When did they jump the shark with this mode?

When did they jump the shark with this mode?



It could have been a fantastic way to cap it off but they made the mistake to keep going

The aliens. But I prefer MW3's survival mode.

>The aliens

Die Rise and Origins rank among the best maps they've ever done though, but apart from that you're correct.

Black Ops 3. Tranzit was the real start to it though.

Mob of the Dead best map

literally this. But all the bops2 dlc was shit.

I think it was the zombies mode in Ghosts.

i do like how they capped it all off at the end in BO3s last map. just seeing those little bits of all the other maps from the last near 10 years was heartwarming, reminding me of all the fun me and my friends had playing the mode.

we're talking about Treyarch zombies

anything after WAW

black ops was the best cod though

The Black Ops maps were good for the most part though.

There was nothing particularly obscene or outlandish about Kino der Toten. Or Ascension really.

BO2 with the alternate timeline bullshit.

Mob of the Dead and Origins were awesome. What.

Invasion was the only redeeming quality of Ghosts.

Die Rise is vastly underrated as well. Very Ascension-esque.

once the easter eggs started getting arduous in Call Of The Dead

I still like all the Black Ops maps but it was the beginning of the end

The Black Ops were good other than Shangri-la and Five though. Granted Ascension was an easy as piss map.

>treyarch zombies
>no aliens
There are though. Apothicons and Keepers are aliens.

After WaW, it was only cool when it was a neat little mode you unlocked, then they decided it should be used as a selling point for every single game after and they made it confusing with a bunch of convoluted maps and rules.

>Zombies quickly become bullet sponges that'll kill you if they even so much as scratch you

Most hated, i'd say.

That's transhit

Oh yeah.
Fuck that one in particular.

TranZit is the most "what the fuck were they thinking" moment in the entire series, let alone Zombies

yeah, then you get better by trailing them around in circles for hours as even PAP'd headshots are useless and need like 100 shots to kill one out of 10k zombies on the round

fucking twitch fucks, doing their stupid as hell round challenges

should have made it so you can't pause

Man, I've got WaW and Blops1 on Steam with all the DLC, but no one plays them anymore. Anyone want to add me and play some zombies together? I wouldn't mind WaW custom maps either.

Black ops 2 was worst zombies
Black ops 3 is best zombies

What's so good about Blops 3 zombies? I only played the first map and it was very subpar, only the ever so slightest bit better than Tranzit.

I thought it looked amazing and the difficulty wasnt anything too ridiculous, all the objectives keep you busy too. Neat flow but you need people who know what they are doing