+Combat is best it's ever been
+PC controls are vastly improved, no more one-click-do-everything
+Scott's voice actor is great
+Most voice actors better than original trilogy
+Good story so far, cannot judge just from trial
+Music similar to ME1, I don't know what the instruments are called but if I say "Wards, Presidium" you know what I mean, it's fantastic
+Lots of loot and character progression
+Some side quests are good

-Most side quests are fetch
-Ultra settings dip to 40 fps, werid since the graphics are same as Inquisition but I run that at 70+. High preset runs fine, mostly around 80 fps.
-Animations, just open any random thread on Sup Forums right now
-Dialogue is cheesy
-Character creator may as well not exist
-Ugly characters everywhere
-A couple of voice actors are disgustingly awful - the salarian and female krogan
-Tedious exploration, still better than DA:I, but it's almost Ubisoft-tier bad + Batman scanning
-Cora and Liam are dull, bland so far
-No class and no limit on abilities

If you can look past the animation memeposting here, the game left a good impression on me. Very unpolished when it comes to characters, but combat is great, story is much better than expected

Other urls found in this thread:

So its mass effect inquisition
Got it

Yeah im pirating it

-Character creator may as well not exist

Come to think of it, fem ryder may not exist too, from what I've seen. The fuccboi looks great by default, and has a good voice actor.

Fem ryder was a tryhard attempt of making femshep 2.0
The end result is a smug potato

I mean, why the hell would you play something other than the default faces in both the original trilogy and this one?

>+Most voice actors better than original trilogy

What you described is 5/10 at best.

>-Ultra settings dip to 40 fps, werid since the graphics are same as Inquisition but I run that at 70+. High preset runs fine, mostly around 80 fps.
Get a better PC, I don't dip below 90FPS on full ultra.

>getting another salarian crew member
>his voice is retarded and he doesnt have any personality compared to Mordin


Get a better PC, I get rock solid 120FPS at maxed settings.

What's your PC?
I've got i5-6600K at 4.5GHz
R9 390
Running at 1080p.

>+Good story so far, cannot judge just from trial
>can't come up with 5 lines without this much grasping
anything that can't be judged from the trial logically doesn't deserve to be counted as a positive either, user

It's just uninspired.
All of their creative energy went into creating diverse cast of human characters, just sprinkle in every race, color and sexuality, but fuck actual personality or unique concepts.

That's what happens when your creative priorities are overtaken by identity politics.

If we're doing that, let's discount Cora and Liam from the cons since there is no character development, and the dialogue too, because we've only seen like 5% of it?

Quick there are potential buyers in this thread, put on your best shilling face.

>+Lots of loot
that's a negative
>-Ultra settings dip to 40 fps
that depends on your hardware

Good for you, I only have a 60hz monitor though, so anything above 60 is fine.

not him but I literally saw uploaded footage of a 1070 with 55 FPS on medium

>A couple of voice actors are disgustingly awful - the salarian
>the salarian
You mean this guy doesn't do a good alien voice?
christ I was going to link a video where he talks about shitting his pants, but hearing him say that Mass Effect is "...morally vague. It's hard to know what the right thing to do is" just seems too perfect in a game that flat out tells you whether or not the decision is good or evil

>Ultra settings dip to 40 fps
the producer himself said that a 1060, a decent current-gen video card, can't even maintain 30fps throughout the game

This game is the ULTIMATE Bioware redpill.

I7 6700 @ 3.4
GTX 1070

Could the game be utilizing hyperthreading

ThisThat's my PC specs and I'm ultra solid 90FPS

>tfw he puts it in your ass for the first time

Sounds a lot like DA:I but with actually fun combat. Good thing there's that access thing.

The game looks hilarious, no way I'm missing out on this space comedy on launch.

Did she take a massive dump there?

Because the defaults are fucked in this one.

Too bad the presets look even worse

Salarian voiced by nu male shitskin, as if I needed another reason not to buy.

How's the multiplayer?

Is that the yawn animation?

Even better than ME3. More normified, fewer characters though. I'm gonna get called shill for this, but it's worth the 40 dollar/euro price just for multi alone, shit was cash

Are any of the characters likeable in this game?

I've yet to hear much other than x character is boring y character is annoying.

Julius is gone Ricky, just let it go man.

The aliens are. The pilot, the turian Kandros, Drack and Vetra seem likeable. There's not enough progress allowed to really judge

Thanks my nigga
Saying it's better than ME3 alone makes it a purchase considering I put so many hours into it.

>-Character creator may as well not exist

>it's a Sup Forums mistakes greedy corporate production for sjw shit episode

The animations are shit because you can afford to pay animators jack shit because of how many garbage fresh-out-of-school animators are in the animation field willing to get paid in nuts and berries in order to badly animate a AAA title and tell their friends they worked on it (as well as put "I worked for Bioware/Electronic Arts" on their CV).


How do these Mass Effect games work? I have never played one. Do I really get to explore lots of worlds or is it just an illusion with some small maps on each planet with objective A/B/C?

Ugly preset faces, but you can still customise your character.
Unless they took out the ability to change nose shape or move your chin up and down I don't see the problem.

>Unless they took out the ability to change nose shape
That's what they did

>We want the fugos audience

In the first one you did get to explore planets but either out of limitations, realism or laziness they were mostly barren wastelands with copypasted dungeons, from then onwards instead of improving it exploration was removed altogether, or "streamlined" as they called it.

