame
> Of course its a Tarogame
> Well its a Tarogame
> No its a Tarogame

Please don't tell me that the PC release will turn this game into the next Undermeme

Hahahaha I suffer from crippling depression too :)

DAE have social anxiety? Adulting is hard, I wanna kill myself everyday LOL jk (but not jk, depression is hard, why doesn't society take it seriously?)

ayyyy lmao are you Joseph Oda?

>new game comes out
>"better write an article about myself!"

surprise surprise, they're mentally ill

>implying it's possible to overcome depression

>just what I needed

that's where you know you shouldn't read the article or click the website.

It's already the next Undermeme

Considering Taro games suck I'm pretty ok with that.



i'm depressed because i finished the game and theres no more game to play now

i wish whoever wrote this actually experienced depression as he claims he did, and maybe thn he could even kill himself if we're lucky! lmfao

>PC only faggots can't play BotW or HZD

It's doomed user

Same here
I replayed original Nier and that helped a bit but I need more
I'm considering buying DoD3 even though I know that one is bad

help me

Is this some kind of clever 4d mind-chess the game bloggers are playing?
Trying to justify that a game with a sexy grrl with delicious butt is liked and bought because ACTUALLY IT'S REALLY DEEP AND STUFF

I certainly hope so, because I could use a picker-upper.

not him but
>game i pirated on my wii u
>shit game i don't care about from a company i already don't buy games from
desu things are looking good for pc + hacked console master race right now

it's deep all right
so deep i can shove my dick all the way in that tight android butt

I sacrificed my save and started over instantly. I missed a bunch of quests and weapons anyway, so it's no big deal. I could have just used chapter select, but eh.

Feels good.

>look at me, i liked this fucking garbage series before it had a passable game!

nier fags are kind of understandable, but drag-on dragoon fans should seriously off themselves if they thought any of those three games were good

i'm deprssed because i actually bought this piece of shit for 70 dollars and i don't have a good game to play now

it's always been the undertale fanbase before the undertale fanbase.

they put wood pulp in shredded cheese so it doesn't clump.

>fuck offffffff
What's with this sudden influx of obvious, obese redditors?


>Overcoming depression
>By playing a game
>With a story involving the technological living legacy of humanity

>And specifically two robots who's successive iterations despite falling in love with eachother are destined to destroy eachother for arbitrary irrelevant reasons

>alongside other artificial life forms coming to grips with the realization their entire Reason for existing was fucking irrelevant to begin with.

shut up retard

It's too bad the first Nier shits on Automata then, huh?

must suck having high standards.

guess that's why you're here, right?

don't assume i go into that place just because i write like a normie

No thats correct.

The thing is, Automata is actually relatively deep as far as games of the video go

And it has hot ass for days

For some reason people have been conditioned to think that those things can't coexist but they totally can

It's really a win-win no matter how you look at it

the fucking last of us is more deep than all taro games collectively

Nier Automata is a great game though. It's wonderful that the writer of the article felt so profoundly.

If we feel scorn, I think it's more of a general contempt for the vanity and pompousness of these journalists. Just the way the title is written is sort of infuriating. I think the de facto perspective of Sup Forums is that it hates that Kotaku clickbait style. Making it out to be about depression is sort of reductive as well. The game has lots of things to say. Obviously the article says more about the person writing it.

Not really but you get a (You) for trying

the game is so deep it goes beyond simple topics such as "depression"

it's basically just evangelion.

but with androids.

Real talk.
No one who say's they are depressed are depressed.
Depression is something you don't come back from no matter what. What these faggots mean to say Unhappy but even then this game jurno is a giant cock eating, nigger assshit sucking, fucking stupid little cunt queef queer cuck.

Why would anyone read this article

why the fuck would I care about what problems this "Sam Prell" is facing

I'm currently sitting here with an obnoxious hemorrhoid that makes sex with my bf impossible, I haven't eaten in since Tuesday morning, and my video card is wanting to die. Even if I had my name attached to my post, it wouldn't matter, because no one gives a shit about my problems, and I don't give a shit about the problems of other people, as it should be. They're relevant to me and the people directly involved with me.

I wish people would stop supporting these fucks.

You might be onto something here.They can't just say they liked Nier and give it a good score without justifing it somehow to their SJW clique.

wow really makes you think huh

Fucking weebs like you don't deserve life

The androids are struggling with a lack of purpose, humans, their creators or "gods", are all dead so they now have to contend with the nothingness of their existence. The game didn't seem to tell me how depressed people should contend with their own nothingness. In fact, it even seems to encourage suicide.

