Why are so many people shitting on this shrine? It's fair, and works on your favor if you have pairence...

Why are so many people shitting on this shrine? It's fair, and works on your favor if you have pairence. Did you get though it Sup Forums? Or did you skip it? Also, how does this puzzle work on the wiiU? I never had one so idk if it has gyro controls or not.

Prob couldn't handle the lip flip

did it on wii u

just flipped the entire puzzle over and lobbed the ball into the end

fuck the rules

You can flip the puzzle if you can't do it normally.

I wasn't a huge fan of the motion control but I put the maze on its side and just made a ramp down to the goal, it worked pretty good

>turn off motion control in the settings
>this puzzle is still motion controlled


The frustration is with the less-than-accurate motion controls. It took me about 15 minutes to solve because the physical orientation would get out-of-sync with the digital orientation after 30 seconds. And the movement didn't feel one-to-one. If the motion controls were better, I would have felt challenged instead of frustrated.

Consider the following: the devs made it so you could do that. Its part of the rules.
They knew you would do it before you even thought to do it

Motion controls take whatever postion the controller is in when you activate the pedistal as 'default'

just move it slowly and it's an easy shrine.

If you can't do this one a later one with 3 balls and no way to trick it will fuck you up.

Came here to post this. There's something fundamentally wrong with how it tries to use the Wii U gyro in that it keeps resetting its neutral position while you're moving it, so if you try to complete the puzzle like normal by the time you get it to the last bit your movements don't move the puzzle the way you expect them to. Was this any better on the switch version?

I own both version. The Wii U version was way worse to controll. The switch version felt more responsive. Either way, I just flipped it and launched the ball into the hole.

Kinda hard to judge the distance between the part sticking out and the area you need to get the ball in, but I was able to do it. I think I used the trick to make it fall into the last row though.

Seemed to work accurately on Switch, but I still ended up turning it upside down anyway.
I couldn't perceive the depth well enough to flip the ball correctly, and I didn't want to do the maze every time I missed.

On Wii U, the game prompts you to grab the gamepad if using pro controller. The puzzle is really bad for relying solely on motion controls. It plays like something out of Skyward Sword. There's a difference between twisting a tiny joycon and the giant ass gamepad. It was bad.

I kept having to disengage the podium controlling the platform the reset the wii u gyro.

Fucking annoying, leave motion controls in the last gen please.

I tilted it to the side just enough for it to fall out of the puzzle, then quickly slung the board around and hit it like a baseball into the hole.

Not even jokin.

the actual puzzle is realizing that you don't have to do it

I had no issue with it in the Switch version. In general, I didn't struggle with any of the gyro puzzles.

There's one where you have to rotate a fan to turn on 4 smaller fans. I couldn't figure out the real solution, so I rotated it until it reached an exact angle where the 4 fans were turned on.

the maze itself was simple.

i didnt understand how you were supposed to get the ball moving fast enough to make the jump though. the maze responded to my tilts too slowly.

Tilt it to the left so it gains speed, when it's near the exit tilt it quickly to the right so it has a "ramp" and can jump over the gap.

The idea was simple
The execution was difficult due to input lag and imprecise gyro controls

Yeah I realized this reset it too, so I just flipped the puzzle to get the ball to the end, disengaged, reset controller position and flipped it from there. I'm glad the game gives you multiple ways to solve each puzzle, even if some of them are hot bullshit.

Yeah, the other shrine similar to this has the bottom completely covered in spikes.

You have to jump on the button and stasis it, so all 4 turbines are raised and get hit by the fans

That shit pissed me the fuck off

Nintendo needs to fucking STOP with these meme gimmicks

I did by rotating the whole platform upside down