Well they can streamline my money out of their sales, i begged for exploration to return for two games. Now they want me back but i moved on.

That last thing.
Usually the appeal is in the story and characters for me in bioware games

In the first game, there are four main planets that you go to explore - Feros, Therum, Noveria, Virmire and one secret one near the end. They're more of a linear-corridor thing. There's also the Citadel space station, the political center of the galaxy, you spend a lot of time there. You can land on a lot of random planets that you choose to and drive around with your Mako, but most of them have nothing on them except some checkbox items, though a few have really neat side quests.
In the 2nd, it's more concentrated on cities on different planets and colonies. The levels themselves are linear, though you have freedom of choosing where to go and what to do in what order.
The 3rd is similar to 2 but on a grander scale, as you go to other aliens' capitals to enlist their help. With the retarded sense of world-ending urgency you really don't even get to explore. Worst of the three, but still not a bad game.

Games with all DLC:

Tweaks and fixes: (*DO NOT* use vsync or high framerate tweaks, breaks the game)


>Usually the appeal is in the story and characters for me in bioware games
gay as fuck

Depends on the game.

ME1 you had Hubs where you could talk with people and get quests. Some hubs had combat area in them, but these were mostly all connected to the main storyline. You can choose to go wherever you want in the Normandy, including some random planets which you could explore with your vehicle, the Mako (you could only really "explore" within a certain area before the game respawns you if you leave the area). Most of these planets had prefab bases which were pretty much mostly the same, and had some sidequests in them. Overall not a great exploration method, but it got the job done. Mass Effect's strong suit was always its world building and characters, at any rate.

ME2's exploration gets rid of planet exploration entirely except for some DLC quests where you get a Hovertank, and even then there's no real exploration so much as it being a "hovertank mission". ME2 lacks any repetitive prefab environments like ME1 and the sidequests are generally more varied, but also less satisfying.

ME3 has jack shit and it sucks.

Since when do Asari have SCALES? Fucking horseshit.

Because of how shitty the CC is in this game, to play as an attractive female you NEED to choose Asian Head 1 or Mixed Race Head 8 and give them better hairstyles.

You literally can't be a custom white female. Not even fooling.

The giantbomb stream killed what little interest I had in the game.

I don't understand how. DA:I's character creator was great. One of the few things the game actually did well. How did they take a step back from that with Andromeda.

Pilot isn't that bad (I find him not trying to be Mordin but better than Joker), It's Salarian Udina that's just terribly voiced.

Maybe that Salarian Squadmate they cut will be DLC


You got to have serious brain damage to play any game made by Bioware made after 2003.


>my father is dead :)
>Alec is dead?
what did they mean by this


How's the nomad? Are the map huge?

>story is much better than expected

Its fucking cliche.

Crossbreed with a pug dog.
The actress they used is really quite pretty, but bioware turned her character into an uggo.


This right here.

Name 2185 games where you travel to another galaxy in search of a new home


just because it hasn't been done many times before doesn't mean it's not cliche

But that's exactly what that word means lmao

>Ultra settings dip to 40 fps, werid since the graphics are same as Inquisition but I run that at 70+. High preset runs fine, mostly around 80 fps.
Post specs.


>yfw they aren't on a voyage of discovery but actually the milky way galaxy expelling the terrible genes and unappealing people.

>giving EA money and justifying their ruination of a once great company

Thanks guys. Could at least get it used maybe?

Oh fuck I'm dying senpai kek

you need more ram

Arkham Knight ran like shit for me until I got 16GB of ram then all the problems people whined about disappeared.

>can only afford the game or RAM until next month

>+Good story so far, cannot judge just from trial
Kill yourself.

>shit game that even reviewers aren't praising
The only ones getting redpilled are the ign staff.

>Ugly preset faces, but you can still customise your character.

The character customization is very limited. You will always have a ugly character no matter what.

that's rough buddy

>Dad Ryder's appearance is based on the preset you choose initially and not on the final face
At that point why even bother.

What, are you retarded? Get the ram. It will help other games. If you still want this stinking pile of shit, there will be a crack by then or at least a sale as EA grabs for any $$$$ they can get.

More like Bioware are shit at writing and creatively bankrupt in general.

The first game wasn't anything too original, but it had a pretty fleshed out, believable world with relatable characters who had a variety of personality traits and beliefs you could delve into and put them within the context of the Mass Effect universe.

ME:A looks like the blandest most cliche Sci Fi setting ever, all the characters seem like pretty bland cardboard cutouts. I don't give a shit if Liam is a proud transabled black man who identifies as a dragon. As long as he's interesting and those traits are explored in a relevant and tasteful manner. However Liam just comes off as a boring guy who has nothing interesting to say.

But how do you know for sure it's the RAM? The game was just using around 6 gigs when I checked.

Pirating it means no multiplayer. You seem very bitter my friend, why don't you findor make a thread for a game you actually enjoy

>why don't you findor make a thread for a game you actually enjoy
It wouldn't be a problem if you poor neets would make 1 thread and jack off in there together. It's almost like that's why we have a vg board. This game looks like ass, get off v

Xenoblade Chronicles X

All last gen too

Is there still lots of planet exploration or is it just blow through the main story and then it's over?

So it's good after all? I don't have to cancel my pre order?

no, it's not good.