What struck me is how convincingly the fictitious robots emulate human behavior. So many things seem like arbitrary constructs.

tl:dr yes, it's a good game you faggot.

>overcoming depression
I got into a hit-and-run coming home from work the day my game arrived and it made me even more depressed after playing it.

Fuck you user.

I haven't played it but given that it's a Yoka Taro game, i believe it.

so undertale?

>Came to the group orgy where they emulate sex
WAT. Disturbing.

she's literally carrying HIM princess style on the cover. a lot of feminists heavily condone slut shaming. this game is all about womyns rights sorry to break it to you

this game is for reddditors

>JRPG tropes and 5/10 combat make for an unforgettable game

Nier fans are already on par with Undertale fans.

Well there's a sidequest where you have to enter the minds of highly sophisticated robots (whom the writers of the game have deemed to title "Wise Robot") and they kill themselves after having realized the pointlessness and absurdity of life.

There's no "hey! you're number one!" self-help bullshit. It really is a bold and honest game.

It seems more like its for fans of the drakengard series which 90% of people who play this game are not. I really dont think reddit is a demographic for any game besides undertale

>overcoming depression
This guy's a fucking dumbass, you can't overcome depression, you have no control over your hormones.

what happened?

Just because something tries hard to be depressing doesn't mean it's deep, that shit sounds embarrassing.

Shockingly low quality bait, please hang yourself.

self diagnosed depression used to get mentally ill cookie points on the internet isn't hormonal

>you're so smart if you believe that the world is pointless and everything is absurd
fucking echo chamber shit for autists

What the fuck? It's not about overcoming depression at all. Not a single character overcomes their sadness without dying.
The only character who overcomes "depression" has to get his fucking brain erased. How is anything overcoming depression?

Nier's biggest strength is that it's refreshing. Most of us have played plenty of video games. How interesting is it, really, to play a slighly more polished fighting game after you've played tons of fighting games? Taro has ideas and he has the courage to follow through on them. Couple this with strong aesthetics in the audio and visual department and you get a good game despite "mediocrity" from a professional/slickness standpoint.

>bold and honest game

oh lord. please. end your own life.

>ending E
I feel complete, even though I never actually 100% the game.

Automata is the most drakengard-esque game since the original drakengard


He does the same shit in every game of his

His ideas are entirely from anime, so it's really not refreshing if you've ever seen any anime before. Aesthetically his games are ugly trash but that's easy to blame on budgetary reasons.

this game gave me the feels, Sup Forums.

please hold me ;_;

Are you me?

>only got ending A

I think it serves more to illustrate the enormity of these problems and the humility of the people creating it. Rather than presenting themselves as wise gurus trying to sell your their bullshit (snake oil salesmen really) they're saying yes existence is confusing, mysterious, and overwhelming

I'd be interested in what you actually have to say on that rather taking potshots at me and trying to classify what kind of miserable person I am.

That's what people consider deep writing? the most basic and unfounded version of nihilism?

Ah but he has only made like three games the past 15 years in a market saturated with samey bullshit.


I'm going through depression. Should I buy it to over come it now?

Buy it for the opposite effect.

if your depression is real it can't be overcome and it will never go away
if you're just sad about something or in a glum mood or something knock yourself out

>got to live enough to see the Nier/DoD fanbase being ruined by getting too popular

what timeline is this

"The world is so complex..." is hardly a thoughtful insight, and the fact that the game refers to these robots as "Wise" for holding that sentiment and killing themselves because of it is just embarrassing.

>I watched my friend fall off a building and die. He wasn't moving or breathing, but I saw his "thing" growing and laughed. This created a very disturbing memory
Taro knows how to overcome depression.

Not everybody, just idiots.
Of course, anyone claiming Nier:Automata is deep could be baiting too.
This game's main plot is about 2B's ass and when will 9S fuck it.

he's just trying to get meme points

Drakengard E timeline

Well if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I'm not gonna first assume it's a retarded chicken playing pretend

but it presents both sides

Enji is doing a 2B cosplay, so the game really has given people a reason to overcome their gay depression.

I dissected it from its context in the game. It also serves to show the robots capacity for self-reflection and the complexity of their problems. You're looking more into my words than what actually occurs in the game. I can tell you didn't even play it.

I struggle to see how it's embarassing. It struck me as poignant.

If you're a normie for whom depression is just an emotional state produced by hormonal imbalances, it is.

How many endings are there? I just finished route A. I played the first Nier (which is fucking GOAT) so I think I get how this works but does it go through D again or what?

>people said this design was a mistake and too sexualized/pandering