Is this the best open world game ever made?

Is this the best open world game ever made?

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I just started playing this for the first time the other day.
It seems alright, I really hope there's a larger enemy variety than there appears to be

Stop false flagging about my favorite game.

Is that Danny Trejo?

It's one of my favorte games ever, but certainly not a very good open world game.

Absolutely not. In fact, DD shines in bitterblack isle where they just give you a huge dungeon to explore and fight enemies. The open world part of the main game is empty and boring as fuck


There's absolutely nothing good about this game that is directly related to open world. I love this game, but I would have loved it even if it was a linear dungeon crawler.

it has easily the best combat in an action rpg, but the open world is really mediocre

the best open world is botw

This. Also this game is overrated on Sup Forums because of pawn waifus

Wrong pic OP

But that's not Breath of the Wild you dumb sonyygger

No, that'd be mount & blade.

Is that the new Zelda game?

I hate this game so much

I actually reinstalled it and played it again yesterday just to firmly plant the seed of mediocrity in my mind

Such a bad generic game.

It's a warlock in tier 5 standing outside of scarlet monastery.

>game name not in image file
>game name not in image
>game name not in ops post
>hey guys lets talk about this game t- faggot op
consider suicide

Keep being a pleb. Dragon's Dogma has its faws, yes, but it's a flawed masterpiece.

What's so good about it besides combat?

Protip: nothing

This desu, it's really annoying if you use the catalog

VA, story, environments, the feeling of being alone in night.

If you've played the game it's obvious what it is. OP don't want to discuss the game he just wanted fans of the game to ease his insecurities about whether or not the game is actually any good.



>using the catalog
>oh look my fav vidya thread
>it's actually child porn general, enjoy van

>he can't instantly recognize a game by looking at one screenshot

Pawns, character customization, music, monster design.

>dat feel when we'll never play completed Dragon's Dogma

it's almost nonexistent, and if you actually think it's relatively good you're pretty much a mongoloid
>the feeling of being alone in night
because the world has a shitty design and is empty as fuck

How is that any different from just browsing. If you saw it, you saw it, there's nothing you can do about it, unless you repost it or deliberately download and ask for more.

If it had multiplayer it could have been fantastic.

As a single-player only experience it is ok.

Who’s this retarded irish man?

Where's my fucking sequel

Absence of a mount or faster way of travel means you either have to hoof insane distances or trust in the waystone (ferrystone?).
Only two towns.
Wilderness outside of the rare giant monster encounter is boring and bad.

Now the combat was fucking stellar and one of the best ARPGs I've played. Most glaring complaints for it is you're limited to three attacks for your primary weapon (it'd have been nice to get a fourth in there and move..was it jump or run, to another button), and two handed swords were shit on by being limited to 3 attacks despite having no offhand/bow. So you literally just get 3 moves while everyone else gets 6 or more total.

>Oh a shield and sword class. That's my jam but they'll probably be boring as shit and just encourage me to play another
>Fighter is amazing and the only drawback is when it's time to climb or used ranged you're in bad luck.

Got to appreciate them making a fun shield class that wasn't just tank and tank.

>You end up fighting on the moon.

wot. Sounds like endless tower is what we got in Dark Arisen somewhat.

Do you think we'll get DD2 soon? Now that scalebound is cancelled all RPG fans have to look forward to is Nier, kingdom come deliverance and mount and blade

... What game is it?

>night time is actually threatening
>map design and enemy spawns force the player to face danger and assess risk when traveling from place to place

All it needed were randomized and roaming enemy spawns

>pawn waifus
What waifu's? The game looked like ass when i tried it and all the girls looked like goblins. Show me these waifu's and i'll start playing.

I wish it had better balance
>main game use whatever class you like
>dlc happens
>2/3 of the classes nosedive in reliability


Holy fuck i didn't know about that, what else got cut?

Probably fucking not otherwise it wouldnt be so bland and repetitive after only oneplaythrough

>/ddg/ is dead
How am I supposed to get my pawn hired now?

become prostitote.

aah the equivalent of andy sixxx shit log threads

hahaha even bethesda games have better story than DD

It's a diamond covered in shit

They talked about it at GDC 2013 I think. Not much is known.

ya this, dragons dogma is good but it's in spite of being open world and not because of it

>They tested mmobux

>night time is threatening.

The only threat were the spooky spooky poltergeists because they would dissipate whenever you did even like 1/8th damage.

Actually I will amend it that when you are starting off bandits are fucking ridiculously difficult at night. But gobbos and skellies and all that were snooze.

Shit that's neat as fuck

Realistically, what are the chances of a real Dragon's Dogma 2?

No, it's the best game ever made because it was a tech demo for the climing in the current monster hunter, and the dungeons were pretty cool. The open world aspect sucked dick though, they really fucked that up

It's really not.I played Dragons Dogma until i burned out and then some and only retired my char when i hit maxlevel but it certainly has it's flaws.

>he didn't get ambushed by even worse enemies
>he doesn't know about the Liches


until grigori shows up again and crushes the little uggo goblin jew man I'd say that's true

DD was one of the earlier games to do the world-changing-cataclysm after you win thing that a few other games have been doing recently

Liches are bitches. Even post game the wilderness was pretty easy.

Now if we're talking island then I am not going to be an edgy toughguy that shit could really melt your face if you weren't good and prepped and even if you were.

He didn't even say anything particularly interesting, why did people screen capped this

>warrior is the worst class
how can one man be so wrong

The whole game should be designed like BBI, it was the only good part of the game and it was fucking DLC

>only 3 skills
>slow as fuck
>despite having a huge sword, is only useful for crowd control

This, no matter how much you want to be like GATSU it's still an incredibly underpowered, basic and unfun class to use

>is only useful for crowd control

>I saw this image long ago
>And ever since I have had the incredibly simple wish to hear my pawn say "Moon wolves hunt in moon packs"

I can still dream for the future.

