How mediocre would this game be if the character was male and unappealing?

how mediocre would this game be if the character was male and unappealing?

user, people outside of Sup Forums value mechanics.

It doesn't need a cute girl to be good, it's just nice that it's there.

You mean FFXV

But there is a pretty big segment where you play as an unappealing male, and people are fine with it once they adjust.

9S' batshit rage is pretty appealing to me.

Uhhhh... I'm guessing about this mediocre?

>You're suppose to be playing as a robot
>It's actually just a generic anime girl

Why can't we get some cool looking robot as the main character? Why does japan hate FUN?

It would be the same game.

Boners are a type of fun...

As mediocre as my irl life.

So the first Nier?

SJW trannies and weebs would not give a shit about this game if the protagonist looked like a Gears of War dude. Fact.

>metal gear revengence

Everything about the main character was awful and it was still good. Mostly for the music being so hype, but still.

>I'm a 15 year old horndog

It would have been significantly less popular and gotten way less attention and fan art for sure.

There's nothing fun about just having a boner.

If you replaced 2B with a shota everyone on Sup Forums and /vg/ would buy 9 copies of it.

it would be shit desu

>just got Ending A
>Immediately get ending G as soon as I get control of Nines

Holy shit I haven't laughed that hard in a while

Also, 9S feels weird to play as. Am I supposed to be super focused on hacking and letting Tubie take care of everything else as an invincible god?

Also, I missed out on completing like a million sidequests thanks to getting locked out. Namely the photograph ones, because I couldn't make it across the desert to get that memory and figured I'd have to do story missions in order to... and then it disappeared.

>not still enjoying boners well into your 20s

Just breeze through it. 9S is too hacking reliant. Though some people have done work with fist and heavy sword. You can go back and do sidequests after you are done.

the game itself wouldnt change much but its popularity would be really affected

The way to get around it is somewhere around here

>Am I supposed to be super focused on hacking

It's an instant kill for cannon fodder enemies and demolishes big targets, so yeah. Though if you upgrade your weapons to +3/+4 you can still do a lot of melee damage.

Just remember that you can acquire and hack a new target while the old one is still doing that 'explode in slow motion'-animation. It makes the whole process go slightly faster.

Not one bit less. I prefer the 9S parts anyway.

how amazing would the game be if the character had a thicc girl slong on the other side of that ass

I dunno but what I do know is that all games need a female protag with big boobs a big asses and skimpy outfits

>how mediocre would this game be if the character was male and unappealing?
That was the first Nier. But that + better combat = an even better game than Automata. 2B's personality and character was flatter than ur mum's ass and breasts

you mean like how it does have a male main character?
>lol i saw boxart, its just like i played the game xD

One of the few times in games where maximum crazy was justified.

He's pretty hot tho

You mean like Devil May Cry?

But it already has a male character lol. It's essentially the same game. The added bonus of 2b is the tease of her skirt flailing up at times. But it's still an amazing game.

Well 9S is the best character so...

It already is exactly that if you don't find 2Boring attractive because she's e.g. not thicc enough.

>Game about butt
>MC has a normal-sized butt at best
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