I just lost another game to CSGO because of terrible teammates. I want this to stop.
I just lost another game to CSGO because of terrible teammates. I want this to stop
Okay, stop playing CSGO then.
>terrible teammates
if every person who cited this as a reason for losing team-based online games was immediately shot, the quality of communities of team-based online shooters would skyrocket
We get it, you suck at the game.
You were in every game you've lost.
But there is no other game where you can win rounds 1v5. It's not like mobas that are stuck and limited with numbers, you can just headshot anyone if you're good enough
>OP was so rustled by a game of csgo he made a thread about it
Post the scoreboard then shitter.
you must be over 18 to post here.
Uh, where's the subscribe button on this blog?
pretty much this, if you want to win games get yourself some friends.
go play doom gramps
Unless you're at the very least ten kills ahead of the next best person on your team, blaming your teammates does nothing but soothe your ego. Sometimes your teammates are complete assclowns and that's annoying, but there's nothing you can do besides play and communicate better.
not OP. but when i played non-prime i was often dropping 30 and 40 bombs when my team could barely scrape by. OP's problem could very well be he needs to go to prime matchmaking. When I finally did prime i had easier games.
>play CS:GO casual as a eurofag
>all servers filled to the brim with russian children screeching down the microphone the entire match, not even fucking exaggerating
play competitive. casual is cancer.
>play competitive, solo queue
>first match, smurfs using silver accounts, completely destroy us
>second match, actual hackers who don't make any effort to hide that fact
>third match, manage to scrape a win, but the match took over an hour
>fourth match, a guy on our team insults another guy for being bad at the game, they end up TKing each other all match, those of us who werent idiots played well, but we still lost in the end
>fifth match, one guy goes AFK half way through and never returns, we lose
>sixth match and seventh match were fine, we won quickly
>eigth match, one guy DCs half way through, another goes AFK, but it didn't matter anyway because smurfs, again
>there is no other game where you can win rounds 1v5
stop playing this game autist
>not my fault wahhh!!!
>no, my team!!!!!!
get better and you can carry shitters at your level, i guarantee you're not out of gold nova yet
do you do prime matchmaking? smurfs usually crumble once you use real strats. you need to work at telling your team to do shit in a manner that wont set them off. its easier said than done.
>teammates never call out anything
>if they die they just bitch "OMG NO WAY" without calling out where they just died, leading more teammates to die
>always run into your line of sight/bullets resulting in the enemy either killing both of you, you killing them as they run into your gunfire, or not getting the kill on the enemy
>that one guy with 400 ping that runs around teleporting with 0 kills
>bomb runs the opposite direction of the team and dies
ive been stuck in nova 2 for so long solo queueing is garbage
>But there is no other game where you can win rounds 1v5
Most other teambased shooters you can.
Shouldn't you be on r/gaming?
are you in prime or not?
i feel like you're the type of guy who waits until round 8 to start screaming at people instead of calmly addressing the problems. Even if you do though, sometimes people are just outright rude.
EU or NA?
woops, sorry i wasn't talking about nier or some other gay shit