As someone who has spent easily over 300 hours I can't even bring myself to saying DD is at the pinnacle. Run times pre-portcrystals and even after are an issue, mainly due to the bad stamina system/inventory design. They definitely did a lot of stuff right and I will always love the game.

The real winner in the "open world" genre is none of them mainly because they're always going to be empty and predictable

Maybe if arc of deliverance didn't take an hour to fully charge, it would be different. But really warrior fucking sucks and is basically more a support class than a damage one, so for your main character it's not really fun to be one.

The point is that you can stumble upon enemies at night you aren't prepared for, some that even only show up in the dark. It's a big difference if you face the two like I would tell you near the pffffft at level ten or fourty, which is both possible.

Hell, my first time with the drake was at night. I thought it was a chimera, and then I run. It was great.

I've been enjoying it but the "open world" stuff I wouldn't miss if it was all gone. I'd much prefer a townhub and levels. Same with the other two Open World games I've enjoyed FFXV and MGSV. Give me levels and use the time you've saved on crafting an "open world" on improving gameplay. PIc related my Arisen and her wife.

So what's so good about warrior, because you're yet to provide anything besides greentexts

inb4 cherrypicked webms of one shooting a gryphon with arc of deliverance

Sorc has the same issue for the majority of skills, but at least it has some strategy involved with positioning and charge times, along with huge ass damage and AOE with most of the skills. Both classes would be much better in a game where you can control every character though, compared to other classes

Yeah, and sorc can be actually useful in more than one scenario. For a pawn a sorc can be useful still.

It's challenging enough, especially if you're still using non-BBI gear and still below level 50. Of course BBI will still be far more difficult than anything else in the game. The kind of difficulty in the main game is already rare for open world games.

Fantastic ability to knockdown smaller enemies with the jumping attack, high HP growth can help even after swapping classes in a pinch, physical tank, and heavy targeted damage.

That "cherrypicked" webm is pretty easy to do if you take the time to learn where to hit and how to predict monsters.

have a read

it's preferable if you know something about the game before you start to talk shit about classes that you've never played

It gets repetitive really fast. I wish there were more class skills.

>Fantastic ability to knockdown smaller enemies
Which is mostly useless and if you were a strider/assassin you'd kill the mob quicker

>high HP growth
Okay, I'll give you that

>heavy targeted damage
Come on, warriors damage is average in most places unless you hit someone with a perfectly timed arc, which can completely miss if you time it even slightly worse than you should have

And what did it prove? That they're only useful for crowd control, which I said before.

>Note Mystic Knight and Fighter both have theoretically higher overall HP growth, due to their HP growth post-100 being 15 HP per level while the warrior's growth falls to only 5 HP per level. Both would theoretically lag behind in HP until first the Fighter and then eventually the Mystic Knight overtook the warrior, at levels 128 and 191, respectively.

So not best HP gains too. Sure they can stagger and so on but other classes will kill their enemies in the time a warrior launches someone up.

Well, Assassin and Ranger/Strider are their own beasts. I'm not arguing that Dragon's Dogma is a well balanced game in the slightest in terms of combat.
I'm just listing what is good when you play a Warrior, not that they are doing it better than another class.
Anything pales in comparison to tenfold bomb arrows.

I will say you just aren't the type to enjoy Warrior and that's ok. I adore the class and have a lot of experience with pinpoint charge hits like Arcs so landing them isn't much of an issue, just as some people can get Assassin's counter blindfolded.
But nothing's better than landing a hit so hard the game pauses to make 6 health bars flash, and I'm happy that DD let me do it.

It's a single player game, so there's no issue to worry about roles or minmaxing.

The pawn voice acting is terrible and repetitive

The story is hot garbage and virtually nonexistent and side quests are always uninspired and unfulfilling, especially compared to the witcher 3

I will give you that it has decent atmosphere, but the combat isn't enough to carry all of its flaws

>the fucking moon
That sounds so stupid but I'd love to see what they'd have done.

>tfw /ddg/ has finally died

I kinda thingk that the hybrid classes have spoiled people. It shouldn't be an issue like you said, because it's a single-player game, but you get people that try warrior after they played easy-mode as assassin with a parry window as wide as Grigoris wing span. Their flexibility and huge damage can make them feel like a one-man army with three additional pack mules, instead of a team of different fighters covering each others weaknesses.

Yeah, I feel DD works best when you know the general types of classes and you just go right for the one you want to play, don't think or worry about the others until you get tired of your chosen playstyle.

Though I guess I had the benefit of picking it up on 360 launch so I and the rest of the world had no clue what was effective and what wasn't.

It was inevitable.
>mfw getting back into it, fucking up woke Daimon and Reaperino multiple times and not having enough RC for everything while 0 hires.

I guess its time to let go. I got gud enough to fuck everything solo, time to rest.

>The glorious days of Dark Arisen's initial release on console
>Everyone scrambling for healing since BBI tears new assholes
>Have a well trained mage pawn

It felt so good getting totals like these for days.

DD2 when
DD:O doesn't count

I got around 2mil too back when PS3 was still fresh. Wish I could say the same with PC version, from the moment I started, dropped waited to upgrade GPU, and re-picked I got a total of 500k, the rest I picked up myself along the way but that shit impossible.

I think I'll fire it up 1 last time today and then I'm done. Cant even farm properly without RC and cursed equips are already a hassle.

Lmao this thing genuinely looks like a rat. What were they thinking?

Witcher 3 for Story
Dragons Dogma for Combat